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  1. gsxr2001

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I'm glad you don't have any problems. I tried with and without the modification and with the modified cover it works better for me
  2. gsxr2001

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Yes and no... have you ever removed the original cover? Very little light actually passes through! You don't have a wide range of values on which to calibrate the sensor (which obviously needs to be calibrated better). I have all the updates done. It works better than before, but it doesn't...
  3. gsxr2001

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    The problem is the sensor cover, which filters the light too much. I solved it like this
  4. gsxr2001

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    That problem is not related to the infotainment version. It simply needs to be configured in the workshop
  5. gsxr2001

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    It bothers me a lot! Especially when I start the car with the air conditioning already on!
  6. gsxr2001

    Front parking sensors

    On the MG4 the 360 camera turned on with reverse gear and turned off as soon as D was engaged. With the latest software update, the 360 camera is finally activated with reverse gear and remains active for the entire manoeuvre, automatically switching to view front when entering D.
  7. gsxr2001

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    To make the left star work, after performing the infotainment update, they need to perform a simple setup with the PC. It's all written in their manuals
  8. gsxr2001

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    There are updates, but they only make them if you complain about problems and limited to those problems. Furthermore, updates often don't just fix those, but introduce improvements to the user experience
  9. gsxr2001

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Exact! It feels like you're begging for an update that fixes problems with their software!
  10. gsxr2001

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    How you do it? By holding down the steering wheel icon? I have R46 and it doesn't do this. Maybe some other module needs to be updated?
  11. gsxr2001

    MG4 Software Update Thread

  12. gsxr2001

    Dashcam install

    For 1 year I have been using a Thinkware T700 in parking mode, without using external batteries. It is set to turn off after X hours or if the 12V battery voltage drops. It works very well. But if you feel good with the battery, keep going ?
  13. gsxr2001

    Dashcam install

    With the cigarette lighter you don't have parking mode
  14. gsxr2001

    Frentauto SPA, Campobasso - MG Dealer Discussion, Opinions & Experiences

    After a, to say the least, terrible experience with a very large garage in Bari, which managed to block my car for an update, to carry out the first service and update I had to call several authorized MG garage, unfortunately all far from my home. In the end I chose to go to the Frentauto...
  15. gsxr2001

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    does guinea pigs make the idea better?
  16. gsxr2001

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    In practice they used us as beta testers
  17. gsxr2001

    How responsive is your dealership?

    After the terrible experience with the dealer who sold me the car I'm still looking for a competent one!
  18. gsxr2001

    Software update woes broke my car

    You don't have to turn it off and on, but leave it off. In practice, if "Hello MG" is turned on, Android Auto voice recognition does not work (I imagine it's the same with CarPlay). If you turn it off, it works fine It's a software problem, not the microphone
  19. gsxr2001

    Software update woes broke my car

    If you turn off "Hello MG", voice recognition with android auto works
  20. gsxr2001

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I have the old method (R33). But I'd prefer the new one: after you've been driving for a while you don't remember whether you turned off the AC star or not. Often, you press up, thinking you're turning up the volume on the radio, but instead you increase the temperature of the AC.
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