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  1. Cafeg

    What do you use on your seats?

    I have a full sheepskin on my drivers seat. The rest of the seats I have polished/coated with Armourall Protectant and all the other leather in the car. It makes the leather a lot softer.
  2. Cafeg

    MG HS EV Fast Charging

    I was parked alongside a Nissan Leaf at the free carpark charging at the supermarket. Plugged my phev plug in and it was charging at 3.5kW .. Normal. I checked what the Nissan leaf was charging at and it was at 3.5 kW as well. He was plugged into the other plug - not type 2. So Is that as fast...
  3. Cafeg

    Handle in roof above drivers door ?

    Just asked the panelbeater, he said he didnt see any mounts on the drivers side for a handle underneath the lining. He also said the recess was there so they could use the same roof lining on both cars. They see a lot now that have no roof handle on the drivers side he said.
  4. Cafeg

    Handle in roof above drivers door ?

    I have to go and see the panelbeater that replaced my broken sharks tooth next week. They had the interior lining down to do it. I'll ask them if there were any roof mounts on the drivers side. Its not really needed with the steering wheel to hang onto but it would come in handy to lift...
  5. Cafeg

    Miles to go after fill up...

    Yes, done that many times and waited until it said ok to open cap...deosnt always work. 8 inch shifter spanner giving extra leverage after doing that always works :)
  6. Cafeg

    Handle in roof above drivers door ?

    Interesting.. ah ye s that would make sense the roof lining is for both LHD and RHD models. I must admit I havent taken notice of the handles before on other cars, I went to reach for it this afternoon and found nothing :) Thanks for the reply.
  7. Cafeg

    Handle in roof above drivers door ?

    My prius has them on all 4 doors and a Mitsubushi new ute I had def had one as I used to use it to get in as it was high. They are to help you get in as well hanging on the corners :)
  8. Cafeg

    Handle in roof above drivers door ?

    Drivers side Passenger side:
  9. Cafeg

    Handle in roof above drivers door ?

    Hello, Does everyone have a handle in the interior roof above the drivers door. There is one in the roof on the other 3 doors and a depression in the roof where it could be but no handle ? It can be used to help you get into the drivers seat.
  10. Cafeg

    Miles to go after fill up...

    HaHa, yes I know that feeling. First time it happened to me I ended up getting other drivers at the service station to see if they could get it off and they couldn't either so I didnt feel so bad :) BUT I took it out to the dealer and guess what, it came straight off ? They ordedred a new one...
  11. Cafeg

    Fast charging

    Thanks for the advice, Yes I think I will go for the 7kw wallbox. Just have to find one that lets me schedule off/on times inthe app :)
  12. Cafeg

    Fast charging

    Our solar panels can put out 5kw and we also have a tesla powerwall battery and free power from 9pm to midnight 7 days. So I have a few options,the 3 hrs free power is enough to charge the car with the granny charger if it has more than 50% battery and if needed I can start the charge once the...
  13. Cafeg

    Fast charging

    Right now I'm charging on the granny charger and its around 1800w or 1.8 kw. So if the wall charger was at 3.6kw - double the granny charger it would be a good improvement, BUT is it worth spending $1k plus install to get it ..hmmm. The other point is how would I communicate with it as the HS...
  14. Cafeg

    Fast charging

    I wonder, is it worthwhile putting a mg charging box on the wall for my mg hs phev. I have just been using the granny charger at 1.8k, so will a wallbox charge it at 3.6kw ? A 7kw wallbox costs just under $1k plus install herein NZ.
  15. Cafeg

    Economy driving on a long journey

    on my granny charger its going at 1742 watts or 1.7 kw. If it can do 3.6kw from a public charger its a lot better ? TrevH - I went to the shopping centre today and plugged into one of the free Type 2 chargers there. It was charging at 3.6kw so your type 2 cable you bought wont be wasted :) The...
  16. Cafeg

    Economy driving on a long journey

    I'm in New Zealand.
  17. Cafeg

    Economy driving on a long journey

    Once the MG gets down to zero EV it will still keep on running on the petrol motor np. Regenerative braking also puts a little bit of a charge in. Travelling in auto hybrid mode doesn't exhaust the battery right down to zero I've found anyeway. Also ifyou are just running around town you have...
  18. Cafeg

    Economy driving on a long journey

    Havent touched the default settings.If we go away on a trip I leave it in auto hybrid, Then on the way back I watch how far from home we are and put it into EV mode then when I can get home on EV Mode. Around town I stay in EV mode all the time unless it starts the petrol motor in the morning...
  19. Cafeg

    fuel tank cap

    I also had problems with this after the 1st fillup. I was at the service station and everybody there tried to get it off and failed also. Went to the dealer and he got it first time and said whats wrong with it :( After it happened twice they ordered and fitted a new fuel cap. Its a lot better...
  20. Cafeg

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Has anyone used an adapter to go from type1 plug to type2. All the type one plugs are empty and type2 plugs are full here at free charging stations at shopping centres. ? There are a few on Ali express, The ones sold in NZ want $300+ for them
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