At the risk of a long ramble - you may only want to read this if you are having trouble sleeping -
Thanks for starting the thread, lets hope somebody finds a solution, my original observation:
I still haven’t resolved on AA is that guidance audio doesn’t come through when on DAB or FM, Audio dips but nothing is heard. Guidance audio does come through when streaming or listening to audio from memory stick on the usbC port, so I dont think it is a phone problem. might be an MG software issue of how it mixes the different audio feeds together. Car is an SE.
it was
@digitaldai 's post on a different AA question that prompted me to start this thread, so I'm glad I'm not alone in seeking a solution. In no particular order:
If I were to
Or download TuneIn radio and listen to radio via internet ??
use Tunein Radio app, then it's still the FM/DAB Radio that is the default audio source that the car wakes up with, so before I do anything I'm probably sucked into something I might want to listen to and there we are, no voice guidance. If the car started with AA as the audio source, then maybe I'd feel more inclined toward using a radio app and my initial problem wouldn't exist as AA would be handling all the audio and I'd hear Voice Guidance if enabled. Besides, DAB has trouble with the rolling hills of Devon, I suspect 4G would do worse.
Has anyone found they can have AA as their default audio source upon vehicle start?? I do not use USB stored music, it's all streamed.
Once the car has started and wirelessly connected to AA it will automatically switch to AA on-screen but leave the audio source as RADIO. It's a faff to go to HOME (out of AA), switch audio sources and come back to AA. So, not by design, but for me there is usually a podcast or Spotify paused in the small pane of AA, so I briefly hit play then pause and this switches the audio source - but it's not maintained as default next power on. And yes, right hand custom button to select sources, but I think I have that for heater controls.
A slight additional problem is that whilst I almost couldn't wish for the wireless AA adaptor to work any better,
it does introduce one further complication. When AA has self started wirelessly and the Radio has defaulted to the audio source, incoming phone calls are not audible. This is because the phones BT connects to the adaptor and not the car. Whilst I'm driving, I'll mumble about the lack of a slick setup, sort the problem and take the call, but if my wife is driving on her own and the phone rings....
So do I crave maps voice guidance to play over FM/DAB or the car to start with AA as the default audio source? I suppose the answer is both!
Back to the thread though. Forget MG specifically, AA if implemented fully will play VG over Radio, I know other implementations in other cars and other head units do it. The fact that Dai and I

notice the radio volume dip when a message should be heard is just a tease. This feature of VG mixed over the top of radio is also implemented in Apple CP as well and I've witnessed it in a Mini.
On our 15 yo other vehicle with an after market BT hands free, I wouldn't expect VG over FM to work, technically it can't work as it's akin to an old Hi-Fi separates setup where the amplifier has distinct audio sources with no intermixing. A full AA implementation can mix.
I'll keep searching the Android and AA forums in case there is an answer out there and if I resolve I'll post it here.
I know this is a real 1st world problem and I'm a lucky boy, I have my health and a new car etc etc but it's the last 1% that makes the big difference.
BTW, before some wag suggests asking the dealer - please take my answer as Foxtrot Oscar
If you've made it this far - well done, go and have a lie down, night night xx