
A flood warning is closely linked to the task of flood forecasting. The distinction between the two is that the outcome of flood forecasting is a set of forecast time-profiles of channel flows or river levels at various locations, while "flood warning" is the task of making use of these forecasts to make decisions about whether warnings of floods should be issued to the general public or whether previous warnings should be rescinded or retracted.
The task of providing warning for floods is divided into two parts:

decisions to escalate or change the state of alertness internal to the flood warning service provider, where this may sometimes include partner organisations involved in emergency response;
decisions to issue flood warnings to the general public.The decisions made by someone responsible for initiating flood warnings must be influenced by a number of factors, which include:

The reliability of the available forecasts and how this changes with lead-time.
The amount of time that the public would need to respond effectively to a warning.
The delay between a warning being initiated and it being received by the public.
The need to avoid issuing warnings unnecessarily, because of the wasted efforts of those who respond and because a record of false alarms means that fewer would respond to future warnings.
The need to avoid situations where a warning condition is rescinded only for the warning to be re-issued within a short time, again because of the wasted efforts of the general public and because such occurrences would bring the flood warning service into disrepute.A computer system for flood warning will usually contain sub-systems for:

flood forecasting;
automatic alerting of internal staff;
tracking of alert messages and acknowledgements received;
diversion of messages to alternates where no acknowledgement received.

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  1. Tone68

    Tyre pressure warning inaccurate

    Apologies if there's already a thread for this, but I couldn't find it in a search. Has anyone else had this issue? I've just inflated my tyres as the warning (rightly) reported them a bit low. My problem is that it's still warning me they are low when I know for a fact all tyres are inflated...
  2. MG Clive

    Windscreen wiper warning!

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  3. StuartT

    Tyre pressure warning after pumping up [SOLVED]

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  4. bedsev

    Anti Collision Paralysis

    After 1065 miles I had my first challege with anti collision. At the time I thought it got it wrong, but after reviewing the dashcam is probably was the right call, but the issue was that once it had gone off the car would not engage drive again. No throttle, into park and back to drive nothing...
  5. Rohnstrom

    Please take control of vehicle

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  6. L

    Speed camera warning noise

    ‼️Can someone please tell me how to turn off the loud beeping noise for the safety camera alert ‼️
  7. M

    Speed warning

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  8. shpub

    Warning for us Supercharging MG5 owners - always use the Tesla Supercharger app!

    This came up on a private forum so I have copied it here as I cannot link to it. As I am not sure that MG5s or other models have the ability to stop a DC charge from the car - I always stop it at the charger or app - it could be a real issue for us. It talks about problems with BMW i3 but has...
  9. B


    I have a warning of a fault with the TPMS on one wheel. Instead of pressure being shown as a number in white there are orange dashes. Has anyone had this and worked out how to fix this?
  10. A

    System warning messages when starting the car

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  11. Bazza17

    Airbag alarm

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  12. jakeellis01

    Rear Seat Belt Warning

    In my country, Seat Belts are not mandatory in the rear seats only fronts. Is it possible to turn off the Warning for the Rear Seatbelt when someone is sitting behind?
  13. M

    Fatigue alarm

    Hi guys I have an MG4 and when driving for a couple of hours and alarm goes off with an image of a coffee cup and says something like take a break with incessant beeping. This can’t be switched off and I can’t remove it from the settings can someone help please. Mike
  14. D

    TJA Warning

    Firstly, yes I know there was another thread which is closed and I would have posted this there but wanted to share my experience... I was using TJA on a straight road - no I mean really straight: Weather was dry and sunny and there was oncoming traffic. With just my right hand on the wheel...
  15. S

    Air Bag warning light

    I have got the EV4 Trophy from new (last september) and so far i have only done 3000 miles but i have more than 600 messages about my air bag fault.i spoke to the dealer and they said not to worry about it
  16. Baldytone

    Brake lights

    Hi all, Something I’ve been meaning to ask, when you are using the regenerative braking (tacking your foot of pedal ) do the brake lights come on, otherwise it could be a problem if you have Mr BMW close behind. Cheers Tony
  17. R

    What's this symbol?

    Re 2022 MG HS This symbol has appeared today - top left of photo. A white disc surrounded by a red circle. There's no reference to it in the owners manual. Any ideas what it means? Thanks
  18. R

    SOS warning

    Hi all I just get a SOS warning. First in yellow, then in red? After 2-3 minutes it disappeared. No message in app!? Any one experiencing this phenomenon ?
  19. aidan

    Airbag warnings that disappear after 10 mins

    [ Moderator: there is a solution for loose connectors in another thread here.] I've had my used MG4 Trophy Long Range 2023 for a month now and, aside from a few niggles with the infotainment system and the issue I'm about to discuss, I'm very happy with it. This airbag warning issue has...
  20. Fin

    Warning when reversing

    I was at B&Q last week and noticed there was some broken glass (wing mirror) in the space beside mine. When I was reversing out of the space there was a red light beside the rear wheel (on the side where the glass was). I though it might have been a tyre pressure warning - that I'd got a...
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