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  1. Vingnut

    Heating problem

    Yes, my Luxury/Trophy did that to me right after we got it. Took it to the dealership and they fixed it with a update to the heat pump module. This was in June 23 and it has been fine since. P.S. I do not know if the heat pump or whatever did or did not work, but the heater was blowing cold...
  2. Vingnut

    Jump Starting an MG4 SR

    It is ok to jumpstart the MG4 from another car, but what must never happen is the other way to other car than an EV. In other words, never jumpstart an ICE car from an EV as the EV startbattery is to smal and you risk to kill your EVs battery charger (very very expensive). I think this is...
  3. Vingnut

    Extra USB ports and light

    Where did you buy this?
  4. Vingnut

    Rear Interior lights

    Have you tried to find anything in back of a MG4 in the dark? I have and I can not see a thing back there, it's often hard even in daylight with those tinted windows. This is the first car I had this problem in so some form for light is a priority for me, for now a flashlight does the trick but...
  5. Vingnut

    Accelerator pedal stuck down!

    First as Ian Key said. If this happens again: First brake as you did to controll the speed, then swithc foot on the brake pedal to free up your right foot. Use your shoe tip to gently try to lift up the accelrator pedal. You do no harm to the brakes if just lightly pressing the the brake pedal...
  6. Vingnut

    MG4 Roof rack

    Copied my post from this thread: Thule have two roofbar mounting kits for the MG4, and at least 2 bar systems that fit (Wingbar Evo and Wingbar Edge) as far as I can find on Thule homepage here in Norway. It seem this is the...
  7. Vingnut

    This MG4 is an uncomfortable place to be

    It's been mentioned before but if you find the hvac system fan speed to be to slow or to frisky for your taste in auto, the system has a 3 position auto fan adjusment. Slow, Normal and High, if I recolect right you find it under settings in the hvac meny (think it was a cogwheel in the pre...
  8. Vingnut

    What would make public charging better for you..?

    The cost of setting up fast charge sites is very hard to recoup in a timely manner, as the sums involved are huge. I think we need to be satisfied if the prices for fast charging are more or less comperable with petrol. For destination charging at 22Kw and below I wholeheartedly agree with you.
  9. Vingnut

    What would make public charging better for you..?

    Not knowing code here in Norway, but here a charging site located in another site like say a petrol station is a separate unit, separate services and so on A petrol station has 3x230V IT or at best 400V TN services and not that much Ampere, so the powerlines are much the same as in a normal new...
  10. Vingnut

    What would make public charging better for you..?

    Sorry for the double posting, this post was the same as post #93
  11. Vingnut

    What would make public charging better for you..?

    Mac is in it for the money (his Porsche is costing him a small fortune) and the trips are pure scam, it's becoming a bit too stupid when a guy in Norway spots the bs without ever setting a foot in UK. The problem is like the Electric Classic Cars (YT) pointed out, that any EV driver spots...
  12. Vingnut

    What would make public charging better for you..?

    About chargers at petrol stations, size of electric services the petrol stations have are not a concern. Because fast and ultra fast chargers need their own electric services anyway. Here in Norway we have a lot of petrol stations with chargers ranging from one 22kW and one 50kW ccs/CHAdeMO up...
  13. Vingnut

    Seat and steering wheel heating stopped working. Resolved.

    Well I shovel snow with a "little" help from my MF375 tractor, it does have an excellent front loader with a big snow bucket and a rear mount snow blade. So not exactly a big workout. ? Update. Car is fixed. Heated steering wheel and seats are now working and I can adjust the driver seat. As...
  14. Vingnut

    Seat and steering wheel heating stopped working. Resolved.

    It's been Christmas in between, so what do you think? ?
  15. Vingnut

    Seat and steering wheel heating stopped working. Resolved.

    Update: Good news. Seat frame driver side Luxury/Trophy has arrived and the car is at the dealership. Got a Fiat edoblo to drive to, so still got e wheels. Bad news. They have problems, not enough of the special fuses. I presume changing the seat frame does not fix the problem, anyway new...
  16. Vingnut

    MG4 Frunk now available

    For me the gain is that the area under the upper level in the trunk can be used more effectively for my use, coupled with my intension on keeping the car for a long time.
  17. Vingnut

    Xpower upgrades

    Frozen chargeport door? Do not start to pound or pry on the charging door, it needs to thaw to not breaking the locking mechanism. Stuff I have tried that worked: Start the car and set heat to high, put down the rear seats and let the car get proper toasty. Not working for you? Park the car...
  18. Vingnut

    MG4 Frunk now available

    I'm going to buy another frunk later this year, because it's a pain to empty the entire trunk on vacation to get under it. The way I see it, anything emergency related (except crash related stuff) you can get out of the trunk/passenger compartment is a big plus. charging cable, granny charger...
  19. Vingnut


    I can't, have to combine losses from charging and driving (total losses). It's very approximate as I use the cars reported numbers (close enough) and convert them with driven distance for the same time to Kwh used, again cars numbers and stil close enough. Then I do have exactly consumtion put...
  20. Vingnut


    My Trophy/Luxury having a blast munching on the Kwh in the cold (-1°C to -6°C). Stats December is 1227km/762mls driven. Consumption (as stated by the car) is 25,2 kWh/100km or 2,4 mls/kWh. Mixed driving conditions. Now in -9C I see up to 29,8kWh/100km, since the MG4 does not show consumption...
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