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  1. Vingnut

    Lane Keep Assist love.....

    @tsedge and others. Yeah I was hyper-vigilant in my 20s, then got an ilness and my hyper "bs" was gone and as I was not capable to do the "bs" hours and hours anymore = voluntary no more bus and big lorries driving for me (stil licenced). Then redused to a normal driver capacity and further on...
  2. Vingnut

    Lane Keep Assist love.....

    My Luxury/Trophy 22 R30 LKA is not awful, because it's remembering to keep on low Alert sensitivity, stil it tries to kill me on a daily basis. How you ask? By reading cracks in the tarmac as lines and hurl me towards the oncoming traffic, it could also be worn down roadmarkings, end of tarmac...
  3. Vingnut

    Sore left knee

    Not my left knee but my right sometimes hurts (maybe because my car is LHD ?). Have been looking for a padding for the 4 without any luck. Btw I'm 191cm / 6ft 3in with long legs.
  4. Vingnut

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Think you are right, I'm very intrigued that there are two versions of R46.
  5. Vingnut

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    What my dealer in Ålesund Norway says is that MG Norway do not want to release software versions that are not tested enough. I gues Spain is doing the tests for LHD?
  6. Vingnut

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Could you then please then explain why we with LHD got the same R30/R33 in our Luxurys as you RHD have in your Trophys?
  7. Vingnut

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    LKA tip for Luxury/Trophy R30 I see many having problems with the LKA going on again if having screen set to auto or the car set to park. Instead of disabeling the LKA choose to turn it to alert instead, + set the warning to low (it remember the warning setting). Now it wil only reengage LKA...
  8. Vingnut

    Trophy owners with two tone roof. Did your roof come wrapped or was it painted?

    Cheked my cars roof with a bright flaslight now, it's wrapped. Our car is grey the roof is black with no blue in it, but the rear quarters in front of the hatch has the blue in it. Is it normal to mix this?
  9. Vingnut

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    R46 is (as far as info in this forum goes) the newest update to phase 1 and 2 LR cars. Phase 2 is reported shipped with R33 and R40 (and I guess R46 from now). To be honnest I do not care if the R46 is flawed as long as it's also for the phase 1 cars, because owners of the phase 1 cars are not...
  10. Vingnut

    80% or 100%

    Wow, watched the video now. From now one this video is the way to explain tis, very very clear and nuanced information about LFP and NMC batteries. ? Especially the part of shallow charging is something to be aware off as it feels a bit against my nature to not top up the car to 80% when...
  11. Vingnut

    80% or 100%

    Just one correction Rolfe, most of the battery degradation is done the first year (months) and from then it slows right down, that is one of the reasons for the car companys to "hide" a bit of battery capacity on top soc. Often when we se 100% soc in reality it's 96/97% when we buy the car, and...
  12. Vingnut

    Phase 1 or Phase 2 - How can I tell?

    Well what is your car then, phase 1 or 2? the curiosity is killing me. ? Highsider, does the "handle" (pun intended) refer to a not so nice trip over the handlebars of a motorer bike?
  13. Vingnut

    Charge won't stop at 80 percent

    Not noticable as a one off or two, it's the longer it's sitts on a high charge and the acumulation of these instances over time that count to more than normal degradation. Do not worry over the 85% it' way better than sitting at 100%. Always chek the ismart app before every home charge, as it...
  14. Vingnut

    80% or 100%

    LFP batteries does not need the 100% charge, they are perfectly happy to sit at 80% soc. The problem is the discharge voltage curve is very flat and drops only at the very end (make it very hard to read their soc and calculate range). So it's realy the cars BMS that need the 100% charging once a...
  15. Vingnut

    Phase 1 or Phase 2 - How can I tell?

    If your car has rear windscreen wiper it is Phase 2. Same with 3 rearseat headrests and 18" wheels. Phase 1 2 rearseat headrests and no rear windscreen wiper. 17" inch wheels.
  16. Vingnut

    Charge won't stop at 80 percent

    Well have fiddeld with the 3 apps involved in smart home charging in my house. Very unstable but it seems that I are now using the powercompany app to controll my charger and the car is controlling max charge (will not bet on it). When doing this I screen shoteted the issue of not updating...
  17. Vingnut

    Charge won't stop at 80 percent

    As a side note. My Luxury/Trophy does not stop at set battery percentage (usualy 80%) on ac charging (Easee home), unless I activate the cars charge planner (activating the planner in the car or app does not matter). Are this normal behavior for all the LR cars? For me it destroys my ability to...
  18. Vingnut

    Charge won't stop at 80 percent

    As I mentioned in another thread about this, have you tried to update the car status in the app after changing the percentage? I find that mine Luxury/Trophy does the same but after a status update or two (high left in the remotecontroll tab) in the MG ismart app it tends to change end time etc.
  19. Vingnut

    Battery health setting will not change

    If you reload the car status one or two times in the app it usualy updates the charge stop time in the app. You have to engage the charging planner in the car or in the app. The car (LT/Trophy) does not stop charging at a set % when the charge planner is not activated. At least mine Luxury does...
  20. Vingnut

    CCS Communications Problems

    P.s. the "old ccs communication problem" I was talking abaut, is caused by heavy charge cables making the plug tilting slightly out on top (where the comunication pins are in the plug). So making sure that is not the problem is like the thing to do. Learned this from Bjørn Nyland on you tube...
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