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  1. Vingnut

    MG4 - LKA - NCAP ratings

    LKA was a pain in the butt, now it's just irritating (much less violent). I use it in warning mode without sound warning, so I know when the system is detecting and wants to change direction. And boy does it not like: standing water on the road, cracks in the road, wheel ruts in tarmac, the...
  2. Vingnut

    Is the Speed Limit controlled when battery is low?

    Yes it's for preserving the battery, and because of that no one has anything to do on a motorway with less than 7-8% soc left (soc = state of charge). This car (and most other EVs) do not have linear % soc shown, 100-99% soc has way way more energy than 10-9% soc, so be aware those % soc are...
  3. Vingnut

    What's the effect on battery life of regularly charging to 100%

    First of all 3,8 M/kWh is very low consumtion, I am not even close to that maybe because I do not have anything eco on (like it comfy as we got from -5C to +5C here now). If I plan to go somewhere and it's likely to get close to 15% or lower when at home (10% in summer), I charge at home to...
  4. Vingnut

    What windscreen wipers do you use for the MG4?

    Don`t think I can buy original ones (and do not want to pay dealership prices), mine works just fine as is but the salt and grit from the roads wil destroy them before winter is over (Normaly wipers don`t last a year here).
  5. Vingnut

    tow bar electrics

    MG4 is prepared for canbus connection of the trailer connector, no cutting or splicing of the electrical is necessary if you use the correct wiring set. The exception is, of course, the power supply for the canbus trailer module (which you connect to the canbus plug up on the wheel housing), you...
  6. Vingnut

    Car Scheduled charging software bug

    Make sure planned charging is activated in the app before plugging inn. If not the charging starts immediately and will probably charge to 100%
  7. Vingnut

    What windscreen wipers do you use for the MG4?

    Thank you, I did search there but it did not pop up.
  8. Vingnut

    Do you name your car? If so what did you call it?

    Last one (stil have him) 2007 Toyota Auris 2,0d is called Trofast (Faithful), after 348000km he's earned the name. Our MG4 is Andes grey and is called Gråtass (Little grey) this is the same name ww in Norway use on the old grey Massey Ferguson tractors. Cars and bikes before that was not named.
  9. Vingnut

    What windscreen wipers do you use for the MG4?

    I have noticed several svears to the Bosch twin wipers for their MG4, but can not find the MG4 listed in the Bosch wiper app. So I have two question: What are the Bosch part numbers for the twin windscreen wipers for the MG4? What windscreen wipers do you lot recomend?
  10. Vingnut

    so.. who misses their ICE car....

    I would rater have the Peugeot E-2008 GT from last year, it was cheaper, more quiet and comfortable. Not so good on country roads as the MG4 but as long one drive normaly you never notice. The one thing sinking it for me was no towbar so MG4 it was as the only downside beside more money down the...
  11. Vingnut

    Ledbar Luxury/Trophy and front off

    Nope, it seem to be beside the camera (to the right and very slightly below. He janked the cables out of the plugs to the camera and the radar when he dropped the fender. If that is correct whe can mount ledbars below the numberplate without any problems.
  12. Vingnut

    Ledbar Luxury/Trophy and front off

    Here is a YT video from Magoulas Fabrications, where he shows us how he mounted his led bar on an MG4 Luxury/Trophy. He is taking the front fender off in his quest and have an accident (must se). I think this video is very interesting for those of us that do stuff our selves on the car. In...
  13. Vingnut

    Bluetooth randomly disconnects from phone after a few days

    Yes, but I don`t know how often it will disconnect now. After 2-3 weeks on R46 it did it 3 times in one day, have not happened again yet (2 weeks cince last time now). Before that when on R30 it was exactly like yours.
  14. Vingnut

    Installing heated seats

    Just remember that fuse F44 (Inside car) for the front console power socket is a 15A fuse.
  15. Vingnut

    Bluetooth randomly disconnects from phone after a few days

    Luxury/Trophy. Do not know, I thought the R46 had fixed the issue and then it started to act up again. Clarly not fixed even with R46.
  16. Vingnut

    Car ignoring 80% charge limit

    Norway MG4 Luxury / Thropy / Essence 64 This is as simple as the car vil not stop the charge at set % if the car is not in charge of the charging. I have a Easee Home and if the car is not in charge via the car or cars app charge planner (One see the smalest car display is displaying "planned...
  17. Vingnut

    CCS Communications Problems

    Tesla type 1 charger tip: A little update to the ccs connection heavy cable problem, on my last long trip here in Norway (sadly to a funeral last month) I only used Tesla chargers (less expensive and more hasselfree) the 13 times I supercharged on the trip. I noticed a wariant of the ccs plugg...
  18. Vingnut

    window frames - gap

    Here and the rest of the world to, if it is a 2023 model (what we cal phase 2) as 2022 models do not have it (do not be confused of 22 and 23, it is not the year they are produced but actuall model designations).
  19. Vingnut

    How can you tell which wheel goes on which corner?

    I realy do not understand the problem (I do but refuses to), when I change from summer to winter tyres and the oposit, I put a marker on each valvestem. LF (Left Front) LR (Left Rear), RF (Right Front and RR (Right Rear). I have markers for each wheel and each car I own when the wheels are...
  20. Vingnut

    Seat and steering wheel heating stopped working. Resolved.

    From the dealership, where they got it from I do not know at present time but it was for sure not from China.
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