
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA is a Belgian company that manufactures live outside broadcast digital video production systems. Their XT-VIA production video servers enable the creation, editing, exchange, and playout of audio and video feeds.

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  1. F

    How many chargers at your work place?

    I plugged in my car at the office today and once it had reached 100% I went to move it so as to free up a bay for someone else. I couldn't see all the charging bays but I assumed someone might have needed one. When I left the office tonight, as I was walking back to my car I started counting the...
  2. Stuart Wright

    MG EVs Podcast Monday 10 June 2024 @ 7:30pm BST

    The MG4 got plenty of accolades and now the Cyberster is getting positive first reviews. Are MG on a roll? We talk MG EVs on Monday evening. Join us at 7:30pm BST to comment and ask questions. You can listen to our audio version within 24 hours of the YouTube live stream...
  3. B

    MG 4 & MG ZS EVs both dead - 12V flat while charging.

    Hi all, I have had a great couple of days owning MGs. Both cars went completely flat. Personally I think there is a design fault with the charging. Has anyone else had similar issues? One car is an MG4 EV and the other is an MG ZS EV, both 2023 plate. The only change on my part is that I have...
  4. Teaselwheels

    New to EVs charging query

    Hi All, This forum has proved most helpful for a number of queries I've had re my new MG4 Trophy Extended Range & just EV life in general. Thank you for that. Having only picked up the car just over 2 weeks ago it's been a steep learning curve and a whole new EV world for me. Especially so...
  5. maskull

    Are body shops scared of EVs ?

    Had a bit of damage to my driver side sill a few months back . I wanted to avoid an insurance claim so I checked around the local body shops . Almost to a man they nearly had accidents in their underwear when they saw it was a EV with one saying it would cost about £1500 but they couldn't do it...
  6. tsedge

    Discounts on New EVs

    From EVM:
  7. Les burrows

    Batteries in EVs best way to look after them

    Hi everyone in the MGEVs podcast on Monday 4th March there was once again a fair amount of discussion about charging your EV well the 2 videos below I think give a very clear explanation of what is considered best practice for different types of batteries in the first one. And the 2nd one...
  8. Stuart Wright

    MG EVs Podcast Monday 4 March 2024 @ 7:30pm UTC

    In the first podcast of 2024, we talk about the new MG electric cars showcased at the Geneva International Motor Show 2024. The MG S9 and MG9 EVs look stunning. Plus we'll be discussing the hot topics from the MG EVs forums. You can listen to our audio version within 24 hours of the YouTube...
  9. Nicko

    MG was second for the sale of EVs in UK

    Interesting viewing on how many MG4s were sold. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/cars/news/britain-s-most-popular-new-electric-cars-revealed-the-ev-models-drivers-bought-in-biggest-numbers-last-year/ar-BB1iGdqL?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=1941bf7a3b3042628eee3d7b18d6fe6d&ei=19
  10. 5teep

    RAC Interview re EVs from Pluglife Television

  11. D

    Car tax from 2025 and the Expensive Car threshold

    Morning all, Given EVs becoming the norm (well ish... :D) its no wonder we will be paying car tax from 2025, but does anyone else think that the additional "expensive car" threshold of 40k is going to catch a few people unaware? Most EVs (bar the lovely MG) come in over 40k and by my reading...
  12. F

    New to EVs And the MG5

    Good evening to all. With used EVs now offering excellent value, I have decided to jump in and bought a 2021 MG5 LR. I’ve been driving it for a couple of days now and certainly enjoying the difference in an EV compared to my previous 3 Series. I am charging it using the 3 pin charger that...
  13. T

    EVs in popular culture ... where are they?

    Is it just me or is there a distinct lack of mention of EVs in popular culture, films, TV, books, music, etc. I don't actually watch that much TV, so it may have passed me by, but the only reference to EVs I can think of in recent memory was in the recent series of Vigil - and that was used as...
  14. salty

    Other car forums and EVs. ?

    Anyone go on other car forum's apart from this? Because the utter Shite that's spouted about EVs, is unbelievable, although sometimes it's actually that daft, it's funny. ?o_O:oops::rolleyes: Even though I haven't got an EV yet, I find myself sticking up for them, although May aswell bang me...
  15. ShirLow

    Super EVs to the rescue

    Thought this would interest some of you. ( if the link doesn’t work it’s on the ABC news page (Australia)) Fans, phone chargers and the air fryer: Electric vehicle helps quick-thinking Queenslanders through extended blackout
  16. Les burrows

    Interesting video about brakes and EVs

    This video is interesting I thought. Les
  17. TassiedEVil

    Mining EVs - interesting times…

    A much better summary than my podcast babble this morning for those interested in EV integration in the mining industry… Fortescue deploys Australia's "first fully electric" excavator on way to zero emissions in Pilbara
  18. Stuart Wright

    MG EVs Podcast Monday 18 December 2023 @ 7:30pm UTC

    In the last podcast of the year, we’re chatting about the latest hot topics on the forum and rounding up what has happened in the world of MG electric cars in 2023. We also say goodbye to some podcast contributors who have sold their MGs. Join us at 7:30pm BST on Monday 18th December 2023. If...
  19. Les burrows

    EV Batteries information for ALL new & old.

    The information in these to videos could be helpful to those new to EVs and those not to sure what they should or shouldn’t be doing with the cars have a watch. Les
  20. Rolfe

    Demand for EVs forecast to plummet

    Hiss, boo. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/22/uk-slashes-predicted-takeup-electric-cars-half-energy-prices
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