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  1. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Another Pixel 8 Pro user here with issues. Starting to wonder if there is a link? However the random mac address thing is supposedly normal behaviour for most devices these days. It stops people being able to track you From my limited reading of android documentation, while the mac changes...
  2. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Not sure if the Mac issue is a restriction per se but I've seen elsewhere that when OSX formats a drive it does something differently that not all systems are compatible with
  3. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    They missed the 2nd step of the upgrade. The details on how to do this and the files are available in this thread
  4. D

    MG4 Secret Menu Mode...

    Presume that's Kotlin? Although seems like standard Java would work (not a developer so could be wrong)
  5. D

    MG4 Secret Menu Mode...

    Anyone know if there is a section in the menu to change the speed sign recognition units? My car is in kmh but it only recognises mph signage i.e. up to 70 It was a known bug which I didn't think had a fix but I've learned other cars in Ireland don't have this problem so I'm thinking there...
  6. D

    MG4 Phone usage, inefficient shortcuts.

    You have to press and hold the button to end a call. Not exactly intuitive Like OP, I have to call a gate to get in/out and it is frustrating how slow the synchronisation is to get the list of last calls. Most of the time I have to get the phone out of my pocket and dial manually as it is much...
  7. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I don't believe the hardware excuse. The car can stop on its own just fine with ACC I believe on the ZS something similar happened and they eventually offered OPD for older versions for a price. Same will probably happen here but wouldn't be surprised if it is too late for most, who will have...
  8. D

    Are tail light replacement better quality?

    Got mine replaced a month ago. Too early to say if it's any better but I suspect it's the same. While it has been reported by many I haven't heard too many people convince their dealer it's a warranty issue so there's probably no pressure on MG to fix it. I got mine replaced for water...
  9. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    R46 should fix the bluetooth issues However I noticed I was still having issues with it when using a wireless AA dongle. When just phone and car it has been solid I was in Frank Keane last week saying I still had issues with bluetooth and they said r46 was the latest but perhaps the person...
  10. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I suspect OTA from the car has been available since day 1 but given the issues even dealers have had in the past, they just haven't put anything on the relevant server Have you seen anything related to rollback functionality? If they had a rollback process for failed updates, it would make OTA...
  11. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I know I've been giving these to people who have asked but giving them out on Facebook like that makes me uncomfortable. Could have lots of annoyed people soon who have messed up the process!
  12. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Be nice to change the car images to match the actual colour of your car!
  13. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Curious what program you are using there?
  14. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    @BobbyBrown was very kind to share the files with me I have them on my google drive and can share a link to them for anyone who is interested but use them at your own risk! As I mentioned before, you could completely brick your car
  15. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    100% There's a serious risk of breaking functionality or even bricking the car However this might lead to all sorts of interesting things in the right hands as it may finally allow things like adb etc I can help with google drive storage if needed. I've 2TB
  16. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Get that online now ?
  17. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    A lot of dealers will only update the infotainment unit if you complain about certain issue, bluetooth repairing being one of the main ones In terms of OTA, they are still not available but I did see a pic that came from a French user showing a message about receiving an update OTA. That's the...
  18. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Had my first service done last week and due to bluetooth issues they updated to R46 (annoyed that R59 was pulled as I probably would have got that!) Bluetooth was even worse afterwards! I've since factory resetted it twice, once through the normal menu and once through the secret menu. Since...
  19. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I saw some people on Facebook mention that R59 has now been pulled due to issues. No idea on the veracity of that
  20. D

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I'm not a developer myself but my understanding is that most development teams do something called regression testing where they check all parts of the system after the new code has been applied. Parts that the new code doesn't touch. While it is possible for new bugs to be introduced, this...
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