Prominent Member
It's amazing really, the computer processing power they can get into a car, I think of it as the tesla super computer!Oh, yes. That side of things is very complex, and in Tesla cars involves a lot of specialised hardware. I saw a YouTube video on it some months ago, and it was fascinating. They were given a 100W power limit by Elon, which was a tough design limit. Worth digging up if you're interested. They may recently have changed the hardware again.
I have no idea where the MG Pilot is implemented, or what hardware is involved. On the Slack group, three ECUs have been obtained and examined. I'm interested in examining the firmware, but the encryption hasn't been determined yet.
One MG owner in Australia who also owns a Tesla model 3 says that the MG detection of speed limit signs is better in the MG. That may be partly because the Teslas get more training in the US, which doesn't use international standard speed signs.
Sat Nav map data is of course very large (11 GB for the Hyundai Kona), and would live on an off-chip flash drive.
Do you think there's any chance of someone breaking the security to fully access the ECU firmware? I'm assuming its using decent modern encryption.