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  1. GrayCat

    Windows opening randomly

  2. GrayCat

    Charged a fee for software updates? (MG4)

    If you look at the list of "known devices" on your phone, you will see dozens of "MG4" with different MAC-addresses in the history. Seems that SAIC programmers took some "example" Bluetooth code from Arduino ;) which changes MAC-address randomly for "debugging" purposes. And the phone "sees" a...
  3. GrayCat

    Heat pumps in the MG4

    There is no such separate unit as "Heat pump". Effectively the thing called "HP" in electromobiles is the same compressor that is used for A/C, but with added set of valves and tubes to "invert" its action in order to transfer heat from outside to inside of the car.
  4. GrayCat

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Хлопці, вже час українську гілку на форумі впроваджувати! :-D Guys, it's time to implement a Ukrainian branch on the forum! Every day I see a minimum of one MG4 in our Niko-city! And, 6 more of them waiting at out local dealer. The dealer, by the way, is useless — they claim they don't...
  5. GrayCat

    MG4 internet, data limits

    There's another option to consider. What about the Internet Data limit of your cellular provider? Suppose the "tarif plan" for your MG connection has ~~500 MB monthly limit. Seems huge, but beware of regular updates of Weather and Traffic data, and you WiFi sharing...
  6. GrayCat

    Wireless phone charger

    You may 3D-print a Bumper for the charging place:
  7. GrayCat

    Voice control - anyone else?

    Wish there was a voice command for Bluetooth Re-Connect!... %-()
  8. GrayCat

    I think my car played an April Fools joke on me

    Or, may be you drive somewhere near Dead Sea — under the "sea level"...
  9. GrayCat

    Proper Jacking / Lifting points of MG4

    Please tell me, what are the proper points to lift the car? The blue ones, or the green?
  10. GrayCat

    AC charge rate slowly decreases to 1kw

    Check the temperature of your Mains Plug (and socket). Modern EVSE's have T°-sensor in the plug, and shut off or lower current if it's heating.
  11. GrayCat

    Sudden automatic braking issue (merged, MG4)

    I think: rain ( ==> water drops on the windscreen in front of the camera) + light from Fiat headlamps ==== ...gave "bad" image to the camera, it couldn't recognize the situation, and produced a command to Stop!
  12. GrayCat

    MG4 front USBs

    One of the problems I noticed: When you press the "Music" button or widget, you often get to the default "Bluetooth music" tab of the tab-bar! It looks almost the same as "USB music" tab, and has the similar set of contols — but they certainly don't work when you are playing the USB-stick...
  13. GrayCat

    Water inside charging door.

    First, spray it with some "PTFE Lubricant"....
  14. GrayCat

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    So, got under my car with an industrial hot air fan / blower. Tried to heat up and re-form the edge of the plastic shield. That was rather hard. The plastic is some complex "Glass-filled polypropylene (???)" or similar composite. It doesn't get "soft" when hot, instead it turns into "grease...
  15. GrayCat

    Dashcam install

    Some new item on Aliexpress: replacement center mirror cover, with integrated DVR. Has anyone tried it? e.g. something like this: 60.9ï¿¡ |4k Hd 2160p New Plug And Play Wifi Car Dvr Video Recorder Dual Lens Dash Cam For Mg Mg4 Mg Mulan 2022 2023 With App Control - Dvr/dash Camera - AliExpress...
  16. GrayCat

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    What about Bluetooth amnesia? Does the radio unit still loose Bluetooth connection to the Phone every 3...5 days?
  17. GrayCat

    Can you turn off headlights while parked ?

    If you press the "Home" button (fast enough! ;) ), the radio will wake up and play again.
  18. GrayCat

    iSmart cannot bind to MG4: merged threads

    Another trick you can play with "positive" lens — from "magnifying lens" to your granny's presbyopia glasses ;) . This will give you closer focusing distance. Happily, my Gnusmas tablet was able to capture the small QN-code in a blink.
  19. GrayCat

    iSmart cannot bind to MG4: merged threads

    May be, some trick with a surrogate diaphragm? Take a sheet of [black] paper, pierce the hole with a pin, and put the hole in front of the center of your camera. The image will get a lot dimmer, and it may seem blurred due to the long "shutter" timing, but the "Depth-of-Field" will increase a...
  20. GrayCat

    MG4 Pedestrian Warning Alert

    ...or a bicycle ring on the outer mirror :D By the way, this ^^ will certainly generate a smile ;) on the pedestrians' face (y)
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