Standard Member
Good morning Ray.Hi David. Yes looking at the photos I agree there's nothing obvious showing and the cells in the pack seem to be welded to the link straps so they cannot be disassembled further.
Are the cells in plastic or metal jackets? I can see aluminium under the plastic top frame.
They are in metal jackets.
Hi Coulomb.Are you saying that you can measure voltage at the main terminals of the pack, when the contacts should be off? If so, both contactors must be leaking.
You keep talking about voltage, not leakage or conductivity. Many meggers can be used as a voltmeter as well as as a high voltage ohmmeter. Are you using the test button and the 500VDC setting? Testing at low voltage, as when using the megger as a voltmeter, can produce different results. Some leakage will only show up at high voltage.
Yes, the tester was on 500v. Since 2/3rds of the pack has faults it is definitely something to do with the water ingress i found. I ordered an isolation tester which arrived last night but as i work nights i wont be able to use it till i'm up later this afternoon.
I guess that as it was 12 of the 18 cells which showed this issue maybe theres something inside the pack which i cannot see which has been damaged further. I'm considering removing one of the two modules, or both, from the pack and look at how to take it apart? I can see that all connections are laser welded so not sure what i can do except take all the bad packs home and stick them in my small box room with the dehumidifier on full blast for 2 days?