
Video4Linux (V4L for short) is a collection of device drivers and an API for supporting realtime video capture on Linux systems. It supports many USB webcams, TV tuners, and related devices, standardizing their output, so programmers can easily add video support to their applications.
Video4Linux is responsible for creating V4L2 device nodes aka a device file (/dev/videoX, /dev/vbiX and /dev/radioX) and tracking data from these nodes. The device node creation is handled by V4L device drivers using the video_device struct (v4l2-dev.h) and it can either be allocated dynamically or embedded in another larger struct.
Video4Linux was named after Video for Windows (which is sometimes abbreviated "V4W"), but is not technically related to it.While Video4Linux is only available on Linux, there is a compatibility layer available for FreeBSD called Video4BSD. This provides a way for many programs that depend on V4L to also compile and run on the FreeBSD operating system.

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  1. M

    V2L… again…

    And so it would appear that some people can use V2L with a stopped ‘n’ locked car while some others (like myself) can’t. There’s this guy on YouTube who clearly shows he’s able to turn off and lock the car (the video is in German, but you can use auto translated captions in English). My ZS...
  2. wandle MG4 trophy

    Charging 12v battery using a V2L lead connected to the same car?

    There are a few threads on here about MG4 12v battery failures that have caused numerous issues. I park my car well away from any plug that I could use for a battery charger so I am wondering if I could use my V2L cable connected to my car to attach a battery charger to charge my 12v battery...
  3. pgh

    Archived MG ZS EV V2L cable

    EVCables V2L 5M with single 3 pin socket. Works fine with my 2nd Generation Trophy LR (2022). Originally cost me £190 but I'm open to reasonable offers.
  4. N

    V2L switching off after a few seconds ZS EV 2022!

    Hi Has anyone had problems with their V2L discharging switching off on a ZS EV 2022? I have a type 2 plug with a 470 ohm resistor fitted between PE & PP, it was used to power individual items such as washing machine or tumble dryer (not at the same time!), the resistor still shows 470 ohms (I...
  5. E

    MG 5 EV V2L

    I had a Mg zs new model but I changed it for a Mg5 brand new but the old model, I want to no if I can still use the vehicle to load cable adapter type 2 for camping and stuff,evo098
  6. S

    V2L Cables

    Does anyone know if the facelift comes with a V2L cable? Or if not, has anyone tried this one: https://evcables.co.uk/products/mg-vehicle-to-load-v2l-discharge-cable?variant=42567225671930 The V2L capability is part of my backup strategy to keep the heating on if we end up with power cuts (to...
  7. Stageshoot

    V2L Test. 7kW output...

    Both myself and my neighbour have our MG4s wired to our household consumer units to run the house directly from V2L. We were told the MG4 output only 2.2kW, Our old Kia EV6 output 3.5kW. Today we decided to push them as far as we could.. With a meter on the input, we ran 2x 600W IR Heating...
  8. EVsince2016

    Connecting a V2L car to a house as a battery.

    Ok, I know the difference between V2G and V2L. You cannot connect a car with V2L to the house power supply because it cannot sych with the phase of the grid and an explosive outcome will result. Would it instead be possible to connect via a DC convertor to a solar DC invertor instead to power...
  9. Jester27

    DIY V2L cable

    Made up my V2L cable tonight based on info from elsewhere in the group. Bought a 5m 16A type 2 Cable with a wired end from AliExpress. £47.29 55%OFF | feyree 32A 8KW EV Charger Plug Type2 Cable 16A 1Phase Car Charging Station 3Phase 11KW 22KW IEC62196-2 Cord for Electric Vehicle...
  10. Nigelleics

    Anyone for a v2l cuppa of MG Tips? ?

    We enjoyed a nice cup of tea at Rutland Water earlier using the V2L adapter. Worked well once I realised that I needed to get into charging menu and set a minimum battery level. Couple of minutes later we had 2 cuppas made with 'electric water'.
  11. L

    20% off v2l cable

    Ev cables 20% off up until end of October..if your thinking of getting one take advantage of this deal .. type in EVTV2L at checkout !!
  12. Simon Rogerson

    V2L Cables

    Hi all just got my zs ev trophy connect a question on V2L cables. Are they just a cable with standard type 2 on one end and 3 pin socket the other?? They look like a costly bit of kit so thinking of buying the components to put one together... any idea in size of cable required? Would be nice...
  13. Willie


    Is the V2L feature only available on the Mk2 zs ev and not the Mk1
  14. M

    V2L upgrade?

    Having accidently got the specs of the 2022 model and my 2021 one confused I got very excited about the new v2l cables that have been released. Does anyone know if the old mg5 can be modified to use the cables? Or is there simply too much that needs changing for it to be economical?
  15. E


  16. Nigelleics

    MG4 V2L query

    Hi. Does anyone know the best procedure for using the mg4 with a v2l cable? I'm looking to take a washing machine/dryer off grid if possible, and it's connected load is 2000w. What concerns me is that on another thread it was said that the lights need to be left on, which would be a bit of a...
  17. S

    V2L to run home heatpump

    Hi I have the first edition of MG ZS EV but considering the new edition because of the range, app and the V2L function. But due to the high energy prices, I was wondering I could connect my home heatpump to the V2L on the car, of course of the grid in the house.
  18. werner ostby

    MG4 V2L cable

    Does anyone know the price for the V2L cable for the MG?
  19. werner ostby


    I have ordered an MG 4 EV with trailer hitch. I have a Poletta caravan (500 kg total weight). Can't wait to try V2L.,?
  20. Lespresso

    V2L Cars to be in demand?

    With the current energy problem getting worse I am so glad I have ordered a MG4, when I initially explored upgrading from my MG5 V2L was just a nice thing to have, now I think it’s a very important feature. When discussing the MG4 V2L is undoubtedly one of the main talking points with the...
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