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  1. DaevM

    Not proud of it, but hit 0% battery range a mile from home and made it back!!!!

    I just top it up when it drops below 80% - haven't had any problems yet.... { removes tongue from cheek }
  2. DaevM

    Free Energy

    Milky Bars are on you ??
  3. DaevM

    Free Energy

    Hilariously I received an email from them saying use Octopus OCPP to charge your car by Monday or you're back to Octopus Go rates about 2 hours before I got the email from 'Pete' telling me how well I'd done in using 4.88 kWh of extra electricity on Friday, saving me £1.14 (whoop!!) . What with...
  4. DaevM

    Free Energy Wed 21/8 (13:00-14:00)

    6.5kWh again. Car up to 100% from 94 and balanced (?!!?) DHW up to 50° from 41 Dom battery 74-98% ( however solar contributing ). Used 6.48kWh from the grid. It's a cloudy day so domestic battery may/may not have got to 100% by the end of the day and who needs 100% car battery on an LR battery...
  5. DaevM

    Lane Assist Trying To Kill Me!

    Cor blimey Mary Poppins.... Nothin' wrong with sorting yer lippy out at the lights... You know the ones, take half an hour to change ?
  6. DaevM

    Lane Assist Trying To Kill Me!

    ....and I've been 'doing my lipstick ' with no problem for 43 years ??
  7. DaevM

    Free Energy Wed 21/8 (13:00-14:00)

    Currently charging the car at 94% on solar. Will have to go for 60 mile round trip for fish, chips and cider on the beach tonight to celebrate my wife's birthday, just to create a bit of available storage for tomorrow ?? ( for that whole hour ?)
  8. DaevM

    Not proud of it, but hit 0% battery range a mile from home and made it back!!!!

    Aaarrgghhh!!! All those dirty electrons in the bottom of the battery you'll have pulled into the system ? Fill to 110% immediately and drive careful for 50 miles or so... Aaand have AA on quick dial ?? Got down to 2 miles left at Jamaica Inn once, 2230, pitch black, driving into the tail end...
  9. DaevM

    Lane Assist Trying To Kill Me!

    Ultimately aiming towards autonomous transport. This is just the next phase of taking control. - pass the sieve and aluminium foil ?
  10. DaevM

    Lane Assist Trying To Kill Me!

    It is fair enough but personally I'd rather be in control of the car as much as is possible rather than biting my nose off to spite my face. Computer says no when it shouldn't = uh-oh! Until 'they' fully resolve the issues it can stay switched off. Don't enjoy the idea if being a lab rat to...
  11. DaevM

    Lane Assist Trying To Kill Me!

    Yup, fine without any of them, thanks ? . The LKA is so potentially dangerous, as stated in the manual, that I'm happy to sacrifice a few unnecessaries.
  12. DaevM

    I'm sorry but....

    Ask 'em where the petrol gauge is so you can see how much you've put in and where you go to pay ???
  13. DaevM

    Lane Assist Trying To Kill Me!

    I've had a thought ( always dangerous). Everyone is seeing this as a character flaw with LKA. What if it's actually the Driver Asleep Mode assist ? Can't remember proper name at the mo' CDA or something? Anyway, it thinks it detects you falling asleep for whatever twisted reason and carries...
  14. DaevM

    I'm sorry but....

    Reasonable mistake to make. Not only are they very close on the maps but someone has posted a pic of the M5 services on the Tesla service centre site on Zapmap which confuses the issue even more ?
  15. DaevM

    I'm sorry but....

    Hhmmm, will be interested to hear the result. Still not showing as available on my Tesla phone app. Definitely got the ones at the Tesla service centre just up the road from the M5 services, which are the ones I used and then the other side of the M5 at Darts Farm, which I used during May bank...
  16. DaevM

    Poll: Why did you go electric?

    Back in 2018 we'd already done the solar / domestic battery / ashp and my inheritance came in. Hadn't really considered an EV at all but then did. Also paid mortgage off so had that available. Went and looked at a second hand Kia Soul 30kwh ( that I may have mentioned once or twice ? ) and...
  17. DaevM

    Free Energy

    A busy old hour, eh ? ? What I've learned over the 2 sessions I've done it is to remember to delete the overnight schedule on the Wallbox for the car charge. Twice it caught me out, never again ! ? Other than that ashp heated water from 36-50°, domestic battery finished charging from 96-100% and...
  18. DaevM

    Free Energy

    What I would say about this is 2 things. Firstly, it's practising and familiarisation. I may not need it at the moment ( car's at 88% and domestic battery 92%) but it's useful to know how to take advantage of the offer for the future when it will be more financially beneficial and - Secondly, I...
  19. DaevM

    Free Energy

    Mine came through at 1230 on Friday, having signed up Thursday. Didn't even realise I was waiting for it ?
  20. DaevM

    Free Energy

    Definitely not as obvious as it seems. I tried Friday. Programmed domestic battery ( Sonnen) to charge for the hour but not enough. Chose 5kw but for some reason that just kept it at the same level. Will try 10kw tomorrow. The ashp took the hot water from about 30 to 50 degrees in half an hour...
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