I think in a lot of situations, some people tend to use their hall table or hall windowsill, or even the staircase, as the place to leave the car keys !!.
You know who you are ?.
Handy for the owner, but handy for the pond life also !!.
The closer the key is in range to the car, the more vulnerable it is.
I have trained myself over many years, to never to put down my car keys ( either at home or at another place ) within close range to either the car or entrance / exit doors, if I can help it.
At home they have a dedicated cereal spot, which also helps running around like a fool trying to find them each and every day.
The spares keys are kept in a metal box and it would be some super duper scanner that could penetrate thorough six brick walls in a 360 degree radius.
I feel I have made the enough necessary measures to protect the cars from grabbers.
It’s a ZS EV not a Hyper Sports Car after all !.