ismart app

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  1. M

    Ismart app

    Had a nightmare trying to charge the car for the first time today (using the granny charger at the moment) So downloaded the mg I smart app how or where do I find the qr code to bind to the app? Thanks in advance.
  2. Andrew Sinclair

    iSmart App and Digital Key

    Does anyone else use the Digital Key feature in the iSmart app? I have stopped carrying my car key completely now, just leave it at home! Rather means I have to keep my phone charged up mind you. Great feature!
  3. M

    My Ismart app sometimes does not connect to the gps

    My Ismart app sometimes fails to connect . This seems to be an intermittent problem as at other times it connects ok. Has anyone any idea how to correct this and why does it happen intermittently?
  4. K

    Airbag warning in MG iSMART app

    Airbag warning in MG iSMART app Hi all I’ve just bound my new MG ZS EV Trophy to the iSMART app and it’s giving me an airbag warning but the airbag warning light isn’t showing on the display. Has anyone encountered this?
  5. V

    iSmart app / QR verfication of car ?

    Morning, Just picked up my brand new blue 2022 EZ EV and loving it so far. However, trying to set up the MG iSmart app is kind of a pain in the ass. Got my MG account set up/verified with both phone and e-mail. UI is set up in Norwegian. Question is, do I need to scan the QR code with iSmart...
  6. S

    Having trouble pairing MG zs ev trophy connect with the iSmart app!

    Having trouble pairing MG zs ev trophy connect with the iSmart app! The car doesn't even display a qr code to scan and the when trying to login manually I get a message saying the vehicle is not activated. Anyone having the same problem and know how to fix it?
  7. megamac

    iSMART App issues with receiving verification code

    I received my new ZS Trophy Connect earlier today and was looking forward to setting up the app. I managed to pair the car using my email address, but it has been impossible to add my mobile number to the profile. When I enter my mobile number and click the send button, I get a message at the...
  8. L

    Binding Trophy Connect to iSMART app

    Does anyone know how to bind my ZS Trophy Connect to the iSMART app? Both my car and my app are logged into my account; however the app does not recognise my car. I go to bind the car to the app, the app asks me to scan the QR code on the car but I cannot find a QR code.
  9. J

    Unbind MG ZS EV from iSmart app

    Hi there, I picked up my MG ZS EV a couple of days ago from a dealer who had bound his phone to the car using the iSmart app. He said he'd unbound it, but now when I go to bind my phone to the car, it says the car is already bound. Is there a way to re-set this binding? I've tried a factory...
  10. F

    MG iSmart App

    Does anyone have any tips and tricks on how to get registration to work on the iSmart app? I've tried phone a couple of times but no code ever shows up, and when I try the email option it tells me "service not available right now".
  11. D

    MG iSmart app user experience

    Day 3 of my trophy connect ownership, I have started charging with granny charger at home after driving 100 miles . Hopefully to get wallbox installed in a month. There are a couple of issues with my experience of the new iSmart app: 1) Binding the iSmart with the car using QR code. It is...
  12. N

    MG ismart app - unable to register

    Hi, I am unable to register for an account with MG ismart using my UK mobile number. Is there a problem is that ? Email registration isn't working either. Kind Regards Nav
  13. Alan

    MG iSmart App

    Hi All, I like to be prepared and set things up ahead of time, so I was trying to register on the iSmart app on my Android smartphone and it keeps complaining about my password which is 8 charaters with numbers and letters and a symbol one of the letters is also capitalised. However, it keeps...
  14. Cheepry

    MG iSmart App

    Hi everyone, Did any of you managed to connect the app to the car,? On youtube, I’ve seen that EHS is also compatible, but it asks for the QR code on the car’s frame (which I am not able to find). If any has a way of pairing the app, please let us know. And also, is there a way to preheat the...
  15. Marc Nagtegaal

    MG iSmart app

    There is a new app in the App Store from MG. You can register but to connect with your car you need a QR code. I could not find this QR code anywhere on the car. I reached out to MG to ask about this. A little searching on the web when I stumbled upon the following message. Naar aanleiding van...
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