
Damage is any change in a thing, often a physical object, that degrades it away from its initial state. It can broadly be defined as "changes introduced into a system that adversely affect its current or future performance". Damage "does not necessarily imply total loss of system functionality, but rather that the system is no longer operating in its optimal manner". Damage to physical objects is "the progressive physical process by which they break",: 1.  and includes mechanical stress that weakens a structure, even if this is not visible.: ix. 

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  1. D

    Broken parcel shelf hinge

    Hi got our new car Monday morning everything looks great but went in the boot yesterday and found the near side parcel shelf hinge was snapped. Has anyone had similar happen. Will have to ring the dealers again.
  2. P

    MG4power/tyre pump failure

    New MG4 tyre pump damaged car power socket, as connector casing brittle, is this common
  3. GJMG4 North

    Well that didn't take long ! (minor damage)

    Just over seven days before someone decided that I'd had too good a run and it was time to remove the gloss from new car ownership. Fortunately the damage is pretty minor, but it's no longer a nice, shiny, new (to me) thing. :cry:Anyone know where I can pick up some colour matched bumper paint?
  4. securespark

    First Wash In Three Months

    As some of you know, I smashed my ankle in on 23 November. Yesterday, I finally was able to wash it, albeit with not as much attention as I would have liked, as I could not grovel on the driveway! It was f-f-f-f-f-f filthy! One dirty side. I should have taken a shot of the rump as that was...
  5. peterseddon

    Charge port door

    Anyone know how much it costs for a new door, mine got snapped off (gen2 ZS Trophy)?
  6. K

    Broken part in the back

    Hi, We bought on auction damaged MG4 Electric but fail to establish the name of the broken part. Does anyone know what is the nane if the damaged part? Thanks for the help
  7. AliSB

    Body repairs

    Hey all I’ve recently acquired my MG4 EV long range as a company car - absolutely love it. In the last couple months, I’ve been driving it to the train station and parking in the long stay car park. I returned last night and one of the side body mouldings had come off, and the lower mouldings...
  8. C

    Expensive knock (radar unit damaged)

    So today I had a very minor collision with a deer that shot across the road in front of me. It was so slight that the deer ran off seemingly unharmed, but the bumper obviously flexed and the paint has shed. Now all the ADAS systems are offline and bonging warnings at the start of every journey...
  9. P

    Storm damage

    Got up Friday morning to suspect that a small piece of masonry had been detached from the garage roof and fallen onto my MG4 Trophy - breaking the plastic cover on the nearside rear lights. I was less bothered about the small dent which may have been the result of out bin flying into it, since...
  10. M

    Seriously tough vehicle!

    A short update on my own positive MG4 experience, just to offset some of the more irritating experiences reported in the forum... A few months back I managed to reverse our MG4 into a culvert (yes, really, really stupid!). The bottom of the car was wedged on a large rock, the offside rear...
  11. Richard P

    Unwanted modifications MG5

    Unwanted modifications Following on from Storm Eowyn my poor MG5 has taken a turn for the worse. I'm hoping it will be driveable but am a bit concerned about getting it out 😕
  12. HazardLights

    Tyre Side Wall Damage Query

    Hi, I had to go on the verge to let a car pass on a single track road approaching my house today and my nearside rear tyre picked up some side wall damage (I guess from an unseen branch). I assume this being the side wall it will need replaced. My car was just serviced and reported as having...
  13. Bricktop X PWR

    How much damage?

    "Answers on a postcard" No its okay. Answers on here will be fine.🤣 There might be some swearing.......
  14. M


    My mg4 vehicle is damaged from the back. ccu box changed I bought it second hand. the vehicle is malfunctioning, I am deleting the HV battery malfunction. It works but after it crashes it fails again. I put resistance on the belts. airbag ecu accident record deleted I don't have an...
  15. B

    Dodgy Dashboard

    I have managed to damage the top of the dashboard, I’m wondering if anyone has had the pad off the top of the dashboard or knows how it comes off?. Hopefully it just clips on from the top…
  16. V

    Mg3 Hybrid Luxury Car accident in the 8th day of ownership

    Hello I ve been in a mild accident and my front bumper and my left headlight have been damaged and needs replacement. My car dealer said that both together costs 1900€ / 1980 US Dollars and it costs 600€ for the installation. What do you thing about the pricing? I think it to high. Please tell...
  17. M

    Crash sensor

    After the collision with the deer (only minor damage) the MG4 has triggered crash sensor and is now inmovable. Is the crash sensor software resetable or does it require major mechanical work to replace? This information would help me to estimate damage and whether to take the car or sell it...
  18. APMG

    Drivers side seal/foam damage!

    I just took receipt of a 2022 Trophy MG of which I am the second owner from a EV dealer. Upon initial inspection the car was fine and nothing really came up the same as on the initial sign over. Its only when my other half went out today to take a look at the car she noticed a gash in drivers...
  19. E

    Seats removal

    Hi! Due to damage on the rear seat (bottom) and passenger seat (bottom as well) covers, they have been both replaced by my dealer (parts covered by MG and I pay the labour). Unfortunately they have done a very poor job and the covers are not correctly installed. I have check with them and while...
  20. S

    MG4 just got towed, will it still work?

    Hi, Sorry for the rookie question, but if our MG4 electric got towed by the council is it going to damage the car/battery/motor? Thanks for your advice!
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