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  1. Vingnut

    Tutorial for updating maps on ZS EV Gen 2 (avoiding

    I guess you copy pasted the vin? Try to type inn vin manualy, it will not work if copy pasted.
  2. Vingnut

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    R46. My AC joystic works but not the same as it used to. One can no longer toggle Auto on or off when pressing joystic down, pressing the joystic down now only activate Auto, normaly fan auto button but also auto air direction and auto fresh air or recykling air if not engaged. Another change...
  3. Vingnut

    Rear hatch not opening from outside, fix.

    Post this to help others that might encounter this issue. I do not know how common the problem with the rear hatch not responding to pressing the button on the rear hatch or the keyfob are, my phase 1 Luxury/Trophy did this from time to time when on infotainment software R30 (what happens with...
  4. Vingnut

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Yes, and it seem to disappear automaticly when the car does something like reversing or turning in to the mainroad from my driveway (turning signal at low speed and reversing turns on 360 camera). If not using turn signal so the 360 camera turn the HVAC screen stays up. I actually like it...
  5. Vingnut

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    The dealerships have that breakdown for every software module, my dealership read me all the change notes for R46 before they updated it from R30 yesterday and the list was some what long. Happy to say I now can leave the LKA on if I want to as the tugging on the steering wheel now is gentle...
  6. Vingnut

    Regenerative Braking

    @calvoo AAC and TJA is regenerating on slowdown.
  7. Vingnut

    This MG4 is an uncomfortable place to be

    My dealership told me that the magic number is 26 degrees (I use 25) when complaining it took to long to heat up but was ok when at set temp. He said one had to go to 26 or higher to get fast heat up and it seem like he's right, but that cold/warm/cold stuff seem like a software bug. My MG4 was...
  8. Vingnut

    Launch control: is it just for x-power?

    Tried it, it works but kind of bogs down the first couple of feet then it goes. To be honnest, it is almost as fast to just floor it. And if I just floored it and go it's much faster than standing on the brake pedal and waiting for the power to build up.?
  9. Vingnut

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Got an appointment friday to fix my Luxury bluethoot connection issues that is getting worse, and the tailgate switch sometimes stop working. The later can only be fixed by resetting the infotainment system (nothing to do with the switch it self). Understood it to be R46 (but it might be R40)...
  10. Vingnut

    Extra lights for the SE

    The question is: Are the front numberplate and holder fixed to the plastic bumper or is it bolted straight in to the crash beam behind? A thing I would like to know is how a ledbar mounted under the numberplate affects the radar under and behind? I have an Luxury/Trophy so camera over the...
  11. Vingnut

    Extra lights for the SE

    Positive to relay from battery, earth where acsessable (power from battery is fine), atleast on Luxury/Trophy higbeam signal is to be found in fusebox under the hood (according to my dealership when asked about mounting a ledbar).
  12. Vingnut

    A Load of Hot Air

    Go to the dealer and get a heatpumpmodule update (been there done that). Or.... something else if heat works in the car (aka Ismart issue).
  13. Vingnut

    LKA Lane Keep Assist - is MG Listening?

    Last sentence is noted. ? Agreeing with get the updates. Problem is for now: LKA does not work the same all the time, pot holes, road edges, cracks in the tarmac, road markings, maybe a bird flying by (Who knows), all may or may not make the car react. When it's reacting you never know how...
  14. Vingnut

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    No. Some always give you the latest and others are playing it safe and only give you what they belive fixes your problem with minimal risk for more bugs. My dealer (Ålesund Norway) told me R40 was the latest but found R46 when checking after I told him R46 was in use Norway now. Stil he would...
  15. Vingnut

    12v Battery Charging

    The low power reciving aside, the keyfob when pressed yesterday I tested for reach up to 300m + (when using the head amplifying trick). Impressive.
  16. Vingnut

    Courtesy EV compared to the MG4

    Realy liked the Peugeot e-2008 GT, it was quiet compared to the MG4, a bit slower but drives nice. Cosy interior and everything worked as intended. So why did I end up in the more expensive 4 you say? The stupid Stelantis group did not make it so I could get a tow hitch on it, thats why. And...
  17. Vingnut

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    At my dealership (Ålesund Norway) last one was R40 (think R46 has been out a couple of weeks now). It was stated that not all updates fits all of the cars, some get this and some get that due to differences in hardware used in the car (talking Luxury/Trophy). Have this been mentioned in UK? P.s...
  18. Vingnut

    Driver's display too bright

    Is there a solution for diming the ultra bright screens in the MG4 down to aceptable levels at night driving? (Screens are dimed as far MG let me). I turn of the infotainment screen but have to put somthing in front of the screen behind the steering wheel at night (put the car on ACC to keep...
  19. Vingnut

    Lane Keep Assist love.....

    You do not need to wait for the car to boot if it's only the LKA you want to dampen, you can set it to alert at any stage after ready, also when driving. If you then want it to shut up a little scroll down and you got voice of and vibration of to, all can be done while driving. Auto lights I...
  20. Vingnut

    Lane Keep Assist love.....

    I can see in the steering wheel info screen that it mostly does detect well marked lines, it's just not reacting to them.
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