Here is the email sent to Guy Pigounakis. Let's see what sort of answer is produced.
Dear Mr Pigounakis
You will be aware of the DAB Radio situation on MG HS cars, (and possibly other models), where, because of a global shortage of semiconductor components and closure of an MG supplier, a temporary solution has been adopted to allow sales to continue.
You may not be aware of the growing concern, evident on consumer fora, among affected MG HS owners, which must number many thousands. There is widespread dissatisfaction with the temporary fix which is clumsy and unsightly, often does not work and loses much radio functionality. This has been compounded by an unhelpful response from MG Customer Service when contacted about the problem. There will soon be adverse publicity in the motoring media, legal action against dealers, or even Class Action if something is not done to resolve the issue satisfactorily. This will damage MG's reputation and have an adverse impact on sales. There are already indications of orders being cancelled.
I understand that MG cars now being sold in the UK have fully functional DAB Radios. It should therefore be possible to resolve the matter by recall where the component, or even the Display Unit, is replaced. It would be helpful if MG were to issue a statement indicating that such a recall will happen within a reasonably short, defined timescale. I would be grateful if you would look at this.