
Damage is any change in a thing, often a physical object, that degrades it away from its initial state. It can broadly be defined as "changes introduced into a system that adversely affect its current or future performance". Damage "does not necessarily imply total loss of system functionality, but rather that the system is no longer operating in its optimal manner". Damage to physical objects is "the progressive physical process by which they break",: 1.  and includes mechanical stress that weakens a structure, even if this is not visible.: ix. 

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  1. M

    New car MG4EV receipt status

    Good evening, greetings from Greece. I am a new member and I just received my new MGEV exclusive edition today. I will upload some photos and I would like you to tell me if the image of the car is normal and if it can be restored. The seller told me that he just wants a good cleaning which he...
  2. Bam Bam

    Stupid careless Bam Bam

    Advice needed! I didn't clock a car parked in an unusual place in a car park without marked spaces and backed into it. Slow speed. Went inside and found the owner of the Audi who wasn't bothered. The damage seemed minor and all on the MG, which I drove away without any issues. Got it home...
  3. G

    Pothole gives MG4 concussion.

    Pothole gives MG4 concussion. Last Wednesday week I had reason to travel to Bunnings in Hastings, then on to Tyabb. Not well traveled destinations so I used the Great Google to navigate, but I missed a turn and it dutifully re-routed me. But the route followed some unsealed farm backroads and I...
  4. D

    My turn for the broken charge flap

    Well it finally happened to me, almost 2 years in. After I plugged in recently, my leg scrubbed the corner of the flap, and...crunch. There wasn't much force involved. Snapped like a carrot. Looking at the design on the structure, someone at SAIC thought that the best place to save plastic...
  5. A


    After breaking the radar another car with its cursed towbar; 5 months cost to get the BOSCH material; (the steel support arrived in 2 weeks); and after 2 days of installing and calibrating it; which is complicated. The material was impossible to arrive earlier since Bosch Germany told me that...
  6. P

    Radar replacement

    Hey everyone happy monday So after hitting a deer, in my 2021 pfl lr and replacing part of the bumper an issue has cropped up. My radar keeps failing its adas calibration. The garage are checking the wiring for anything loose but the likelihood is the unit was damaged. Does anyone know if...
  7. DaevM

    Unexpected braking y'think ??

    So, looking through breakers and came across this (very) sad sight. Hopefully no-ones on here ? What do you reckon then looking at the damage ? Unexpected sharp braking ? ?
  8. A

    Bent HV Battery lug

    My 3rd MG5 service inspection revealed a bent battery lugg, obviously caused by an impact with something on the road. Although I might have done it while reversing on a decorative rock outside someone's garden. MG said, although it's not affecting anything I should keep my eye on it just in case...
  9. P

    Bodywork repairs

    What is the experience of getting front panel of the car replaced as mine is badly damaged? John
  10. PaulC82

    Car Accident… :(

    Gutted my ZS has been reversed into today in a retail park car park. The old boy who did it, his car is, predictably undamaged because he hit mine with his towbar! It’s done the lower rear drivers door, lower plastic sill piece, dented the rear lower arch/sill itself, wheel trim and damaged the...
  11. BeardedZs

    Whoops Hoorah.

    My wife pulled in too close to a wall and scratched the front wing of our ZS. Can you imagine how pleased I was that it wasn't me? ?
  12. S

    Front radar on FL

    I had some kind person reverse into the front of FL and drive off. I heard the noise but did not get out in time to catch them. The car looks fine but I noticed the black plastic trim around the front radar was pushed out of place. I have managed to slot it back to where I think it should...
  13. Abaker Mk2

    Worn out seat! Anyone else?

  14. F

    Flood water damage resulting in full battery replacement

    Hi all, I am a new member and I have just signed up specifically to make this post. Before I go onto explain the situation, I want to precede this with the fact that I am not here to publicly shame MG, the car ( 2023 MG ZS EV) or scaremonger. I'm simply looking for answers and possible...
  15. dsr

    Battery 100% for how long?

    I have an ER, but assume my query relates to LRs as well. A charge failure last night led me to think how awkward that would be if I wanted a 100% battery for a long trip the following day. Would I be damaging the battery if I charged to 100% the night before = 24-30 hours before setting off on...
  16. G

    Undertray broken off

    Hi All, First message on this forum! I’ve had my MG4 long range for around 6 weeks and done just over 1k miles. Last night I noticed that something seemed to be dangling down from the underside of the car. I was shocked to find, when examining it closer today, that it appears that a large...
  17. 502BBC

    MG4 SE SR rims are built tough

    This is an unfortunate ending for my MG4, after being in the dealer for weeks for a simple infotainment update which MG Certified Service Centre denied, I recieved the car as delivered and drove it for running errands and small stuff. Got involved in a stupid crash today, an elder person drove...
  18. Bricktop X PWR

    How much damage to write off your MG4?

    Well not a great deal it seems! I can see the intrusion into the rear, behind the bumper but still.... I guess a lot of it will be to do with the car being relatively 'cheap' to buy, hence the threshold of repair costs, versus replacement is reached earlier. Some interesting photos...
  19. J

    Spare parts and service

    We have an MG EHS, and unfortunately I had a collision with another car. The damage is approximately €10,000. The workshop where the car is being repaired has ordered parts. Before starting the repair, all parts must be received. We have been waiting for that for 2 months now. This is an...
  20. S

    Undertray/wheel arch plastic damage

    Hi everyone, Yesterday we went partially through some standing water at the side of the road. A puddle a couple of inches deep at most, not fast and not particularly splashy or anything! It's a puddle that we wouldn't have thought twice about before. I heard a cracking sound under the...
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