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  1. Hotlush

    MG to lose customers for good?

    Whilst part of me is gutted I'll miss out, having cancelled the ZS order, another part of me is looking at issues around general build/software/aftercare and thinking I may have dodged a bullet. The ZE50 I'm having instead isn't the best EV around but I already know it's quirks and, if I ever...
  2. Hotlush

    Check MG ZS EV panoramic roof seal

    Same here but I think it's the bit that looks like shadow and the join is "pointing" at it. That is a quite jagged rip; my guess would be caught on some branches when parked under/near a tree. Or an animal (bird/cat) has taken a real exception to it.
  3. Hotlush

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    I tend to try not crashing my cars.
  4. Hotlush

    MG ZS EV Winter mileage shouldn’t be this bad though surely?!

    Range depends as much on your driving style, and road types/speeds as it does the cold. Long range on motorways is estimated, by MG, at 207 miles. ~186 miles you should be seeing at 100% isn't a massive drop for this time of year.
  5. Hotlush

    Vanarama Issues

    The question I addressed wasn't "should Vanarama enforce that condition of the contract" it was "can Vanarama enforce that condition" and your being unable to understand that simple distinction is your problem.
  6. Hotlush

    Vanarama Issues

    If they're only fulfilling ~half the outstanding orders it's likely dealers are going to be making the same calls soon too.
  7. Hotlush

    It Looks Like Speed Assist Systems Are On The Way For NCAP - Perhaps Default On?

    They changed the side airbags on the ZE50 from head and thorax to head only, but even if they hadn't the ZE50 would have only got 1 star under the updated tests because of it's lack of modern driver aids.
  8. Hotlush

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Update from vanarama on their orders; If accurate it implies if you're still waiting, regardless of who you ordered with, there's a 50/50 chance you ain't getting a car...
  9. Hotlush

    Saved me from a cold night stuck outside!

    Or "pebkac"; problem exists between keyboard and chair.
  10. Hotlush

    Vanarama Issues

    I'm on 7.5p kWh on octopus go but that's the old rate. You can though still get 12p on that rate if you take it now, which would give you 1600 miles by your calculation.
  11. Hotlush

    MG ZS EV charging issue

    Is it a MK1 or MK2? I know the original one had that issue but thought it might have been fixed in newer.
  12. Hotlush

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Iirc he's with motability so effectively a lease and MG are singularly ignoring lease orders to supply the dealers, regardless of order date.
  13. Hotlush

    Vanarama Issues

    I've literally just completed my change of order and they stated the free insurance offer is no longer available on any vehicle. Might be because I changed the order, but perhaps you should ring them and check nothings changed. This you?; "Here's hotlush again boring everyone with his assertion...
  14. Hotlush

    Vanarama Issues

    If you think their reaction to the real world legal situation, and having a link to actual legal advice from an actual legal professional was bad; wait until they find out they're not getting the free insurance, and probably won't get the gift card/cashback either, as both of those offers have...
  15. Hotlush

    Vanarama Issues

    First rule of Dunning Kruger club.
  16. Hotlush

    Vanarama Issues

    It's just coincidence that pretty much every other lease company has failed to deliver any ZS EVs yet and all the fault of vanarama. Apparently.
  17. Hotlush

    Vanarama Issues

    So you don't think them taking a £650 loss on the charger is them taking a loss... The aggrieved sense of entitlement is palpable. Seeing as you can't be bothered to do even the most basic of Google searches, or ask an actual legal professional, I've done it for you...
  18. Hotlush

    Vanarama Issues

    That's not how subcontracting works... your contract is with Vanarama and you agreed to pay £350 for the charger if you cancel. So no actual legal arguments as to why you don't need to keep to your side of the contract. Just a vague hope they won't turn up... Yes, it would be interesting to...
  19. Hotlush

    Vanarama Issues

    Lots saying they will, none telling us they have. That probably means they haven't or they've not rushed back to tell us how much they're enjoying their CCJs and being unable to get finance for their replacement. Of course changing the order with vanarama, to a different car (EV or ICE) is...
  20. Hotlush

    Vanarama Issues

    "Please note, the finance packages offered to you on quotation, save otherwise stated, are offered as fixed-rate, fixed-term contracts. Any rental costs varying in response to fluctuations in VAT, Corporation Tax or other taxes, charges and rebates which may be revised at any given time are not...
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