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  1. shapeshifter

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I don't know, i read somewhere: Somebody from Thailand said that MG does not provide OTA feature anymore :cry:
  2. shapeshifter

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    well i know that also ota update feature is discontinued in thailand so :cry:
  3. shapeshifter

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Would you want to try r18 also? In thailand they activate wireless android auto,carplay and fix some bugs also. I can share the full list of upgrade. This is different approach but it can be handy if there is not much bug also :) Here is the full list: The MG4 that has been updated OTA in...
  4. shapeshifter

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I suppose this is called special programming tool (you said it already also) and in MG documents they say also "brush" tool. It could be really solution to about to update the Tbox.
  5. shapeshifter

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I can understand totally what you mean. Sorry for misunderstatements. I agree with these terms(y)
  6. shapeshifter

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I can totally say you can close a/c system with voice with integrated voice commands. Just click one time to left voice button in wheel and say AC off, assistant close to hvac but not heated seats. If you ask this btw, may be i understand not correctly.
  7. shapeshifter

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    well here is an update: i tried with this file and prepare usb with how manual said. Result: Upgrade Failed. :( Correct files are not in usb basically. So if anyone have a clue, i'm open to ideas. Btw, i didn't meaning files are broken or misguided, i m sure files are ok, but i didn't make...
  8. shapeshifter

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    yes i checked files also and i m working on 11775918.51 one. cause already i have snakp21e32. If i am doing correctly, it should work. I ll be notify. Thanks for tips btw 🙌 Also if i understand correctly, r59 firmware with snakp23e32 fine. r46 should be snakp21e32 version.but these two...
  9. shapeshifter

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Thank you for share! I ll be try asap and notify here. Thx again
  10. shapeshifter

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Well only i can say, i can't buy vci/vdi device to my country and also even can not pay for sips via payment method. Only i want that acc speed change 1 by 1 and even i can't do that :D That's not fair. I have to wait someone make or discover usb update for different modules i suppose
  11. shapeshifter

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    not tried usb tbox update yet, i ll try to analyze file but no luck unfortunately. Sometimes, i m just thinking f.. it lets try but still i m not sure
  12. shapeshifter

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    i m using r46(downgraded from r59) and mcu at the moment. Can we update mcu version to with usb update? I tried with r59 package but no luck unfortunately. as i know if we update mcu to, we can using acc cosmetic update which is acc speed change 1 kmh per click also...
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