Let's know if it works as a few on here have solved a few problems with this method, fortunately I've not needed it but if necessary will certainly give it a go
Might be changing with Genie , a little bird told me Genie are looking to sell that bit of the. Company , hope that doesn't include Engie , well at least till end of October as their chargers are free in West Yorkshire till then
Wonder which cars have the facility to use this infrastructure wherever it is
Not many I fear , bit like mobile phone technology for wireless charging , the exception rather than the rule
Hope my scepticism is proven wrong
I thought Engie would extend the end date , however WYCA say Engie have indicated their intention to start charging will be interesting to see their proposed rates as I have found them convenient and reliable .
Strange that as I was attempting to get my head round the sat nav and noticed an array of icons showing charging points in the Greater Manchester area
And I have done nothing nor had any updates of any sort
I am inclined to think it is the MG software that is the problem
I can't be bothered raising it with the dealer ,perhaps I should,but I do understand your frustration
Ev my app tell me my MG will not start to smart charge at 12 midnight unless I plug it in after the time , because I like my bed and am damn lazy EV have set the system to trickle charge up to the cheap rate, not overly concerned as the trickle charge actual cost is never more than 40p , if I...
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