
An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. They differ from chat rooms in that messages are often longer than one line of text, and are at least temporarily archived. Also, depending on the access level of a user or the forum set-up, a posted message might need to be approved by a moderator before it becomes publicly visible.
Forums have a specific set of jargon associated with them; for example: a single conversation is called a "thread", or topic.
A discussion forum is hierarchical or tree-like in structure: a forum can contain a number of subforums, each of which may have several topics. Within a forum's topic, each new discussion started is called a thread and can be replied to by as many people as so wish.
Depending on the forum's settings, users can be anonymous or have to register with the forum and then subsequently log in to post messages. On most forums, users do not have to log in to read existing messages.

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  1. Stuart Wright

    MG EVs Podcast Monday 18 December 2023 @ 7:30pm UTC

    In the last podcast of the year, we’re chatting about the latest hot topics on the forum and rounding up what has happened in the world of MG electric cars in 2023. We also say goodbye to some podcast contributors who have sold their MGs. Join us at 7:30pm BST on Monday 18th December 2023. If...
  2. G


    Hi new member here mg4 se long range being delivered 27th on a lease will the car come with a charging cable if so what type or does it depend on the leasing company. Thanks
  3. Willie

    Octopus Intelligent Go

    I just transferred from Octopus Go to Intelligent go to charge our 71plate ZS via the Zappy charger and I am well impressed, just plug in and forget it. Intelligent Go certainly lives up to it's name and takes the hassle out of schedule charging.
  4. AdamMGEV

    iSmart 2.0 app woes [merged - all discussion in here please]

    So the MG app used to work with our mg4... not perfectly but enough. Now it won't put the heating on remotely, it just says status unknown and setting the max charge rate seems a little random whether it saves or not. I've never got the keyless start to work, I just tend to not bother with it...
  5. Keith Harris

    Shutdown (claims)

    Hi, I’m seeing a fair number of post on Facebook about cars (mainly ZSs ) shutdown whilst driving, just pulling up or grinding to a halt in the middle of traffic. I can’t find anything on the forum, what’s the thinking is it the usual ice scare mongering or is there something in it?
  6. S


    Proof that there is only aircon in the front of the car. First frost of the year last night. Also the first time I’ve tried the preheat in the app.
  7. 5teep

    Eco car.

  8. N

    Ouch ! M6 Toll gave me a 'present' last night

    Driving up the M6 Toll last night in the dark/rain. Overtook a lorry and just as I pulled back into lane 1 saw something in the road but it was too late. Not sure exactly what it was but on dashcam footage it looks like a suitcase of some description. Damage doesnt look bad from the front but...
  9. Sakes on a plane im fuming

    Car went in today for the repair and update. I told them the camera is covered and they need to remove the decal so to check it. Yes we've tested it and it's fine. Any problems then bring it back. Question, how do you test and calibrate a Camera, claim its fixed and have the sticker over it...
  10. Nuisance SE has gone in, but...

    So the se ditch finder has gone in. I've begged them to deactivate LKA and it may be back to a cover again over the camera. ?? Anyways, I've a ZS loan car- 3 cylinder with heated seats, but... its got the same biassed left steering wheel position! Also, the position of the wheel is only up and...
  11. Bricktop X PWR

    MG4 XPower. This never grows old ?

  12. G

    MG5 Dummy Handler!

    Just thought this might be of interest when I closed the rear boot/door & felt like a dummy! I'd locked the car then went back to load up with (my son's) garden rubbish. I then put my jacket on top and closed the boot door. It immediately unlocked? Thinking I'd left something over the lip I...
  13. H

    MG4 Door Contact Heights?

    Hi, Bit of an odd question but I'm wondering if any folks on here have done something similar and know the answer. I've ordered a Trophy MG4 (MY2023) which I'll be getting in a few weeks. Our driveway has reasonable space but a brick wall on either side so it's not hard to accidentally catch...
  14. securespark

    Build Date

    Is it easy to find?
  15. J

    Anything good on AliExpress?

    Just had a quick look but was quickly overwhelmed. Any decent accessories for the MG4 worth considering?
  16. N

    Tyre talk

    Hi I know there have been a few posts about tyres and thought that I would asks a few questions. I had my first puncture today (rear left) what would you do assuming you had to buy a new tyre, would you replace them all with better tyres or just replace the one that's punctured. I'm not keen on...
  17. AB71

    Attn Mod

    Is it just my phone or has the MG4 thread suddenly appeared in tiny letters. I find now in past five days I have to click on the MGEVs forum , then click MG4 EVs Whereas previously I just clicked on the MG4 EVs forum .
  18. halogen

    Thank me later... (engineering menu)

    Press home screen Press telephone tab Press keypad tab Type #*#4479*#* Have fun. [ Moderator edit: Added missing characters. ]
  19. G

    Front collision suddenly deactivated.

    And won't turn on again. Have this happened to anyone of you?
  20. Y

    Ecumenical matters

    Hadn't realised the DAB radio uses the star of david to represent all religions.
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