There was a comment about a guide for software updates so I thought I'd write it here where all the other info is
To connect to the car you need a Vehicle Diagnostic Interface (VDI), from what I've read a VDI2 or VDI3 for MG4, I personally ended up getting a VNCI due to supply issues, it's also substantually cheaper
VNCI VDI3 Rongwei MG Wuling Baojun Datong diagnostic interface is compatible with OEM software driver, plug and play. It can be an alternative genuine VDI3 diagnostic interface.
it's recommended to update connected via USB but I have done some connected via WiFi which worked fine
Once you have the interface you need to install the software on a windows computer, VCI manager & SIPS for software, VDS if you want diagnostics as well (VDS requires a more powerful computer, not sure what spec)
VDS zip password is VDS3
SIPS zip password is SIPS
(Google remove it otherwise)
If you haven't got an account you need a company account to get the Offboard Diagnostic subscription, 1 hour is £5.92, 1 day is £16.24
When you have paid click top right where it shows your name then user profile, you'll see SNW this is the login for both SIPS & VDS
Some of the MG sites if you login it'll get you to change the SNW account password which also affects the software, if you get a long subscription it maybe advisable
Open the VCI manager, click connect (wireless connection will show signal, USB connection will show USB icon)
Once connected it'll change to a tick
Open SIPS, login using SNW details
click vehicle identification, it'll confirm VIN click yes
you'll get lots of error messages on the car as it checks the different modules, confirm car (EH32) click yes, it'll show the configuration of the car with different pages available on the left side
You can view current versions on the car Vs server by clicking ECU Information
Connect power to 12V battery (charger/maintainer) so battery doesn't go flat during an update
If updating a single module go to Programming and Config, this allows you to program, load the config, program a replacement module
If updating multiple go to One Press, select the ones you want or select all then click next
It'll say several calibrations are required after updating, I've used the car for a while without doing these but I have also done them, doesn't seem to be any difference either way
Can't currently update TBox due to requiring a USB to be used first, don't currently have access to these files or where they're stored for dealerships, I know where thanks to a dealership but I don't have a login
If you want/need to calibrate go to Routine & select required module