ismart app

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  1. DBedford

    iSmart app (iPhone) updated this morning

    Updated this sunny Thursday morn (15/06/23) version 1.1.2) Unable to test it as we don’t collect our ZS till next week. Enjoy, and I hope it fixes some of the reported issues.
  2. tkmaxx5

    Temperature Sensors

    Hi all Had the facelift MG5 SE a couple of days and overall very happy with it. One minor gripe / issue is I can't seem to get the temperature sensors to report, at least not via the iSmart app (see image below). Not in itself a major issue but I have my suspicions this is impacting the...
  3. Susanna

    MG Touchpoint - strange geography!

    There is something wrong with the geography - I live in Northamptonshire, but in the MG Touchpoint section of my iSMART app, EMG MG Ipswich is listed as my nearest dealership, at just over 14 miles away! According to the map, Ipswich has changed county, and it’s now a few miles north of...
  4. SD43

    New iSmart App? Better or worse?

    What do you think?
  5. tsedge

    Reset password on iSmart app

    I need to change the password on my iSmart binding. Is there a simple way to do this or do I have to contact the dealer? Thanks.
  6. T

    MG iSMART app

    Hi I have the MG zs exclusive EV - I am unable to find a QR code with computer system in car to set up the MG iSMART app - does this model not have the access to do this as I want to be able to check the status of my battery when the car is charging.
  7. John Sauve Rodd

    Where is the UNBIND icon in the iSmart app?

    The icon looks like a broken chain-link - I can't find the damn thing anywhere. The ZS screen tells me it's in the app.
  8. D

    iSmart App - Target SoC not working anymore

    I own an MG4 SR. Up until recently i was able to change to target SOC within the iSmart app remotely while it was charging. Now that triangle indicating the SOC percentage is gone and i cannot modify it anymore. I reinstalled the app, logged on / off, but no change. Did somebody else see a...
  9. Rolfe

    Well, that surprised me...

    I got to my car after an appointment in Biggar and decided I'd like a takeaway meal from the restaurant in West Linton, 11 miles away. So I googled the number and dialled it. Much to my total astonishment the infotainment screen changed to show the phone, and the voice on reply came out of the...
  10. Rolfe

    Remote defrosting via iSMART app

    Today I decided to try the remote car heating from the app. Outside temperature was reading 7C and the temperature inside the car was 15C. As my intention was to sit in the stationary car fiddling with the screens and the steering wheel buttons I thought I'd warm it up before I got into it. I...
  11. M

    Binding mgzs 2021 to iSmart app

    I can’t seem to bring up a qr code to scan … there another option to control the care remotely? (Charging/preconditioning etc)
  12. M

    Poor connection to iSMART App

    Hi, I know there have been a few various posts on using the iSMART app to connect to the MG4. I was trying to find out if our poor connection at home is due to issues with the esim’s service provider? I assume it’s Vodafone, unless anyone can correct me? Also what is the purpose of connecting...
  13. Ian Key

    Service schedule on iSmart app

    If you open the iSmart app, then My Profile and then Manual there is the Service-Portfolio. Unfortunatly it's to small to read on my phone and if I zoom in it makes it difficult to read across the lines. Has anyone managed to download it off the phone so it can be read in a more convenient...
  14. N

    iSMART app not working for 3 weeks

    Howdy folks, I’ve had my MG since Jan 2023 and the app has been working like a dream until 3 weeks ago, when it just stopped working. It won’t refresh, can’t find the vehicle. I have turned on the car and turned in the app whilst in the car, I have deleted the app and then downloaded it again...
  15. Buster

    iSmart App charging

    Hi All, Ive had my MG5 standard range 50kW just over a month now. I installed an 11kW 3ph charger at home and only charge overnight on cheap rate. We've only done just over 1,000kms The first time I used the scheduled charging feature there was an option to choose a finish time or battery %. As...
  16. M

    MG4 iSmart app stuck in 'long-trip' mode

    I'm a bit stuck but my iSmart app is stuck in long trip mode which means if I leave it overnight charging it'll go to 100% if it has a enough time. Then regen breaking don't work as well and I've reinstalled the app and can't find any setting in the car to come out of long trip mode. The slider...
  17. W

    MG ismart app problems

    Had our ZX sr Trophy since July last year and the app has worked all this time. For some reason yesterday it stopped working and i cannot do anything via the app! The app is still showing the car at home, even though we've been out and about and its still showing the state of charge from 2 days...
  18. S

    ISMART app stops working after a few days

    Hey How many people have noticed the ISMART app stops working if the cR is not used for a few days? As sim as you unlock the car it starts working again. Thanks
  19. A


    It’s not a surprise to my wife in anyway that I’m still getting to grips with the iSMART app. I’ve been struggling to work out the battery heating. It seems that when it says start time, it means the time you are planning to use the car, not the time you want the battery heating to start...
  20. C

    iSmart app can only be used to a limited extent after update

    Hello everyone, I have a ZS Facelift Connect / Luxury from 2022. My iSmart system in the vehicle has received an update of version R12 to the current version R22. Since the update, some functions of the app no longer work. Before the update, the app worked perfectly. Now I am no longer shown a...
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