Does the lady protest too much?

Oh , c,mon this is nadine dorris we are on about , a bigoted self publicising semi educated moron who does not deserve capitals. Fortunately or unfortunately "it " is preaching to people who will readily consume the poisoned rhetoric "it " excretes.
Lets hope the real policy makers have more intelligence and can separate the wheat from the chaff , and nads and co are yesterdays chip papers.
Talking of newspaper articles, did anyone see that one by Rowan Atkinson? For an educated man with a degree to his name, he didn't use any up to date references or fact check anything he wrote. The Guardian had to do a couple of post publication edits it was that poor.

How embarrassing for him.
I think the agenda is just to sensationalise and sell papers, EVs are just a convenient target, then the stories are angled and slanted and exaggerated to fit the narrative.

I stopped reading the papers when the internet started to provide alternative news sources that were less driven by sales and more interested in facts and practical help.
This 100% ^
There could have been a story there. 500 miles in winter, in snow. You could do that in an ICE car with only one five-minute stop to fill up. To do it in a Zoë you'd need at least three charging stops. And each stop would be something like half an hour to an hour. And every time you'd be getting out somewhere with no shelter, and probably a walk of several minutes to get to anywhere with a cup of coffee.

That's a genuine issue. Do you want to stop for that length of time every couple of hours? Even if you do, the discomfort of cold and wet and dark and no facilities is pretty off-putting. She could have written about that. But instead we got a mish-mash of poor planning and frankly inaccurate narrative.
It is indeed a real issue. If you add in someone being on their own, it's not only uncomfortable and inconvenient, but potentially dangerous.

IMHO, we really do need to up our game if we're going to meet the 2030 target. If we don't, then I suspect that public pressure and pressure from the oil companies (and some car manufacturers) will combine to push the deadline back. This would be a real shame - whatever one thinks about politics, at least someone has had the courage to draw a line in the sand.

I don't understand the agenda........................... But certain interests (and they seem to be right-wing) seem to want to persuade everyone that EVs are a disaster.
I'm not usually a fan of conspiracy theories, but when you think how much the vested interests have to lose (filling stations, oil companies, oil suppliers, huge wealth pouring into OPEC countries etc) then it's not surprising that we see so much negative press.
And what were you doing reading the daily mail ? Unless you are in the privy and its on some string.
The Daily Mail is absolutely ramping up it anti-EV, anti renewables etc output at the moment. You have to read it so you can go on their discussion boards. They are just far better discussion battling opportunities on it than yawnfests like the Guardian etc. I have been getting a lot of red arrows recently on anything EV, Renewabkes etc related. There was a good You Tube Vid recently by 'Dave Takes it on' about hydrogen being a non starter for mass transit and home heating. One particular thing that was very pertinent was that the anti ev anti heat pump propaganda is going to increase exponentially over the next few years. Gas and oil companies will throw everything at it.
Here you go. I'm a glutton for punishment.

It is indeed a real issue. If you add in someone being on their own, it's not only uncomfortable and inconvenient, but potentially dangerous.

IMHO, we really do need to up our game if we're going to meet the 2030 target. If we don't, then I suspect that public pressure and pressure from the oil companies (and some car manufacturers) will combine to push the deadline back. This would be a real shame - whatever one thinks about politics, at least someone has had the courage to draw a line in the sand.

That's exactly my thinking. I happily did a fairly long drive in early May, when it was no hardship to stop to charge at these open-to-the-elements chargers. The only problem was not being able to see the screens for the bright sunshine. But it certainly struck me how uncomfortable it would be in winter, or even in summer in heavy rain. Not to mention the danger of having to get out of your car in a lonely corner of a dark car park, as a lone female driver.

I wish the press would take that up, rather than just dissing EVs. If we want everyone to be able to get an EV and to feel safe driving one, we need to insist that charging stations have canopies and lights and the ameneties we'd take for granted at a petrol station.

I'm not usually a fan of conspiracy theories, but when you think how much the vested interests have to lose (filling stations, oil companies, oil suppliers, huge wealth pouring into OPEC countries etc) then it's not surprising that we see so much negative press.

They'd have been the bridle manufacturers loudly telling us that ICE cars would never catch on. The sensible ones diversified and started making car seat upholstery.
It is indeed a real issue. If you add in someone being on their own, it's not only uncomfortable and inconvenient, but potentially dangerous.

IMHO, we really do need to up our game if we're going to meet the 2030 target. If we don't, then I suspect that public pressure and pressure from the oil companies (and some car manufacturers) will combine to push the deadline back. This would be a real shame - whatever one thinks about politics, at least someone has had the courage to draw a line in the sand.
The game is being upped. Pretty obvious thing to say though is that the 2030 target is for 2030 not 2023.

In 2022 More than 8,700 chargers were installed, bringing total to 37,000 in a 30% increase...
source ..

So far this year as of end of June there are over 44,000 chargers in place....
source How many EV charging points are there in the UK - Zapmap

Osprey alone have more than doubled the number of their chargers in the last year and progress continues everywhere, but the 2030 target cannot and will not be met overnight. But it is ramping up at pace now.
One particular thing that was very pertinent was that the anti ev anti heat pump propaganda is going to increase exponentially over the next few years. Gas and oil companies will throw everything at it.

As someone with who has had a heat pump for 12 years, have two EVs in the household and recently had a home battery installed, I can really appreciate what gas and oil lobby are scared of. Despite charging both cars mainly on excess solar and home battery as needed, plus run an all electric house, my daily electricity charge at the moment is equal to, or a few pennies more than the daily standard charge (a rip-off of its own).

I realise that during the winter months the costs will be more, but the cars and/or the house battery will be charged on off peak energy (8p per unit) and heavy demands will be similarly timed (washing machine etc). We should be able to last on the fully charged battery (13.5kWh) for most daily demands.
Here you go. I'm a glutton for punishment.

Here have some more fun :D I just did a Google search for 'Daily Mail anti-ev' and this was just the first page..

Life's too short!

The game is being upped. Pretty obvious thing to say though is that the 2030 target is for 2030 not 2023.

In 2022 More than 8,700 chargers were installed, bringing total to 37,000 in a 30% increase...
source ..

So far this year as of end of June there are over 44,000 chargers in place....
source How many EV charging points are there in the UK - Zapmap

Osprey alone have more than doubled the number of their chargers in the last year and progress continues everywhere, but the 2030 target cannot and will not be met overnight. But it is ramping up at pace now.

That is not what I'm talking about. While we occasionally see an article about an "electric forecourt", the vast majority of these new chargers are still being installed open to the elements, often some distance from any refreshments or waiting area. We need decent facilities to accompany these chargers. Shelter, light, somewhere to buy a coffee and drink it in reasonable comfort. A human presence to deter predators.

Nobody would install new card-only petrol pumps open to the elements in the corner of a wind-swept car park with no refreshments within reach. Why are they doing this with EV chargers?
As someone with who has had a heat pump for 12 years, have two EVs in the household and recently had a home battery installed, I can really appreciate what gas and oil lobby are scared of. Despite charging both cars mainly on excess solar and home battery as needed, plus run an all electric house, my daily electricity charge at the moment is equal to, or a few pennies more than the daily standard charge (a rip-off of its own).

I realise that during the winter months the costs will be more, but the cars and/or the house battery will be charged on off peak energy (8p per unit) and heavy demands will be similarly timed (washing machine etc). We should be able to last on the fully charged battery (13.5kWh) for most daily demands.
I am in the same position with an EV ASHP and solar panels with 5KWh battery. Charging for total electricity for May,June, less than £50.00 per month with £30.00 of that as standing charge. To alleviate any grid pressure in winter, why not use the car a battery storage and allow vehicle to grid charging. Use excess power in car to go to grid at times of high consumption and recharge when demand is low. Simples
Even the BBC are joining in and allowing Big Oil to spout their bo**ocks!

The bit that really annoyed me was when the CEO of Shell said kids in Pakistan had to study by candle light. Well use some of your $39 billion profit this year alone and buy them some domestic solar then. (Grrr. Mini rant over)
Hmm. I bought a CO2 meter to monitor air quality as a covid avoidance measure (CO2 is a proxy measurement that can indicate whether or not you're breathing air that someone else has recently exhaled). I thought there was something wrong with it, because even taking it outside, it never goes below 400 ppm. I was taught that CO2 of fresh air was around 350 ppm.

Not any more it isn't. Not even here, in a very rural area up in the Scottish uplands. It's the whole atmosphere.

And talking of here, the average summer daytime high is 17 degrees. I'm sitting here in a sundress, uncomfortably hot, and this has been going on since May. Today isn't even sunny - it's overcast and there have been two quite heavy rain showers. But when I got up I wondered if I'd somehow, unaccountably, turned on the central heating. It's never this hot. Except it is now.

The world's need for Shell to diversify into clean energy and stop roasting the planet is what's "desperate".
Here you go. I'm a glutton for punishment.

I tried to read this, but it was just regurgitating all the old urban myths and fossil fuel industry misinformation which has already been debunked. Who is this idiot Matt Ridley? He seems to think that it is only EV's and their batteries which are made in China. A little bit of research would tell him that western nations where tripping over each other to get lucrative trade deals with China two decades ago, and now literally EVERYTHING bought in the west was either wholely made in China or has the majority of it's components made in China.
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