I can see how it's confusing! I decided that rather than try to become an expert before carefully choosing my system then carefully selecting an installer, getting at least three quotes of course, I would simply get the guy who installed the system in my neighbours' (essentially identical) house to do mine too. After checking with him that he was happy with the job, of course!
So I'm learning on the job. I had no idea of how the various components interact before looking at my own system in operation, and it's fascinating watching them play this delicate game of pass the parcel with the available power. I didn't even realise that the components had to be balanced in terms of how many panels, how big a battery, what rating an inverter. But honestly, I far prefer this to having spent months reading up everything about it, watching innumerable YouTube videos, and getting hopelessly mired in indecision.
I was wrong about 44.16 kwh being my system's best ever. It did 44.92 kwh on 18th May, only three days after being installed. This was genuine wall-to-wall sunshine, helped by the battery not being fully charged till 11.30 allowing a bit of extra generation in the late morning. So I suppose with equally perfect conditions a month later it would be possible to exceed 45 kwh. But that must be about the ceiling.
Today, 20.52 kwh, mainly in the morning, with a small amount of generation still happening at 6.30, but it's raining and the battery is already having to step up with a few watts occasionally. The "bodge-up" work-round worked perfectly, as always.
The morning didn't look sunny but the cloud was thin and a fair bit of sunlight was getting through. Around 9.15 the battery had recharged enough for the Eddi to start heating, but that didn't last because about 9.35 there was enough surplus for the Zappi to take over (actually the water was still quite hot from the previous day's efforts). I had flipped the battery protection to 93% about nine o'clock.
Everything went swimmingly until about one o'clock when the cloud cover thickened dramatically and by 1.30 it was pouring with rain. The battery supported the Zappi until 2 pm, when it reached 93% and cut out. The remaining solar recharged the battery quite quickly (that's my reason for deciding on 93% as the cut-off - it's enough to support the Zappi when there's a reasonable amount of generation, but when the solar falls off it doesn't leave too big a hill to climb to get back into the game), and by 2.45 the Eddi was able to get back into operation.
The solar never recovered enough to restart the Zappi, but the generation that there was heated the water. It never quite got up to temperature, but it's fine as it is, and if I wanted the water hotter I could simply get the Eddi to run a 20-minute boost using the battery power. (Or I could use the kerosene boiler, but I wouldn't do that unless it was so cold I had to start the central heating, and it isn't.) I just turned the battery protection back to 4% so the house can have what it likes for the evening and night.
The Zappi put 13.34 kwh into the car (including losses), raising the SoC from 23% to 45% and adding 46 miles of range. Not bad for a day which was mostly horrible.
It seems to make sense to prioritise the Zappi over the Eddi if you want the car charged, because the Zappi needs a fair bit more solar in order to get up and running than the Eddi does, and the Eddi can always mop up any surplus during times when there isn't enough to power the Zappi. Also, if the water isn't hot enough it's easy enough to fix that from the battery or the central heating boiler.
So far so good. Still waiting to have it explained to me in what way I'm strangling my system and where there is any downside at all to this. (Confession. I did forget to turn the inverter setting back one evening, until after the battery had got to its set limit and the house was drawing a little from the grid. But it all happened after 11.30, so 7p/unit, and it had been going for less than an hour before I realised and remedied it. I couldn't even see that day as unusual as regards grid import - there's always a little, due to the pass-the-parcel games - and I worked out it cost me about a penny.)