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  1. MartinSEsr

    Autohold error light?

    No, my car goes into D at the start and then stays in it, till P at the end. Another person said they switched from D (to N I guess) at traffic lights, I was saying that's not a useful thing to do.
  2. MartinSEsr

    Who still uses old driving methods?

    I understand. I don't find it jerky, and I often accelerate enthusiastically, but not always! One tip, is when autohold is on (ie holding and P is green) if you tap the brake pedal first it unlocks autohold and you start a slow roll / crawl. Then can acccelerate gently.
  3. MartinSEsr

    Who still uses old driving methods?

    In a manual car, to change gear, it's (1) foot down (clutch), (2) hand on the gear lever, (3) foot up. I tried to ride a motorbike but the clutch is operated by the hand, the gear selector by the foot. I kept (1) kicking the gear selector, THEN (2) pulling the clutch lever with my hand, then...
  4. MartinSEsr

    Driver's display too bright

    Hi I have an anti reflection screen on the driver's display. Is this screen actually tinted to make the screen darker? I'm not sure if anti glare means anti reflection, or tinted to be darker. However the details say "anti glare, anti reflection" so it doesn't do anything to address the thread...
  5. MartinSEsr

    Who still uses old driving methods?

    The rotary gear change could have been a smaller toggle, forward for D, back for R, a bit more logical and taking less room. When 3 point turning, I have to look to see which way to turn for R is, for some reason it is counterintuitive. BTW what happens if you press P while driving along eg on...
  6. MartinSEsr

    Who still uses old driving methods?

    Ahh ok that makes sense! Thanks. I literally thought he meant a manual shift on the auto box from 3 to 4.
  7. MartinSEsr

    Cruise Control

    Only use TJA in slow traffic and even then normal ACC works far better. Turn LKA off in the car menu, it's that that tugs the wheel, though I've left mine on this week and am getting used to it. It doesn't tug too hard.
  8. MartinSEsr

    August sales and Octopus Intelligent lobbying!

    Its nothing to do with Octopus! They are either given access to the car's computer or not. MG do not allow it. However I'm on IO with an Ohme charger and see no problem in telling it what % to add each night. Octopus intelligent guarrantees 6 hours at 7.5 p per KWh, but it is almost always...
  9. MartinSEsr

    Who still uses old driving methods?

    I can't understand how going from 3 to 4 in an autobox at 60 mph could cause a problem? Yes going from 4 to 1 or R perhaps!
  10. MartinSEsr

    Who still uses old driving methods?

    Why would you ever be taking it out of D at traffic lights? Surely everyone leaves it in D all the time and uses autohold? I only change it when reversing to park, or press P at the end of a journey.
  11. MartinSEsr

    Driver's display too bright

    The screen in front of the driver does not dim enough, I agree. The larger screen does, just about, BUT whydoesn't it auto-dim?!? Other cars I have had have changed the screen brightness, ie dimming automatically at night. It's very poor design to have to do it manually.
  12. MartinSEsr

    Autohold error light?

    Really? it's one of the best features on the car. When you come to a stop you press the brake hard and the P on the screen in front of the driver goes green. It puts the brakes on and they come off smoothly as you accelerate to move off. It saves wear on the mech handbrake, and saves the...
  13. MartinSEsr

    Amazon Music - worked for months, now not!

    Amazon music has been ruined in the last few weeks unless you pay £10 a month. I used to ask it to 'play the beatles' or 'play swan lake' or 'play oklahoma' etc. And it played, including via Alexa at home. Now instead of doing as requested it says "playing the Beatles and similar artists" etc...
  14. MartinSEsr

    Question about rear fog lights

    One is better than two, it is half the dazzle when people put them on when visibility isn't seriously degraded. People illegally put them on in rain in the dark, when it's a bit misty, when it's slightly foggy. They leave them on when the mist has gone, leave them on when you are following...
  15. MartinSEsr

    Interior light issue

    I'm not sure why they have it, the MG4 (and my previous Golf) are the same. A small piece of black insulating tape is the best plan I think!
  16. MartinSEsr

    Autohold error light?

    Hi, it happens sometimes if the system boots up slowly. The only way I've found to sort it out is to get out, lock and unlock and get back in. Otherwise you have the whole journey without autohold.
  17. MartinSEsr

    Archived MG4 all weather tyres

    I've messaged you with a sale offer.
  18. MartinSEsr

    Archived MG4 all weather tyres

    what city or postcode are you at? Thanks
  19. MartinSEsr

    Archived WANTED - Wheel trims

    is it the wheel trims that are £274? I assumed that was for alloys and wheel trims.
  20. MartinSEsr

    Brake 'spongyness' varies in Eco / normal / sport

    Ahh, when I have tried left foot braking in an auto, I've had the same effect. The left foot on a clutch is always harsh going down, but sensitive coming up as it bites, and I think muscle memory always give a hard push on the brakes when braking with the left foot.
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