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  1. R

    Keyfob battery

    I got 2 new cells, and swapped them out at the weekend. I did the pair as recommended and tested both to work fine. Thank you for the advice, as stated above it was simple enough. Both batteries / Cells for the pedantic 😀😅 were changed in less than ten minutes. Rob
  2. R

    Keyfob battery

    Thank you. I'm confident enough so I'll get some batteries and swap them out. The idea of marking them is good, I'll use a Sharpie pen and put my initials on, that'll prove when they will be done. 😁👍 As for the dealership doing it last visit, I seriously doubt they changed it - them, but...
  3. R

    Keyfob battery

    Morning all. I have searched for this but I didn't find a specific answer. Have you attempted to change your keyfob battery yourself? It looks simple enough on YouTube 😁👍 I know the Dealership would do it but the car isn't due in for another four months and I have started receiving emails...
  4. R

    ZS EV camera quality

    The sun was very low in the sky, but the quality of the camera seems OK to me. 😎👍
  5. R

    ZS EV camera quality

    Just pulled in at work and these are images from my cameras
  6. R

    ZS EV camera quality

    Most of the time the quality is good, it's a bit fish eye lens so the view is quite wide angle but the quality is good, except for when it is dirty. Rob
  7. R

    ZS EV camera quality

    My cameras are good enough, but I have to clean them regularly. I reverse park at work so use the camera daily, as I lock up the car and walk past the boot I just wipe the lens with my finger. Obviously the cameras get dirty this time of the year. Rob
  8. R

    Is ismart always this useless

    No real problems for me, I use it daily and if it hasn't refreshed I just get to the second page and manually refresh. It takes 20 to 30 seconds and it has refreshed with no problems. Rob
  9. R

    Reverse Camera Display

    I'm not sure if this will help but you have it setup for guidelines on the display, if you use the dynamic display it also shows where the car will move to when you steer. They are yellow lines, with them switched on my display always shows in the full screen. Rob
  10. R

    Warranty and service plan

    I bought my EV from a dealer a hundred odd miles away aswell and had a few issues with it (nothing major but promised software updates and such), due to the distance they told me to take it to my local dealership at their cost to put right. In my local dealership they gave me the option to take...
  11. R

    Mg zs ev trophy

    I have an android system and mine defaults in exactly the same condition you described. I put up with it, it's annoying sometimes but after having the car for 6 months and listening to what other have to say about them, I treat it like a petulant teenager and just humour it's idiosyncrasies. Rob
  12. R

    Mileage range on full charge

    I'm not sure if you mentioned what model your car is but there are two types of batteries, one is the Long Range. I can't speak for the Standard Range one but my Long Range (LR) was doing nearly 300 miles in the warmer summer months but now I'm only getting 220 - 230 miles. The cold weather...
  13. R

    Navigation - planning charging stops.

    I use the Electroverse app which links to my phone. All the EV charges are listed so I plan my route to incorporate a stop and a charge. I also have a few backups planned just incase. I have pulled into an EV charge station and found it full so just continued on my way to an alternative...
  14. R

    Locking wheel nut

    Mine did not / does not. It is something I'm looking to add to the wheels. Rob
  15. R

    Weird software update

    The Metric setting is what I noticed first because my expected range was over 340, which was an improvement 😁, but it was kilometres 👍. Rob
  16. R

    Weird software update

    Thank you. I assumed the app had updated, coincidentally mine showed - 40 internal temp as well, which is a tad cold 😎. So the phone app update then altered the settings in the car? It was inconvenient because yesterday we drove from South Yorkshire to Edinburgh and I had my stops based on...
  17. R

    Weird software update

    Does the ZS auto update? Just before Christmas my phone app changed from Imperial to Metric measurements, I didn't think anything of it but then after 2 charges one to 100% I realised my car would not charge above 80%. It took a bit of working out but I think I have now sorted the maximum...
  18. R

    Tyre wear

    . Hello everyone. I'm not worried about my tires, they seem to be wearing evenly and still have plenty of tread. They are just over 2 years and 12000 miles old. Anyway one day hopefully a good few years away they will need to be replaced and a colleague who has a different make of EV is...
  19. R

    How usable is the middle seat in a ZS?

    . Hello I have no experience of the Ioniq but I put the grandkids chairs in the back and if we are returning from a day trip then my wife sits in the middle of both (to keep the 3 year old awake). Both chairs are big and one uses the isomounts in the seats. Although she is a bit squashed...
  20. R

    MG ZS EV Versus a Diesel car.

    One of my concerns with a EV was range. My last Diesel would easily do 800 miles to a tank occasionally 900 miles and on one or two occasions when the conditions were favourable 1000 miles to a tank of fuel. A tank of 70ltrs easily cost over £100 and has been as much as £130 to fill when fuels...
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