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  1. MartinSEsr

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    You should do it, it will still save about £80 and it really is a 5 minute zero cost process.
  2. MartinSEsr

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    Brilliant! I should be collecting 10% commission haha.
  3. MartinSEsr

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    Yes, mine took three days to update, it still said 1 June 2024 for a few days then switched to 1 March 2025. And I just re-checked (search for "check if car taxed" and it's definately 1 March 2025. NB it saves £180 not £165 as pointed out above! It's really worth doing. Hi Rolfe So is your...
  4. MartinSEsr

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    Hi, in April 2025, EV cars switch from £0 per year car tax to £190. If your car is registered in March, you'll avoid paying it next year. But if registered in April, May or after, you just miss the cut-off and will pay £190 on renewal next year. This method delays it for a year to March 2026...
  5. MartinSEsr

    Theft Security - UK MG4 Trophy LR

    Do you know how to reverse this? I'm not keen to try it unless it can be reversed if needed. Thanks Bob.
  6. MartinSEsr

    Adjust steering wheel

    That's the same as every car I've owned in the last 25 years.
  7. MartinSEsr

    Tyre pressure: how high can you go?

    I have an SE and noticed the range (and more specifically the miles/KWh) drop as soon as it got cold. The tyre pressures also dropped, they'd been 2.6 before in the autumn, and they dropped to 2.4 when it was cold at about 5C. After reinflating to about 2.65 bar when cold, the miles/KWh went...
  8. MartinSEsr

    Do you use AC in winter?

    Why would you turn it off? The whole point is that in the winter it dehumidifies the air - so yes turning it off will lead to misting up. Mine is on all year, it takes virtually no power in the winter as it doesn't need to do any cooling. if you leave it off for months, the seals dry out, the...
  9. MartinSEsr

    The MG4 SE 1100R33 Infotainment Thread

    Hi, how do you turn the radio on? It's ridiculous that if it was on, it is off when you drive away.
  10. MartinSEsr

    New software installation

    Dealers do it? Hardly. We wish... I had mine serviced recently and the dealership (a relatively good one) where I specifically requested all the software upgrades, but they said "no software upgrades are available" although my SE bought from them is several versions behind the latest. They...
  11. MartinSEsr

    MG4 - any issues with Approved Used from MG dealer?

    Make sure at the dealers you ensure as part of your agreement to purchase: it has the 'granny' charger which should be included it has mats - it needs them and doesn't cost the dealer much it has all of the latest software upgrades - they will never update it after you buy it, so insist on it...
  12. MartinSEsr

    Missing your in-car CD player?

    I think 'play all' is only on the Trophy but happy to be corrected as I have an SE.
  13. MartinSEsr

    My smart app not working just when need it

    When it’s not working for me, I go out to the car, unlock it, lean on the driver’s seat to power it up, set the temp to 29°C and go back inside. It can’t be driven away without the key but warms up & isn’t limited by the 10 min app pre heat.
  14. MartinSEsr

    Another app update

    Erm. Because the last update trashed the system and it stopped working? Because we’re not sheep and ‘new’ isn’t always better, especially with MG? Because “bugs fixed” always introduces different and sometimes worse bugs? Because it’s worth waiting to see? But you go ahead as instructed by MG...
  15. MartinSEsr

    Heating uses loads of power

    That must be really interesting, we don't have any tech info available on the MG4 menus.
  16. MartinSEsr

    Heating uses loads of power

    Hi RevPeterW how to you find out the additional current used by the heater ie 10A as above, and the seat heater at 1A? I've an MG4, so you might have a display that we don't? I agree the heater when warm / hot does eat the power initially as the cabin heats, plus I like it fairly warm. Using...
  17. MartinSEsr

    MG4 New fault: Horn beeping before driving

    Yes, it's not a car, it's a computer on wheels... A good power off and on reboot does sort out most things, it just takes hours for the system to totally reset. However last time I just left it in ready state on the drive for an hour and it rebooted everything eventually.
  18. MartinSEsr

    MG4 New fault: Horn beeping before driving

    I guess so though I really can't be bothered. The only plus would be getting a software update, otherwise impossible, so could help with that.
  19. MartinSEsr

    MG4 New fault: Horn beeping before driving

    its not the doors being open, nor the tailgate, nor the bonnet, nor a key fob button being pressed, nor anything else. It's some stupid software glitch. It happens to me every few days. Get in, displays load up, go into drive... beep... beep... quiet and very short beeps from the horn, about...
  20. MartinSEsr

    iSmart 2.0 app woes [merged - all discussion in here please]

    Don't bother, it still logs you out after an hour, and you have to put the password in to get back in.
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