
A flood warning is closely linked to the task of flood forecasting. The distinction between the two is that the outcome of flood forecasting is a set of forecast time-profiles of channel flows or river levels at various locations, while "flood warning" is the task of making use of these forecasts to make decisions about whether warnings of floods should be issued to the general public or whether previous warnings should be rescinded or retracted.
The task of providing warning for floods is divided into two parts:

decisions to escalate or change the state of alertness internal to the flood warning service provider, where this may sometimes include partner organisations involved in emergency response;
decisions to issue flood warnings to the general public.The decisions made by someone responsible for initiating flood warnings must be influenced by a number of factors, which include:

The reliability of the available forecasts and how this changes with lead-time.
The amount of time that the public would need to respond effectively to a warning.
The delay between a warning being initiated and it being received by the public.
The need to avoid issuing warnings unnecessarily, because of the wasted efforts of those who respond and because a record of false alarms means that fewer would respond to future warnings.
The need to avoid situations where a warning condition is rescinded only for the warning to be re-issued within a short time, again because of the wasted efforts of the general public and because such occurrences would bring the flood warning service into disrepute.A computer system for flood warning will usually contain sub-systems for:

flood forecasting;
automatic alerting of internal staff;
tracking of alert messages and acknowledgements received;
diversion of messages to alternates where no acknowledgement received.

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  1. C

    Bonnet latch fault?

    Did a search and couldn't see anyone with a similar problem. I've got a ZS exclusive (19 plate out of warranty due to mileage), the last few days I'm getting frequent errors with the bonnet latch, it is firmly closed but the sensor seems to think its not. This morning I drove home from work...
  2. madmanacrossthewater

    Warning messages

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  3. E

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  4. raycook


    i got a warning on the dash as i was doing 75mph, to slow down. next i had a warning triangle come on and a sos with a phone sign on it. it went off after a few mins. should i be concerned?
  5. MG Clive

    Damn TPMS 😮

    On my way round to a mate's to show off the new Xpower this morning, the tpms showed the n/s rear was low on pressure, so I stopped to have a look, it looked ok and it was only 236kpa whereas the rest were 240kpa, so I carried on. It was still on when I got there, but then as I was going...
  6. KrispiiDuck

    Warning - help to identify please

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  7. S

    Electric Power Steering Warning Alert

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  8. R

    Seatbelt warning.

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  9. Evgen K

    Fast charging and Low Voltage battery warning?

    Hello guys. Sorry if this question was asked and answered earlier (please merge threads in such case or just delete). But i have one question. I charge my MG4 Lux by fast charge stations and everything is OK with it, car gets 140kW (when the battery is warm enough). But when charge is finished...
  10. Lollipopman

    Visual and audible Warning signs.

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  11. Billy321

    Speed camera warning (not what you may think)

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  12. Bricktop X PWR

    The Universe Giveth.....

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  13. D

    Reverse warning

    Should my ZS EV emit a warning beep to warn pedestrians when reversing.
  14. Italy

    Isn't that annoying? ?

    Do you think, like me, that there is far too little time (3 or 4 minutes) before the eternal warning that when you stop, with the engine off, there is a risk of draining the 12-volt battery? On my old Jazz hybrid it was after 25 minutes.
  15. KH11

    Air bag warning

    Anyone had this just had air bag warning light coming on and off today. Got it booked in for looking at but wonder what is causing it. MG 4 Trophy 23 plate here but it is a 1st phase one from what I can decipher from the paperwork.
  16. L

    Tyre Pressure

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  17. Wendwell

    3 Niggles - Music Stops, Fault Warning When No Fault & Sat Nav Goes Silent

    Three niggles not noticed before in a car eighteen months old. Alh happened to day during a round trip of c. 100 miles. 1) We were playing muisc as we usually do from a USB Memory Stick. On six occasions, tracks paused. Easily started again as my wife was in the front passenger seat. 2) A...
  18. K

    Emissions light back on - AGAIN!

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  19. dsimpkins

    Service now warning, but car recently serviced

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  20. D

    Seat Belt Warning System Faulty

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