I'm not wanting to get into this again today but the whole troll comment is crap in regards to the Lidl sign, this was only changed because several members posted a variety of different images in relation to Lidl being Renault (your comment) since removed by Alb, and said for me to change my profile for a laugh.
It wasn't even me that brought the Lidl Aldi thing up.
As I've said the Lidl thing was a dig at Renault not MG, I'll take it down if you want, it's not a big deal.
You are correct in what you are saying above I have been negative in the majority of occasions I've posted about aftercare topics, that's because the service has been poor.
I have however also praised positive ones.
I kept coming in here as I would still consider the car and it really is a good very knowledgeable forum, where I've learnt a lot. It also for the most part doesn't take itself that seriously and there is quite a bit of good banter etc, and as has been said it's not a closed shop.
I think anybody buying a new car has to accept there will be issues and possibly criticism, and there have been some quite irate people on here at times, far more vocal than me in there criticism of MG.
I think, if has happened in the past people are basically told to leave for moaning or saying they are now considering another car. Like I say has happened, then what kind of a forum does that make this.
I will apologize to anyone that has taken offence at anything I've said, I have never ever directed any insults at an individual, although I have received a few myself ( and a couple of choice ones by a DM, but I'm a big boy and there are keyboard warriors everywhere, so no big deal)
I admitt I have been critical, but again the car does have a list of issues and some unhappy customers that's just a fact, I do get that people don't want to hear it but it's true. I will continue to call out poor service as I see it, we will all have experienced it with something in the past so we can all see it when it falls below an acceptable level, so are able to comment on it.
I do get that people are going to get a bit defensive of a car they have bought that is getting slagged off but again you can go through any thread and find people a lot more critical and vocal than me.
Hopefully as I say it won't go down that route again today, hope you have a good one?