
A brake is a mechanical device that inhibits motion by absorbing energy from a moving system. It is used for slowing or stopping a moving vehicle, wheel, axle, or to prevent its motion, most often accomplished by means of friction.

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  1. Ekips

    Reverse Delay

    If I put the car in reverse and take my foot off the brake, it takes 3-4 seconds before the car will start moving backwards. However if something is within range of the parking sensors then it will start moving instantly as the brake is released. Is this normal behaviour?
  2. Mgzs ev

    Parking brake

    I occasionally experience that the parking brake does not release automatically when I put the gear in drive or reverse. I then have to unlock it manually with the button in the middle. does anyone have this too?
  3. W

    One pedal driving and the effect on brake pads

    Two weeks into ev driving on mg4 and i started to enjoy one pedal driving recently. In the last week, i had driven around 100 miles without touching the brake pedal except when starting and parking the vehicle. Driving both in town and motorways (using acc on motorways and on speeds above...
  4. D

    Merged thread: Automatic Emergency Braking activating for no reason

    My wife was scared sh**less this morning when her MG4 Trophy did a sudden and totally inappropriate emergency stop, whilst travelling at 30mph through a quiet nearby village. A Tesla was following at a safe distance and fortunately no collision took place. The car was then ok to drive away...
  5. M

    Brake Calipers Torx size 2020 MG ES EV

    Hi All Would anyone be kind enough to know what size Torx is required for removal of the brake Calipers to replace the discs/pads.
  6. B

    Electronic Diff Lock

    Hi, I'm looking at the MG EV. Coming from a Suzuki S-Cross Allgrip, and living in a rural location, moving back to 2 wheel drive is one significant downside. I wondered if the MG has any form of cross-axle traction transfer capabilities? Many vehicles will apply the brake to the slipping wheel...
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