Had a heart in mouth episode yesterday.
Unfortunately I had to cancel my order for a LR TC in Black with my dealer in S. Wales. They just could not get any vehicles and no news on when they would. This was after I saw Chorley's post about having a batch of SRs in.
I called up Chorley immediately and after checking what they have, they said they would put my name against a SR TC in Black. The SR will do me as I don't do a lot of long journeys.
As the car will be Motability, I had to be present in their showroom to do the physical order (which I knew about) so yesterday, the wife and myself took to the road in our trusty Jag and drove from Swansea to Chorley. 186 miles each way.
As Simon was calling up the system to place the Motability order, he had a large intake of breath and said the MG EV's have been dropped from the Motability system. This was yesterday afternoon (19th May). He had got into the system in the morning no problem but by 1500 hrs, the whole system had changed.
It wasn't practical to wait around there, so we headed back to Swansea not knowing if we would have a car at all as we had cancelled our original booking in Swansea. Whilst noshing a McD's in Welshpool, Simon called us and said it had all gone through. His boss had contacted MG and requested some ID number so the ordering system could be bypassed and the order placed. Relief! Should have the car in about 2-3 weeks.
This is now a warning that Motability have removed the MG ZS EVs from their offering.
On the plus side, it was a beautiful day, passing through lovely Welsh countryside (we avoided the M4/M5 and most of the M6) and the Jag ran like a dream and returned 56.9mpg!
I do feel really guilty about bailing on our local dealer but he did understand and was very helpful in doing the cancellation.
From my side, it is (now) happy days!