
Damage is any change in a thing, often a physical object, that degrades it away from its initial state. It can broadly be defined as "changes introduced into a system that adversely affect its current or future performance". Damage "does not necessarily imply total loss of system functionality, but rather that the system is no longer operating in its optimal manner". Damage to physical objects is "the progressive physical process by which they break",: 1.  and includes mechanical stress that weakens a structure, even if this is not visible.: ix. 

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  1. founny1

    Not happy car has damage when collected.

    Hi Collected the car yesterday around 1700. When I got home after fighting through the traffic. Myself and son noticed damage to the car. See pics. Waiting for them to call me back this morning. ?
  2. N

    Damage to the Outside Door Panel Edge Moulding - Help & Advice Needed

    Hey all, I'm new here & hoping to seek some advice! I very clumsily managed to scrape the lower door moulding on on the passenger side door of my car. I have picked up a replacement panel in the hope it'll come off and be able to clip the new one into place. Has anyone done this? Tips, advice...
  3. tsedge

    Front plastic grille

    Could you post a picture? Would help us understand what you mean.
  4. M101

    Take off your MG4 wheel covers now!! All they do is damage the alloy and they look CRAP!!

    I washed my car this weekend and decided to remove the wheel covers to clean the alloys and im shocked that MG chose to fit these to the car. The wheel covers have metal clasps on them that grip on to the wheel and all they do is scratch the wheels and make them look awful. Mine have never been...
  5. Ender

    Damage to my MG hitting a deer

    Unfortunatly I hit a deer today with som significant damage. Will be calling MG tomorrow to get advice on how to get it fixed. A video tells more then a 1000 words. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hJGxw1IvW-Vl9A1fgLNRKVRzoCstxsJB I'm so sad for the deer and my car.
  6. J

    Seat Damage

    Hi there, looking for advice. Purchased car 14/05/21, car went in for a service 16/05/22 however on the 18th I noticed this split at the side of the seat. Called AC, they took pictures the next day, done a report to MG....just got a call today to say MG say the seats are only covered for a...
  7. P

    Damage to Side of ZS EV Red

    Hi, after only one day our new red ZS EV was bumped by a V6 Toyota Landcruiser in the local car park. The damage is to the rear left wheel hub area and side body. It did to look too serious initially but the local panel repair expert explained that the colour red uses quite special sprays and...
  8. BillyWhizz

    Paint work damage guess I was just unlucky

    Driving home from work heard a impact it sounded like I had driven over a can got home checked the car paint damage to lower near side wing and off side bonnet for the life of me can’t work out how it happened reviewed the dash camera footage you can hear the impacts and me saying what the f#%k...
  9. Iain

    Wiper arm damage to bonnet.

    Anyone else getting old and forgetting to “park” wipers before trying to lift them from the windscreen? During the frosty weather I like to ensure wiper blades are not frozen to the windscreen before moving off. I have fitted some door edge protector along the trailing edge of the bonnet as per...
  10. Iain

    Bonnet damage by windscreen wipers.

    Hope this tip is useful to others;- I have placed a strip of rubber door edge protection along the rear edge of my bonnet. This should prevent damage to paint when trying to free frozen wipers. (Yes I know I should “park” wipers during frosty weather but never remember).
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