
An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. They differ from chat rooms in that messages are often longer than one line of text, and are at least temporarily archived. Also, depending on the access level of a user or the forum set-up, a posted message might need to be approved by a moderator before it becomes publicly visible.
Forums have a specific set of jargon associated with them; for example: a single conversation is called a "thread", or topic.
A discussion forum is hierarchical or tree-like in structure: a forum can contain a number of subforums, each of which may have several topics. Within a forum's topic, each new discussion started is called a thread and can be replied to by as many people as so wish.
Depending on the forum's settings, users can be anonymous or have to register with the forum and then subsequently log in to post messages. On most forums, users do not have to log in to read existing messages.

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  1. gezzes31

    MG4 mud flaps

    Just got mud flaps from evaccessories 28.98 inc postage. Easy to fit, done in 25 mins. Look the biz on car. No need to jack up, use fixing on car. Easy. mud flaps iv fitted
  2. Paulie68

    Cyberster pre order, anyone done it yet?

    Just wondering if anyone else has pre-ordered one yet? On the basis of you only live once and all that, I've just placed a pre order with Luscombe in Leeds. :)
  3. calwoo

    What’s the symbol?

    Any idea what the dull symbol on the right of the ac box refers to?
  4. K

    MG Cyberster road test

  5. founny1

    MG6 Love it?

    I know this is MG4 forum but check out the 6. No forum for the 6. As of yet. ??????
  6. Ian Key

    Driver's window squeal

    The driver's window had developed a squeal when opening and closing which had been annoying me for a couple of days. Finally got round to fixing it this morning with a quick squirt of silicon spray in the runners. I gave the other window runners a quick squirt while I was at it together with...
  7. L

    Cyberster at Cambridge services

    Spotted today during a lunch pit stop to charge up my MG4
  8. D

    Mileage reading missing.

    MG4 Trophy (which we both like other than the clunky touch screen) has now lost the data in the bottom right corner of the driver's display - total miles, trip miles etc. This has been replaced by the same GPS symbol as is on the home screen of the central display. We still haven't got our...
  9. D


    Any idea at what speed FKA kicks in? I have it set as alarm and brake. At moderate speed (10-15mph) it will act as I approach another car. In slow traffic, approaching a junction for instance, it appears to do nothing. I wondered if it eoild prevent me bumping into the car in front. I'm wary of...
  10. Jto

    One week ago all of you waiting on cars

  11. DBedford

    Was that you in your MG ZS EV?

    Just to keep up with the Jones, in this case the MG4 forum , I thought I’d start the same for the MG ZS. We drive a MG ZS TLR in Red. 10/07/23 - Driving west (ccw) on the M25 North from the M11 junction to the M40 we were passed by a 21 plate MG ZS in red, the only one we have seen so far other...
  12. C

    Mg zs ev lazy lock

    Hi all, does anyone know of the mk2 zs ev has lazy lock capabilities and just not available to us? Thanks
  13. A


    I would like to know when u release am Hebrew map version? It's quiet annoying to see in front of my eyes a stuck area because the lake of the maps. I would appreciate a quick response Thanks a lot ?
  14. S

    MG4 - Display Change

    Hi Guys Quick question , can the display on the infloatment screen change , e.g. , on the far right nearest to the driver you got the Navigation display , can you change this to the AC ? have seen some mg4 display AC and some display Navigation .
  15. G

    Taking you car to France?

    Interesting article in the Guardian Britons driving to France warned over clean air fines
  16. A


    I cannot figure out how to display the clock on mymg4 trophy ,,, and suggestions ?
  17. ZSchat

    Hello and thank you

    We picked up our new ZS EV (Trophy Long Range) three weeks ago and I already have a couple of observations/questions that I will post separately so as not to start a multi-layered thread. However, as an EV and forum newby, I wanted to acknowledge how informative and useful I am finding the...
  18. A

    Possible enhancement?

    Just a thought... There seems to be occasional confusion when people answer a question referring to a different car. Although the member info displayed may say a car type (e.g. MG5) it doesn't pin it down any further, e.g. Type 1, FL or the spec level. Could the list not be expanded to include...
  19. Delete old posts

    Does anyone know how to delete old posts on the forum
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