
A central heating system provides warmth to a number of spaces within a building from one main source of heat. It is a component of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (short: HVAC) systems, which can both cool and warm interior spaces.
A central heating system has a furnace that converts fuel or electricity to heat. The heat is circulated through the building either by fans forcing heated air through ducts, circulation of low-pressure steam to radiators in each heated room, or pumps that circulate hot water through room radiators. Primary energy sources may be fuels like coal or wood, oil, kerosene, natural gas, or electricity.
Compared with systems such as fireplaces and wood stoves, a central heating plant offers improved uniformity of temperature control over a building, usually including automatic control of the furnace. Large homes or buildings may be divided into individually controllable zones with their own temperature controls. Automatic fuel (and sometimes ash) handling provides improved convenience over separate fireplaces. Where a system includes ducts for air circulation, central air conditioning can be added to the system. A central heating system may take up considerable space in a home or other building, and may require supply and return ductwork to be installed at the time of construction.

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  1. B

    Battery Heating Always on?

    Today was the first day that temperatures dropped to about 2 degrees in the morning. I've been noticing the expected range drop off a lot as the winter approached. Going from the 400+km in Summer to now being in the 300+km bracket. On the school run this morning, I thought to turn on the...
  2. mattdav

    ZS EV (2020) heating issue

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  3. R

    MG5 LR- Heating Parked Up

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  4. T

    Heating control

    Hi we have just got our mgev4 se long range.wanted a trophy but none seem to be sent to Cornwall was offered this car as colour I ordered Camden grey can you get any heat and use fan without having the ac on.
  5. jaykew

    Problem with Remote Seat Heating

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  6. DrAndyPerry

    MG4 Intelligent battery heating on SE?

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  7. Big Al

    Pre heating the battery?

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  8. P

    Heating not working

    Tried turning heating on at various levels but still blows cold.
  9. tony powell

    Traction battery heating?

    Any ideas on when I should turn on traction battery heating? E.G. 20 minutes before arriving at a 120 kwh CCS charger for example?
  10. M

    Using demisters without heating

    Wanted to check if there is a way to use the front demistifier without turning the heating on? The reason I ask is the rear demistifier can be used on its own without the heating turned on. I assume it uses the 12V battery for the operation as I do not see the change in range when its turned on...
  11. F

    Battery Heating

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  12. admiralross2400

    How do you turn off the heating

    This is probably dead easy and I'm just being daft...but the manual isn't really clear. How do you turn off the heating and AC so it's not drawing power, but leave the fan on and not have the air recirculating. When I press the power button to turn it off, it switches to recirculation mode and...
  13. I

    No heating

    Hi, hope everyone had a great Christmas! Drove across the country to visit relations today. 100% charge before I set off, but no heating on any setting at all. Which was a bit chilly as it's only 3degC outside! Got here safe, and hoping it'll miraculously sort itself before the return trip...
  14. J

    Heating problem

    Can anyone help collected my new Zack ev and everything was fine until I realised I was freezing followed manual instructions on using heater but have had the car 3 days and it still blows out cold Anyone else had this problem or know a fit
  15. G

    New owner, heating related question!

    48 hours in to owning a long range excite mg5. A few questions: 1) Ignoring the GOM, what’s the impact of having the heater on in the present weather on the total range if driving from charged to empty? 2) If I go to the car while it is plugged on the granny charger to preheat, can I make it so...
  16. E

    Heating capacity only seems to be 3kw

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  17. Angelo

    5 LR Battery Cooling / Heating

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  18. andyryan1988

    Heating up the car while still charging

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  19. D


    Hi All, I am looking at buying a ZS or an HS. They really are remarkable value for money. Being retired, our mileage is a mix of local trips to the supermarket, etc, and much longer trips away, family visits, and so on. The current ZS just doesn't have the range for the latter, and I had almost...
  20. D

    Heating in EV Mode

    I'm testing a HS Phev tomorrow, and have heard rumours that the heating only works with the engine running. Can anyone confirm this is the case? Testing for a hesitate at around 50mph, anything else worth having a watch for, or pay attention to?
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