It isn't cooling the car and I can hear the compressor cycling on and off every 20 seconds.Will need to know more.
What problem are you having with it?
It isn't cooling the car and I can hear the compressor cycling on and off every 20 seconds.
The condenser fan is running full speed as the compressor cycles.
Ooooo I did not know that and yes on Eco.are you driving on ECO or Normal ? In ECO mode, air-con works on half power and sometimes it's not enough to cool the car down... Also, check the settings and put it on "Auto"
Warranty depends what might be wrong with it; from memory, gas is 6 months but the full list is online and also on this forum, search keywords and it should pop-up.
.I always drive in ‘eco’ mode, and find the AC works just fine.
When you turn on AC remotely, for heating or cooling, it only stays on for 10 minutes to protect the battery. Depending on the exterior temperature, it may not have been possible to reach that temperature in the time.
Have you tried in Normal, is it better? Although, not that hot outside these days ...I'll take it for a run on Normal and see what happens.
.Hi guys, in the winter season can you preheat the cabin and the battery using the application or do you need to go inside the car? I didn't get the car yet, need to wait for another week to get it home.
Silly question but does the A/C control shortcut switch light have to be lit for the heating to work or is it only dependent on the settings set in the A/C module? Until lately I have only used it to activate the cooling when the car has been sat in the sun for a while, and it seems to work. I only ask as for the last couple of days, I have got into the car early in the morning when the temp was below 10°C, turned on the A/C, which is set to 20°C, and cold air comes blasting out. When I whacked the temperature up to high to test it, still no expected hot blast of heat came out. Not sure if it is an operator error, or what appears from other posts, a common fault.
Further to my last, got into car at 0630 this morning with infotainment displaying 2°C outside after frost overnight. Put on windscreen demister, which also activated the A/C light. Although the blower came on at high speed, the air coming out was less than Luke warm. I was expecting a blast of hot air to bring the car cabin temperature up from freezing to 20°C. Is there anything obvious to check/do before I contact the dealer?early
was the car in NORMAL or ECO ? When mine is in ECO, A/C works with less power, maybe the heather works the same way. Try setting the temperature to max C and switching between cabin heating and demist to see if the temperature varies when you use one or the other ...? Check that the car is in NORMAL and not ECO.Further to my last, got into car at 0630 this morning with infotainment displaying 2c outside after frost overnight. Put on windscreen demister, which also activated the A/C light. Although the blower came on at high speed, the air coming out was less than Luke warm. I was expecting a blast of hot air to bring the car cabin temperature up from freezing to 20c Is there anything obvious to check/do before I contact the dealer.