
A hybrid vehicle is one that uses two or more distinct types of power, such as submarines that use diesel when surfaced and batteries when submerged. Other means to store energy include pressurized fluid in hydraulic hybrids.
Hybrid powertrains are designed to switch from one power source to another to maximize both fuel efficiency and energy efficiency. In hybrid electric vehicles, for instance, the electric motor is more efficient at producing torque, or turning power, while the combustion engine is better for maintaining high speed. Improved efficiency, lower emissions, and reduced running costs relative to non-hybrid vehicles are three primary benefits of hybridization.

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  1. H


    Anyone added any mods to their cars yet? From easy plug and play to complex?
  2. A

    Mg3 hybrid plus max speed

    What is the maximum speed you achieved with the new mg3 and how did the car behave?
  3. K

    2024 HS PHEV

    We have two mgs mg4 and MGHS phev. Mg app allows you to set up a garage and place the cars in and swap between the two. However, we had the mg4 first and when I swap in the ap to the mghs it seems to carry the digital key for the mg4 into the MGHS garage and I cannot locate the mghs digital key...
  4. Noel

    New Brochure for the MG ZS Hybrid +

    There is (at last) a brochure for the MG ZS Hybrid + https://www.mg.co.uk/sites/default/files/2024-10/MG%20ZS%20Hybrid%20Press%20Pack.pdf Hopefully a comprehensive manual dedicated to the new hybrid+ will follow🤞.
  5. G

    MG Australia Announces Upgrades to 2025 MG3

    In the last week MG Australia has announced the 2025 MG3 Hybrid models will receive a structural and software upgrade, to enable an improved NCAP test score. Details are not provided but it was revealed previously that the major item preventing a 4 Star rating was a centre airbag ( designed to...
  6. D

    MG3 hybrid + clunking on going over bumps in road

    I have a new (November 24) MG3 Hybrid plus and have noticed that there is a clunking over the driver's side wheel area when going over bumps in road. Has anyone had this or any ideas what it might be?
  7. Some light distraction with an MG3 Hybrid Plus in a supporting role.

    I came across this yesterday in a break from the festivities and TV.
  8. B

    MG ZS Hybrid+ high engine revs

    My new MG ZS trophy hybrid is revving very high on some inclines, is this correct. Thanks.
  9. G

    Larger wheels for MG3 Hybrid?

    So are there larger wheel options for the 2024 MG3 Hybrid? I would like to go to 17" rims, which fit the wheel wells. Maybe a recommended tyres size?
  10. Alan Mac

    New Member

    Hi everyone We picked our red ZS SE 2 days ago. Loving the drive! It's our first Hybrid and is so well equipped. Just 3 things we can't work out. Is it possible to scan DAB channels? Our available channel list is small with my favourite channels all missing. The Automatic Lights green...
  11. A

    Max rim size

    What is the max allowed rim size of the mg 3 2024 ?
  12. Jovik

    RPM is there somewhere to see it

    I've just watched a video of the mg3 hybrid trophy and the guy was telling us the revs per minute where is this information
  13. G

    Who has the most mileage on the MG3 Hybrid?

    So hands up, who has the highest mileage (or kilometre) MG3 Hybrid? How high is high? Any issues arising, advice, etc? What does your fuel use look like, ie is it the claimed 4.3L per 100kms, or whatever number is used for MPG?
  14. boatbirder

    MG3 Hybrid+Heating Vs EV

    I have owned my Trophy MG3 Hybrid+ since August and I'm approaching 4,000 miles on the clock. Residing in Aberdeenshire Scotland, I have observed as we enter the colder months (-4 degrees Celsius at the time of this posting) the vehicles (EV) seems to be less prominent. I am curious whether this...
  15. C

    Mg3 Hybrid

    Hello everyone, I recently bought an MG3 Hybrid but I was wondering how the electric system works. I've read online that under 50 km per hour the electric battery starts running, however while driving at that speed the display shows the acronym HEV, which I think it means the gasoline engine is...
  16. clef

    MG ZS Hybrid voice command

    Hi, I picked up my ZS hybrid yesterday and I am still learning how all the tech works. I would like to know if the 'Hello MG' prompt works with the hybrid. I have successfully used the voice command button to initiate a call but that's about all. Thank you.
  17. Stuart Wright

    MG ZS Hybrid+ Wiki - Hints, Tips and Solutions

    Hello and welcome to the enthusiast's Wiki for the MG ZS Hybrid+. This post can be edited by any forum member with Wiki editing permission. If you wish to volunteer to be a Wiki editor so that you can edit this post to update it with the latest information, please contact Stuart Wright...
  18. R

    12volt battery low on MG3 Hybrid Trophy

    I purchased an MG3 hybrid Trophy in July 2024, it has been fine since then but the last few weeks it shows 12V battery low when ignition switched on. I have contacted the dealership for an answer and am still waiting to hear. Anyone else had this problem and been given an answer ?
  19. Z

    MG ZS HYBRID+ Gets Fix After Acceleration Issue Exposed by CarSauce

    MG Australia has announced a software update for the 2025 MG ZS HYBRID+ after independent testing by CarSauce revealed a significant discrepancy in the vehicle’s acceleration performance under specific conditions. During CarSauce’s testing, the ZS HYBRID+ recorded a 0–100km/h time of 24.59...
  20. N

    New member.

    Hi everybody i have joined today and i am collecting my MG ZS hybrid trophy in dynamic red tomorrow looking forward to help and information as i have never had a hybrid vehicle will let you know what i think in a few days.
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