I have an "new" Australian Essence 64 (Trophy LR in british terms I guess) which has had a data traffic problem from delivery. I could get weather updates and satnav traffic when I connected to wifi at home or my phone hotspot, but not on the road using the inbuilt cellular network.
I was able to bind the car to the iPhone app but not get any updates or status, even through wifi. This leads me to believe the iSmart connection is exclusively cellular, while the other bits not so much.
It also appear to show only 3G connectivity in the infotainment icon.
I could not turn on the "Data Traffic" button in the swipe down screen at any time.
The dealership sorted the problem when I took it back, saying it had not been configured correctly at the factory. Not sure how true that was or why they didn't pick it up in dealer checks.
iSmart connectivty is working well now, so the major issue was fixed, but weather and traffic updates appear intermittent or not working at all, I'm still testing and getting a feel for what works and what doesn't. This is not a huge problem, and weather appears to work reliably when I connect the car to the iPhone hotspot, but the satnav traffic not so much. I'm prepared to live with it for now and get a better feel for what is actually working. I can look out the window at the weather and at the traffic around me using the Mark 1 eyeballs.
One question I have is a new icon that has appeared in the infotainment screen - pic below. It looks a bit like a cactus with the numeral 1 at its lower left. Googling has not provided an answer and the user manual doesn't appear to mention it (yes I did RTFM!). I imagine it is some type of networking symbol.
Any ideas about the icon or the intermittent data woes? I am interested to see if the new month brings any change - I have't used any data but who know what happened before I got the car.
Some others said things worked better at the start of the new month.