
A central heating system provides warmth to a number of spaces within a building from one main source of heat. It is a component of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (short: HVAC) systems, which can both cool and warm interior spaces.
A central heating system has a furnace that converts fuel or electricity to heat. The heat is circulated through the building either by fans forcing heated air through ducts, circulation of low-pressure steam to radiators in each heated room, or pumps that circulate hot water through room radiators. Primary energy sources may be fuels like coal or wood, oil, kerosene, natural gas, or electricity.
Compared with systems such as fireplaces and wood stoves, a central heating plant offers improved uniformity of temperature control over a building, usually including automatic control of the furnace. Large homes or buildings may be divided into individually controllable zones with their own temperature controls. Automatic fuel (and sometimes ash) handling provides improved convenience over separate fireplaces. Where a system includes ducts for air circulation, central air conditioning can be added to the system. A central heating system may take up considerable space in a home or other building, and may require supply and return ductwork to be installed at the time of construction.

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  1. R

    Battery heating.

    I know there is battery cooling but does anyone think there will be battery heating. When it is 14° or so outside i get over 5kwh but when its cold it can be half that. It would make a big difference in range being able to maintain battery temp.
  2. ALANB

    HV Battery Heating

    The manual shows a HV Battery Heater. Unsure the function of this....does it heat the battery when driving? Does it heat the battery when charging? Both can be helpful....for mileage and charging when cold.
  3. Dave53

    Battery heating switch

    Hi all, having just had the ZS EV since early December so not sure if it was on the earlier models, I’ve come across a YouTube video that shows a graphic on the centre screen when you choose the economy mode and on the infotainment screen in the car menus there’s a battery option, when you open...
  4. K

    Battery Heating Always on - New Owner

    Hi, I have my car less than 3 weeks now. Still learning about it but saw a video on YouTube about battery and shows a "Battery" Option in Tab in the infotainment screen, shows a option for "Battery Heating Always On". Am I missing an update. My dealer said my car was all updated when I got...
  5. LaraL

    Heating help please. :-)

    Hi All, I am a new MG ZS EV owner and I love it. I have a small issues with the heating and I am wondering if I am doing something wrong, if anybody else has found this or if it may be a fault. When the heating is directed at the windscreen it heats up nicely and pretty quickly. However...
  6. Exdro

    MG ZS EV Pre Heating

    Can UK versions of MGzs's be pre-heated? I've heard that the Thai versions can unless it also operates the air con. My son's Leaf can, and it is a useful option, extending range in these cold days.
  7. T

    Heating ventilation noise

    I picked up my new MG5 last weekend 30th Jan and I am really enjoying the car. I have noticed a loud humming noise from the ’engine’ bay, which you can also hear from inside the cabin. I can only hear it when stationary, say on the drive way. When I press the Heating control On/Off button on...
  8. N

    Heating by heat pump?

    Hi Another question... Can the MG5 use its heat pump to heat the cabin or is it just for cooling with an electric PTC heater? And does it also use waste heat from the battery or motor (I think both are liquid cooled) for cabin heating? Cheers
  9. notdodgy

    Heating while charging

    I am going to be sat in the car for around an hour Monday morning. While mother in law gets the jab. Car par has a charger. Can I plug in to charger (type2) and have heating on? If yes, is there a particular order of doing things?
  10. Mr C

    MG5 Pre Heating Defrosting

    Is this something that can be set up automatically so that the car defrosts itself and is warm ready for use for a planned journey? I plan to charge overnight giving me enough commuting range ready to start by 6am. I've not see anything about automated preconditioning of the vehicle prior to...
  11. Mark Holmes

    HV Heating and Cooling

    Question for someone...an apologies if it’s a stupid question, but does the car use more HV battery if you have the heating turned up hotter and the fans on at a higher speed. Also does have the cold air use more or less power than heating. The truth of the question is that I never paid to much...
  12. shawncullen

    Cold weather and internal heating

    This morning there was ice on the car. It took ages for the car to warm up internally. I actually put it in Normal mode (usually use Eco) after driving for around 9 miles and this seemed to increase the heat. Do we think this is a thing or did I imagine it? My wife said she was cold even with...
  13. B

    Winter Heating

    Hi Can you heat defrost the car whilst still connected to the charge point so as to save the battery?
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