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  1. MartinSEsr

    Full Beam dark spots

    On the SE there is one height adjuster each side, you usually need to raise the dipped bean cut off as it's too low. The main beam is just an additional higher light. The lights are ok but not as good as eithe the bi-zenon or LED headlights in my two golfs. For the Trophy I think the lights...
  2. MartinSEsr

    warning lights - 12v disconnect - more lights - sorted

    I turned the wheel, though after powering up there were 20 error messages, everything from steering to fatigue detection. I drove it 3 x 10 mins but errors were all still there. In the end I left it powered up on the drive for an hour, AC and radio off, just letting the computers boot up...
  3. MartinSEsr

    New version of iSmart on Apple is in km

    A quick unlock / lock with the key will bring it back to life to see how many kilometers we have remaining...
  4. MartinSEsr

    New version of iSmart on Apple is in km

    It is now as bad as the other software on the car. I used the app a lot, now I hate it. I cycled through languages but it is stuck on Km. A piece of total crap. It should be renamed to iStupid MG. Now my car's flagging up 20 error messages when i power up, most of the systems like autohold...
  5. MartinSEsr

    warning lights - 12v disconnect - more lights - sorted

    yes, sunny day and trip home. Clear windscreen and radar sensor. Let's hope it's not a system failure with weeks to get a part replaced.
  6. MartinSEsr

    warning lights - 12v disconnect - more lights - sorted

    I got in the car (SE) to drive home, and I had alerts to do with ACC, forward radar anti collision, etc. The autohold still worked. I pulled over and got out, checked the radar and camera ports were clean, did a lock / off, got back in, but still had warning lights. All systems related to...
  7. MartinSEsr

    New version of iSmart on Apple is in km

    You're right, we're not fully metric, nor fully imperial like the US. Luckily we use SI units for engineering. However we do tend to think in miles (and our road signs and speed limits use miles) and MPG for fuel consumption. All the app has to do is bring back the imperial / metric...
  8. MartinSEsr

    New version of iSmart on Apple is in km

    I can't see any logic to this - others have the latest iOs version, and the latest iSmart. However some have Kms, some have miles - but all agree that there is no longer an option to select metric / imperial in the app. I wonder if it's an iphone system setting somewhere?
  9. MartinSEsr

    New version of iSmart on Apple is in km

    It is really frustrating that an app update removes a key feature (range in miles) and there is nothing you can do about it. Not many people are commenting... Assuming half have apple phones, isn't this affecting virtually everyone now the app has updated?
  10. MartinSEsr

    New version of iSmart on Apple is in km

    It’s no longer in settings. Or I wouldn’t have complained.
  11. MartinSEsr

    New version of iSmart on Apple is in km

    I know, I use Si units all day. But distances here are in miles and we think in miles. And we’re in the free world where we don’t get told what to use. And MG surely haven’t removed miles - I hope.
  12. MartinSEsr

    New version of iSmart on Apple is in km

    Hi, my iSmart App has updated automatically and I’m on Apple iOS. But the car battery range is now in kilometres. Obviously I wanted it in miles. This has happened in the past when the iSmart App is updated, but each time then I have easily found the kilometres versus miles switch to set it to...
  13. MartinSEsr

    Low pressure tyre warning

    I'm surprised you're not getting warnings all the time at 2.3 bar (34.5 psi). Why are they at that pressure? The recommended pressure is 2.6 bar (39 psi) on the door panel and many on here top up to 2.7 bar (40.5 psi) to avoid dropping into the warning zone on a cold morning.
  14. MartinSEsr

    MG4 Standard Edition - Standard tires?

    Mine has 215/50/17 continental tyres. What country are you in? I don’t think any in the uk have 16” tyres.
  15. MartinSEsr

    Fuel economy 51kwh version

    When we had our first car with ACC, I demonstrated it to my wife who was really impressed. Following a car on the motorway, we slowed down when it did, speeded up when it did. She asked how it worked. I explained it was like the tractor beam on Star Trek. Our car attached itself to the car...
  16. MartinSEsr

    ABRP (A Better Route Planner) Range

    what dongle's do people have for use with the software, and how much are they? Thanks
  17. MartinSEsr

    Upgraded reversing light LED bulb - fitting

    To change a rear cluster bulb is easy but awkward... NB there are reversing lights both sides, so you need two LED bulbs as specified in post 1 above, about £8.50 each plus £3 p+p, they came quickly. You have to remove two oval plastic covers, they come off easily with a small screwdriver...
  18. MartinSEsr

    Upgraded reversing light LED bulb - fitting

    I fitted one bulb to the right hand side and took this photo at dusk. It’s a lot whiter & brighter. I’ll write more on how to do it tomorrow when on the laptop.
  19. MartinSEsr

    MG4 MY2023 tyres headsup

    Agreed, I took Bridgestones off my GTi and put Crossclimate on - superb all-round all-year tyres, quiet too.
  20. MartinSEsr

    Ecumenical matters

    Or it could be a pagan symbol, very similar. It does come from China where religion is not 'encouraged'.
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