Well let them know it’s on a service bulletin and that you know of others who have had it done or booked. The reason they don’t want to announce it is they don’t want a rush.
Further, my supplying dealer has notified me of the fix being announced, so they are proactive in trying to trace their clients/customers.
Be very interested to know exactly what the fix is... I see on another thread that it may be a booster installed behind glove box (which is certainly not what I would be expecting as a permanent fix and wont fix the rds fm problem).
Does the fox mean you no longer have the temporary aerial stuck on the screen. How well is the Dab working. Can you now save favourites and get good reception
I do not have the fix. I still have the temp aerial stuck to screen and am waiting for a date from my service centre to have this temporary installation rectified. I do not know what the permanent fix is.
As I understand it the problem is so vast that they’re limiting how many are done at any given time. I had mine done today and was able to sneak a peak at the warranty paperwork. I suspect if you quote SCUK1308 you may be able to jump the queue ?
Can I check with you if you don’t mind now that you’ve had it done has it cured all the problems and returned the radio back to the RDS on the FM, and do you now have full functionality on the DOB. Also I’ve seen people saying that you lose a USB socket. Have you lost one of your USB sockets or do you still have the two at the front? I’ll be most grateful for response to the question was here before I had mine done. Thank you very much.
Hi its not a fix whatsoever it's absolutely cock up and I have wrote a strong worded email to the CEO about this

I had a reply and also this is what it will look like


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Here is the email sent to Guy Pigounakis. Let's see what sort of answer is produced.

Dear Mr Pigounakis

You will be aware of the DAB Radio situation on MG HS cars, (and possibly other models), where, because of a global shortage of semiconductor components and closure of an MG supplier, a temporary solution has been adopted to allow sales to continue.
You may not be aware of the growing concern, evident on consumer fora, among affected MG HS owners, which must number many thousands. There is widespread dissatisfaction with the temporary fix which is clumsy and unsightly, often does not work and loses much radio functionality. This has been compounded by an unhelpful response from MG Customer Service when contacted about the problem. There will soon be adverse publicity in the motoring media, legal action against dealers, or even Class Action if something is not done to resolve the issue satisfactorily. This will damage MG's reputation and have an adverse impact on sales. There are already indications of orders being cancelled.
I understand that MG cars now being sold in the UK have fully functional DAB Radios. It should therefore be possible to resolve the matter by recall where the component, or even the Display Unit, is replaced. It would be helpful if MG were to issue a statement indicating that such a recall will happen within a reasonably short, defined timescale. I would be grateful if you would look at this.
He isn't the CEO Mr Wang is I have already written a strong email to the CEO and received a reply if you would like to see this I will post it for you ..
Subject: Mg HS PHEV exclusive

This is an email I sent to Mg re the DAB issue.
Response posted underneath

Dear Mr Seaton,

As a purchaser of 9MG, cars from SAIC over the last 12 years I believe myself to be a good customer for the brand.

My PHEV is a lovely motorcar, which I am thrilled and delighted with except for the bodge up fix for the dab radio, albeit as a proposed temporary solution, although seemingly for some people, a very long-standing temporary solution already.

Having seen reviews of the car from Australia, the set you have put into the car seems very similar to the Australian specification set and that makes me question whether you really ever intend to put this right

As a company of the standing of MG motor UK, and as a subsidiary of SAIC you cannot seriously expect any customer to accept that the bodge is anything other than just that. I am aware that you have written to the dealers confirming that it is intended to sort it out and would point out that if the head unit can be made for the revised minor facelift of the car which is basically little changed , from the other earlier model, that this is going to create bad feeling and give the company a bad name unless it is sorted out quickly and efficiently.

The fact that there is no RDS or text functions on the radio you have fitted tells me that it was one, that’s probably made for a market that does not have DAB or RDS.
Therefore replacing the head unit is probably the only solution going forward and surely this has to be done in order to give the companies name a boost with all the buyers of the car during this period.
Using up old stocks of parts made for different markets is not a credible behaviour for the company and this must be put right immediately if not sooner.

Whilst not wishing to take action, I am aware of, I wish to put you on notice of the conditions under the sale of goods act, and also the trade descriptions act, which this vehicle fails on both counts currently.

I look forward to hearing some positive news from you by return. Yours faithfully


MG’s response

Dear Mr Lawrence

Thank you for your email and I am sorry to learn that you remain disappointed.

Please see below email recently released by directors of MG Motor UK Ltd.

MG Motor UK acknowledge that the DAB dongle temporary solution for the semi-conductor issue has caused national discussion amongst our customers on social media, forums and directly into our Customer Care Team.

Like most other manufacturers, the worldwide semi-conductor shortage has meant that MG Motor UK have had to create a temporary solution to ensure customers can still receive their new vehicles without halting delivery altogether.

We are aware that the temporary solution has left some customers dissatisfied and we are currently looking into available options to rectify the issues that are being raised.

We do not have confirmed timeframes, but please rest assured, as soon as a solution is available that has been thoroughly tested, a communication will be released.

If you have any questions in the meantime do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely

Gary Smart
Customer Service Coordinator

[email protected]
Gary smart is a idiot
Gary smart is a idiot
I don’t think comments like that help. He is just a cog in the wheel doing whatever he is told to do.

Can anyone who has had the fix done please confirm.
1) Dab now functions including favourite stations.
2) FM functions like Rds now fully working.

3) have we lost a USB socket in the process

I would really like to know from somebody who has actually had the fix completed, so we know the reality of what we are looking at.
I stand by what I said tbh

With regards your point

Yes you have or we have lost one
With regards the other two they still don't store channels and still do t tell you the station it's on ..


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I stand by what I said tbh

With regards your point

Yes you have or we have lost one
With regards the other two they still don't store channels and still do t tell you the station it's on ..
Thanks for answering. I thought you said the other day that you had not had the MG fix done. Did they warn you that you would lose your music usb socket.
I have had it done now as my car has been with the 3 months with other problems but from the letters from my dealer after sending him the pics he has said this is the fix and to me it's not it's a shambles and social media fb MG HS forum people are of the same one USB mate
Thanks for answering. I thought you said the other day that you had not had the MG fix done. Did they warn you that you would lose your music usb socket.
Ps never warned anyone that you would lose a USB at all ....
Thanks again. You just cannot accept the damage done to the car where you have highlighted. ThAt has to be replaced and repaired. I would not have accepted this under any circumstances. What are you going to do. It looks as if the artful bodger has been at it with his screwdriver. Disgusting
Had a call from my dealer today informing me of a fix for my DAB issue. This was instigated because of my emails to the salesman who sold me the car who was good as his word and said he would follow up on the information given to him.

I was contacted by a very pleasant lady from the dealership informing me my car was subject to 2 service recall notices, the first an earth strap and second a DAB fix. On being informed of the DAB fix I asked would this delete one of my usb sockets? To this the kind lady read to me the recall memo. To cut a long story short yes one of the USB sockets will be deleted due to another DAB box being grafted on to it and rendering it useless for anything else. I explained that I did not want another bodge fix and rejected the so called fix as they are basically hiding the DAB module behind the dash instead of in the glove box. She said I would be the first to get this "fix" so couldn't confirm my assumptions. I asked if RDS and TA would be available after the fix again she said that she would let a couple of fixes take place and report back on the results. I thanked her for this and informed her that I use both usb sockets one for my Android auto wireless adapter and the other for my music.

I cannot fault the dealer here they in all fairness have been great, however this fix is another DAB box of I would think better quality than the first but I dont see this as a long term fix. I want a radio with all the chips internal so I can use all the functions, the infotainment unit is bad enough without half of it missing. When I informed her I wouldn't be having the fix carried out she said that I may have issues in the future making warranty claims. I disputed this fact unless the fix directly affects further claims, she did back track on this however.

This is a huge disappointment on a 30k plus car, why dont they just change the head unit? I never thought for one moment that MG would look for the cheapest fix possible to get around this issue shocking customer support. I certainly won't be buying another one if they cannot get a simple radio fixed what if something really serious happens? Losing confidence, its such a pity over a rather trivial issue.
That isn't my vehicle thankful and its OK am on to it I have already emailed the CEO and received a reply and also my dealer also so it was a strongly worded email unsure if you have seen it at all
But everyone who has a vehicle

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 – what you need to know

This is what you need to know about the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and how to apply it to reinforce your legal rights.
It is a common myth that you only have 30 days grace to act, whereas the 30-day rule applies to rejecting the goods and does not affect your rights.
S22(3) Consumer Rights Act 2015 gives you a ‘short-term right to reject’ faulty goods within 30 days and demand a full refund, no questions asked. The onus (burden of proof) is on you to prove it is faulty within 30 days.
replaced three major pieces of consumer legislation, namely;
  • Sale of Goods Act
  • Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations
  • Supply of Goods and Services Act
The purpose for doing so was to simplify, consolidate and modernise consumer legislation and to give consumers clearer rights when purchasing goods and services.


All products should be;
  • Satisfactory quality
  • Fit for purpose
  • As described
  • Last a reasonable length of time
S49 Consumer Rights Act 2015 states that a trader must perform the service with reasonable care and skill.
covers all trades including plumbers, hairdressers, takeaways and restaurants.
If you discover any faults within 6 months of ownership, the presumption is that the fault was there from the outset unless the retailer can prove otherwise. This is where you apply the Reverse Burden of Proof.
The onus is on the retailer to prove that the fault was not there at the time you purchased the product.
You need to give the retailer one opportunity to remedy the same fault. You have the right to reject the goods and demand a full refund without deductions if this fails. The only exception on deductions is for vehicles where you have had use of the vehicle for more than 30 days.
If 6 months has elapsed, the onus is on you to evidence that the fault was there at the time of purchase.
This can be evidenced by an expert opinion or evidence that this is a common fault with this product.


The Consumer Rights Act 2015 creates a ‘fairness test’ to prevent consumers being placed at an unfair advantage. Key terms and conditions need to be transparent, fair and balanced.
S62(1) Consumer Rights Act 2015 states that an unfair term of a consumer contract is not binding on the customer.

The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 also reinforces this. This legislation considers such practices unfair if they cause a consumer to take a different decision than they would have otherwise made if they had not been given false information or put under unfair pressure to proceed. The focus is on misleading and aggressive actions and omissions.
If you had no alternative but to agree to the terms and conditions, a Court would likely consider that you have been put under unfair pressure to do so.


There are other pieces of legislation you can refer to when it comes to reinforcing your case such as;
If a vehicle has been purchased on finance, the vehicle is owned by the finance company

“I bought a second-hand car in October 2018 and it has been a nightmare. I paid about £3,200 + my old car in exchange. After a month the ESP light came on. I went to the garage and I was given a bill of about £1,150. The warranty didn’t want to know anything about it and the dealer wasn’t picking up. I tried to go through the Small Claims Court but was scared to lose and then ended up paying more money. Do you think you could help?”

First of all, this case firmly falls within the remit of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 which states that products / services must be;

Fit for purpose
As described
Satisfactory quality
Lasts a reasonable length of time

The customer has given them one opportunity to remedy the fault which occurred within 1 month of the purchase. Any faults found within the first 6 months are automatically presumed to have been there at the point of sale, so it is up to the seller to remedy it. This is known as a reverse burden of proof.

Any faults found after 6 months puts the onus on you to prove that the fault was there when you bought the item. You have up to 6 years in England and Wales and up to 5 years in Scotland to do so.

It just becomes a bit more difficult and protracted but it’s certainly not impossible, especially when the product in question has well-known faults such as Vauxhall Zafiras catching fire and Hyundai I40 clutches. I cover that on car warranty problems and your consumer rights.

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 generally gives you more protection than any warranty, although there are exceptions to the rule.

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 states that a product must last a reasonable length of time. That is subjective, and a washing machine is a good example to look at in this scenario. If you are using your washing machine every day for 2 years, the company could easily say that this equates to what would be considered as ‘normal use’ under most circumstances for 6 year use. That would be put down as ‘wear and tear’.

A warranty would probably work for you in that scenario. However, what you have to also bear in mind is the cost of the warranty itself. Given that you can buy a decent washing machine for £200 – £400 (in my humble opinion!), you need to weigh up the cost of a warranty and if it’s worth having.

Your legal rights provides you with better protection than any warranty.
Had a call from my dealer today informing me of a fix for my DAB issue. This was instigated because of my emails to the salesman who sold me the car who was good as his word and said he would follow up on the information given to him.

I was contacted by a very pleasant lady from the dealership informing me my car was subject to 2 service recall notices, the first an earth strap and second a DAB fix. On being informed of the DAB fix I asked would this delete one of my usb sockets? To this the kind lady read to me the recall memo. To cut a long story short yes one of the USB sockets will be deleted due to another DAB box being grafted on to it and rendering it useless for anything else. I explained that I did not want another bodge fix and rejected the so called fix as they are basically hiding the DAB module behind the dash instead of in the glove box. She said I would be the first to get this "fix" so couldn't confirm my assumptions. I asked if RDS and TA would be available after the fix again she said that she would let a couple of fixes take place and report back on the results. I thanked her for this and informed her that I use both usb sockets one for my Android auto wireless adapter and the other for my music.

I cannot fault the dealer here they in all fairness have been great, however this fix is another DAB box of I would think better quality than the first but I dont see this as a long term fix. I want a radio with all the chips internal so I can use all the functions, the infotainment unit is bad enough without half of it missing. When I informed her I wouldn't be having the fix carried out she said that I may have issues in the future making warranty claims. I disputed this fact unless the fix directly affects further claims, she did back track on this however.

This is a huge disappointment on a 30k plus car, why dont they just change the head unit? I never thought for one moment that MG would look for the cheapest fix possible to get around this issue shocking customer support. I certainly won't be buying another one if they cannot get a simple radio fixed what if something really serious happens? Losing confidence, its such a pity over a rather trivial issue.
I also have been told today that my warranty is void if I reject the fix. I cannot and will not accept that as an answer. The lady I spoke to at Chorley tried adamantly telling me that the car was only ever supposed to have one usb socket, so I could not complain. At this point I rang off.
Such balderdash.

I have a theory. When the manufacturer of the dab and Rds radio unit went bust they stuck sets in our cars from a market like Australian or somewhere else where they don’t have dab or fm Rds. Therefore we have been fobbed off with non Uk specked head units. Now they are desperate to palm us off with a bodge to avoid replacing all the head units.

What would happen if these head units go wrong. They would have to replace them
Had a call from my dealer today informing me of a fix for my DAB issue. This was instigated because of my emails to the salesman who sold me the car who was good as his word and said he would follow up on the information given to him.

I was contacted by a very pleasant lady from the dealership informing me my car was subject to 2 service recall notices, the first an earth strap and second a DAB fix. On being informed of the DAB fix I asked would this delete one of my usb sockets? To this the kind lady read to me the recall memo. To cut a long story short yes one of the USB sockets will be deleted due to another DAB box being grafted on to it and rendering it useless for anything else. I explained that I did not want another bodge fix and rejected the so called fix as they are basically hiding the DAB module behind the dash instead of in the glove box. She said I would be the first to get this "fix" so couldn't confirm my assumptions. I asked if RDS and TA would be available after the fix again she said that she would let a couple of fixes take place and report back on the results. I thanked her for this and informed her that I use both usb sockets one for my Android auto wireless adapter and the other for my music.

I cannot fault the dealer here they in all fairness have been great, however this fix is another DAB box of I would think better quality than the first but I dont see this as a long term fix. I want a radio with all the chips internal so I can use all the functions, the infotainment unit is bad enough without half of it missing. When I informed her I wouldn't be having the fix carried out she said that I may have issues in the future making warranty claims. I disputed this fact unless the fix directly affects further claims, she did back track on this however.

This is a huge disappointment on a 30k plus car, why dont they just change the head unit? I never thought for one moment that MG would look for the cheapest fix possible to get around this issue shocking customer support. I certainly won't be buying another one if they cannot get a simple radio fixed what if something really serious happens? Losing confidence, its such a pity over a rather trivial issue.
Expressing Concerns and Seeking Resolution for My MG VehicleDear

Dear Darren Mr Wong Jeff Motability and Rebecca

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to discuss some concerns I've encountered since purchasing my MG vehicle

Firstly, during the vehicle handover, I noticed that the DAB dongle was not included, and I only became aware of this after signing the agreement. Additionally, the DAB dongle fix resulted in the loss of two USB ports, a
detail I wasn't informed about beforehand

My experience with the vehicle has been marked by a few issues, including difficulties with reversing on inclines and significant malfunctions in various components, which raised safety concerns for me and other road users.

It has come to my attention that dealers may have been encouraged to sell the older model in favor of the new one.

I believe my concerns align with the Consumer Rights Act, which emphasizes the need for goods to be of satisfactory quality and free from defects.

It's evident that my car falls short of these standards

Even though the dealership has attempted to address some of these issues.

In light of the above, I kindly request that my dealer explores the possibility of either replacing the vehicle

I also urge MG to consider a goodwill gesture, as my mental health has been adversely affected by these ongoing issues.

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and hope for a swift resolution.

As these ongoing issues have been a long time now I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to a resolution that leaves us both satisfied

Warm regards

Simon Wainwright
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