I think you will love the Megane (whoops I mentioned the Megane again. Sorry. If I have upset anyone else out there but, trust me, you will be OK. Take a few deep breathes and have a herbal tea).
Push hard for a discount, especially if you are a bit flexible on trim and colour. Margins are tight but look at the acessories on offer that they can throw in at cost to them Premium mats upgrade on the already decent ones included is an absolute minimum.
The salesman with us showed me his inventory screen and I think there were about 50 variations of model, colour and trim available, in the country. Most seemed to be March/April delivery. Nice and easy for them if they can just bag one for you there and then. I can have my perfect choice for 1 March (actually delayed it by 10 days to get the 23 plate) Latest from MG was they had no info on my MG4 ordered in early December. I think the whole MG system is down for two weeks (planned) anyway now. They have been poor and it was a delight dealing with Renault but I appreciate that not every Renault dealer wil lbe the same It's just an opinion based on my experience. Got a senior salesman who spent two hours with us. Came and sat next to me on test drive and explained everything. I have said this on another posting but going from my MG dealer to Renault was like going from Aldi to Waitrose. At MG my wife innocently asked the very young sales guy what MG stood for and he admitted he didn't know! Both cars have their place in the market of course but I felt MG4 were treating me as a budget car buyer when near enough £32K is a lot of money to me and certainly doesn't feel like bargain basement sort of money.
Ended up paying just over £38.5K for a goreous Techno model in red metallic paint with grey roof, free premium matts, ceramic treatment inside and out (cost is £250). It comes with a Type 2 to Type 2 Cable (of course), three years RAC whether you serice with them or not. It also has lights for the rear seat passengers so they can see to put their seat belts on at night without a torch which is nice. The undertray seems to actually fit and the software running the whole thing is based on Android rather than something thrown together full of bugs for users to find and spent many happy hours driving to and from their dealers to get updates. Renault does over-ther-air updates. Crucially for me, it remembers your setttings so the Lane Kill Assist doesn't need to be turned off everytime you get in. Mainly because it actually works so you don't need to keep turning it off. Arguably not quiiiiiite as fun to drive, maybe, as the MG4 (front wheel drive) but still lovely. The acceleration still threw me back in my seat and my wife asked me not to do that again!
Anyway I don't want to upset any MG4 owner because I loved the MG4 when I test drove it, which is why I ordered one, and in the weeks afterwards but the emerging issues (most of which will be sorted, I agree) put some niggling doubts into my head and they sat there like a chronic infection, slowly eating away at me. It went acute when my dealer started ignoring me, didn't have a clue as to the progress with my order and failed to take the initiative when I raised reasonable issues of concern and sought reassurance/some soothing words. Having switched has lifted all of that. But...everyone is different. Hey, let's keep things in perspective. It's a car at the end of the day.