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  1. pfaus

    Cyclone Alfred - Brisbane Australia

    We lost power early Thursday morning and got it back Saturday afternoon. So a total of around 60 hours out, and used V2L for that time to run fridge, lights, kettle, toaster, microwave and phone chargers. Battery went from 87% to 67% over that time so we still had plenty in reserve if it had...
  2. pfaus

    Space-saver spare wheel queries ...

    I can report I bought an ex Golf TSI 2012 space saver via Marketplace for AU$50 and it fits my Essence 64 (Trophy ER?) both front and back. It is a 125/70R18 which gives it a slightly smaller diameter than the original 235/45R18s but would be fine for low speed and low distance use. There is...
  3. pfaus

    Cyclone Alfred - Brisbane Australia

    Yes, we’re at Tweed Heads and have the MG4 charged up in case we need V2L. Conditions are very much up and down but it seems worse is still to come.
  4. pfaus

    MG4 internet, data limits

    Yes, one usb stick with music on it. Thanks for that! I wasn’t aware that they put up an icon for that, not very useful me thinks. Yes the hotspot activates and stays on.
  5. pfaus

    MG4 internet, data limits

    I have an "new" Australian Essence 64 (Trophy LR in british terms I guess) which has had a data traffic problem from delivery. I could get weather updates and satnav traffic when I connected to wifi at home or my phone hotspot, but not on the road using the inbuilt cellular network. I was able...
  6. pfaus

    MG4 in Australia

    Just to pass on my experiences, I bought an Essence 64 (White) on the Gold Coast and took delivery on 9th October. It is a July 2023 Manufacture but happy to take it for the price - under A$40000. A week before we purchased, we were looking at a significantly higher price, when the factory...
  7. pfaus

    MG Australia slashes MG4 price

    I’ve just ordered an Essence 64 for A$39300. It is an MY23 model but very happy with the price. Just lucky I was shopping this week instead of a fortnight ago. BTW, we don’t spray incoming tourists with fly spray any more, we have other ways of discouraging people from coming to Oz….
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