
Video4Linux (V4L for short) is a collection of device drivers and an API for supporting realtime video capture on Linux systems. It supports many USB webcams, TV tuners, and related devices, standardizing their output, so programmers can easily add video support to their applications.
Video4Linux is responsible for creating V4L2 device nodes aka a device file (/dev/videoX, /dev/vbiX and /dev/radioX) and tracking data from these nodes. The device node creation is handled by V4L device drivers using the video_device struct (v4l2-dev.h) and it can either be allocated dynamically or embedded in another larger struct.
Video4Linux was named after Video for Windows (which is sometimes abbreviated "V4W"), but is not technically related to it.While Video4Linux is only available on Linux, there is a compatibility layer available for FreeBSD called Video4BSD. This provides a way for many programs that depend on V4L to also compile and run on the FreeBSD operating system.

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  1. Ads

    V2L, V2H, V2G - How does it work with MG EVs?

    Hi all, new to the forum. Ordered an MG4 a week ago and expecting delivery in the second shipment Oct/Nov. Having done a bit of research on V2G it still seemed a way off with only one very expensive chademo bidirectional charger model out, so I was about to order an Easee charger. Then on...
  2. JohnInFrance

    First 'away from home' charging and V2L working in anger

    Well, the MG is out of the garage, still broken, but we got bored of waiting for the dealer not to fix it and decided to take it on a trip to Spain as I'm working at the Barcelona circuit this weekend taking polaroids of race cars going round and round in circles turning hydrocarbons into noise...
  3. H

    Using V2L to keep electricity bill lower

    Before i start, please note that i do not currently own a ZS EV, so this is just speculation, not me trying to "cheat" So, like everywhere else, electricity prices are skyrocketing in Denmark. The current record was a few days ago, where the price from 7-8PM on a cloudy day with not much wind...
  4. D

    V2L adapter

    Hi I'm just wondering if any of you who have received the Marvel r, did you also get the V2L adapter? I'm asking since most of the YouTube reviews said it would ship with one. I did not receive one so I would like to know if I'm the only case or they changed their mind about including it.
  5. Sloucher

    V2L - useful ?

    That's what I was alluding to Michael. For true V2H or V2G you need (amongst other things) circuitry to synchronise the output AC waveform with that of the grid/house supply.
  6. B


    [ Moderator note: this topic is now the merge of 2 threads (incorporating "V2L - Useful?). But see also: DIY V2L V2L warning - also discharges 12v battery! Vehicle to Load (V2L) - Any Information or First Hand Experiences? MG ZS EV facelift - Vehicle 2 Load / V2L etc. ] I see that the new MG5...
  7. Gadget Geek

    DIY V2L

    Hi everyone. It finally arrived . . . No, not the car, the V2L adapter. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004055248970.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.0.0.4297f19cHjiUZX So I opened the box and there was the adapter and an instuction booklet in chinese. The top of the adapter had 3 star...

    MG ZS EV facelift - Vehicle 2 Load / V2L

    #Vehicle2Load #V2L #update When your wife asks you to empty the washing machine and put the wet washing in to the tumble dryer during the day (I’m working at home) my first thought is about cost as we have a 2030-0130am cheaper octopus go faster tariff when we normally put white goods appliances...
  9. I

    V2L warning - also discharges 12v battery!

    So first time using our new V2L cable on the campsite last night and awoke to a flat 12v battery. It seems that with the V2L cable attached there is some form of drain on the 12v battery although I cannot work out what or why?! The process we followed was: car on, discharge screen set to 40%...
  10. J

    New ZS ev V2L options

    Whole I wait for my new LR Trophy Connect to be built, shipped and delivered (I can dream) I was thinking about the vehicle to load function. At present it seems that it can only be used when the vehicle is not being driven and the lead is outside the vehicle. The Ionic5 and EV6 both have a...
  11. S

    V2L cable

    Hi all. I searched up here and online and the only place really that sell such a cable is evcable website. But that is still at a whopping £150 for a 5 m cable single gang. Is there anywhere that does one that is a bit more price friendly ? I have to do quite a few camping trips to make the...
  12. Aussi55

    V2L Adapter Advert

    Just came across this in case it's of use to anyone. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/384874421188?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=gtC3fek1Td-&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=CTYKOmVuSei&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I have no connection to this and can't vouch for it, but it may be of...
  13. Alun26

    V2L official cable?

    Has anyone managed to find an official MG V2L cable, as I understand that the new ZS EV has this cabability?
  14. Stefanseiner

    V2L - vehicle to load adapter / cable

    Hello, the MG ZS EV is able do deliver 2.500 watts via V2L / VTL / vehicle to load. Does anyone has some information about the needed adapter cable? I just saw some pictures like this at the internet but no idea where to get. Sure I will ask my MG dealer, but it would be interesting for me...
  15. A

    Vehicle to Load (V2L) - Any Information or First Hand Experiences?

    [ Edit Coulomb: There are many other V2L threads, e.g. V2L, V2H, V2G - How does it work with MG EVs?, V2L - Useful?, DIY V2L, etc. =1&o=date']Title-only search for V2L. ] Does anyone know how to get hold of a Vehicle 2 Load (V2L) lead to use with the 2022 MG ZS EV Long Range? I am waiting on a...

    Marvel R V2L

    V2L (Vehicle to Load ) is the most exciting thing about the new Marvel R for me. I expect that I will probably be alone in this so let me explain. Once you have an EV it makes a lot of sense to make your own fuel at home from Solar. I have solar and batteries, I make all my power for my car and...
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