Electronic hand brake - completely stuck on !


Distinguished Member
Jan 23, 2021
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N.Wales ZS EV ( Gen 2 ).
Today, our thoughts of a trip out was suddenly brought to an abrupt end, when we could not get the handbrake to release on our ZS EV !.
I jumped in and followed the standard start up procedure and all was fine.
Then I selected "reverse" and tapped the "GO" pedal, at this point the car wil slowly start to creep backwards, but not today !.
I pressed the "GO" pedal a little more and the O/S/R of the car started to lift up.
After numerous attempts to leave the car and return about 20mins latter, it refused to move either forward or backwards.
So, I reached out for our old friend the 10mm spanner, disconnected the 12 volt battery and then returned after about 45 minutes.
Reconnect and try again, same result car totally stuck !.
I rang the A.A. ( First time in over 45 years of driving ) and after just over one hour, he arrived at our home address.
He tried to connect his lap top to the car, but was having difficulty locating the ZS EV model.
A bit more investigation work and it appeared that the handbrake motor in the O/S/R wheel was making some strange noises.
At this point the car was reporting dash panel warning errors with the "Auto Hold" system and then the "EPB".
The A.A. guy then decided to remove the electronic handbrake motor to inspect it.
He handed me the motor and said he thought that the unit had "stripped the drive shaft" internally.
Also, he said he had seen the same problem on a few Volvo's.
Then he manually releasing the parking brake, by unwinding the tension from the pads by using a suitable sized spline bit and a ratchet.
Now, at last - we could move the car !.
The N/S/R parking brake appeared not to be affected and was working fine.
I did a small test drive and all was fine, but I had to apply the hand brake manually and it was only operating on the N/S/R of course.
He suggested that we deliver the car straight to the closest dealer ( about 8 miles away ) and this we did.
The A.A. guy was brilliant to be fair, it was almost 2 hours before he left for his next job.
He would not leave until I was totally happy that he had done enough, he even offered to organise a replacement car for me.
I did manage to speak to the service receptionist just before they closed at 12.00 mid day on Saturday.
They told me to try and get the car to them ASAP ready for looking at either Monday or Tuesday.
When we arrived, there where NO service staff available, so I left a message with one of the car sales team.
He followed us out to the car and spoke with the A.A. guy, who ran through the problem on the car.
I need to call the dealer first thing on Monday morning and speak to the service department.
Pure guess work on my part, but I figure the motor will be the same unit on the ICE versions and therefore hopefully getting a replacement part should not taken TOO long, fingers crossed.
The car has covered over 16,000 miles and is about 20 months old.
This is first thing that has failed or been a big problem.
I used the car the previous day and it gave me NO impression there was any type of problem in the making.
At least the problem happened on my own driveway, it could have been a huge problem at any other location !.
I will keep you posted on the car's progress.
I did a quick search on the forum, before posting to see if this issue had been reported by anybody else ?.
But no result's, so it would NOT to be a common problem then ?.
Hi lovemyev hope they get it sort ASAP pity it was Saturday good luck and as you said keep us updated please do
Will do Les - Thanks.
Hopefully it will just require a new actuator motor and we are all sorted !.
Bloody hell, I had the motor in my hand today and I never made a note of the part number (n).
What a tool !.
My only concern, is the fact that it is at the same dealership that made a big issue of the drivers door loom, back in January of this year.
The car ended up being stuck on a ramp for 3 days.
I did not have much choice on this occasion, it was the closest dealer to my home address.
I had the same problem a few months ago. There is a section in the handbook that gives you a procedure for unlocking the brake, it does include having to put the seatbelt on, as I tried without the seatbelt fastened and could not get it to work. Sorry my handook isn't to hand at the moment, but I assure you there is a section in there. Good Luck
Not in any way doubting what you have said Ray1, but this is what is printed in the MG5 handbook maybe the ZS is different I don’t know but this is what is written there for what help it is

electronic Parking Brake (EPB)

In the event of EPB malfunction where EPB release is not possible, please consult an MG Authorised Repairer in order to carry out an emergency manual release of the parking brake.
I had the same problem a few months ago. There is a section in the handbook that gives you a procedure for unlocking the brake, it does include having to put the seatbelt on, as I tried without the seatbelt fastened and could not get it to work. Sorry my handook isn't to hand at the moment, but I assure you there is a section in there. Good Luck
I think it would be similar on the MG but my previous VW Golf PHEV ( 2015 ) had an electronic hand brake and if you did not have your seat belt latched, it would NOT allow the car to drive.
It would hold the car on the hand brake.
The very same thing would happen if the drivers door was open when booting up the car.
It would have a safety protocol that checked if the driver seat was occupied, drivers door closed and seat belt latched.
Otherwise it would not release the hand brake.
This was a completely different situation where by the N/S/R parking brake actuator motor would release, but the motor on the O/S/R was completely locked on.
If you pressed down on the hand brake button, it made the small whirring sound as if it was releasing, but when you pulled up on the hand brake switch, it produced a long ( 20 second ) whirring sound from the O/S/R wheel as the motor was trying to engage with the spines in the back of the calliper.
It did NOT sound health !.
The car was throwing up codes for auto hold and EPB failure.
It’s in the hands of the dealer now ( a worrying thought in itself ).
I am suspecting either actuator motor failure or the female drive in the calliper, or both !.
I am only glad it decided to fail while the car was on my drive at home !.
It gave me absolutely NO warning prior to the complete failure, which is a bit concerning if it happened a long way from home in the middle of nowhere !.
I will certainly post back on the out come for future reference and other owners.
In the manual, it says if the warning light is on then contact MG. However there is a release process applicable under certain conditions which I'm sure don't apply here. I have had to do this on a few occasions when trying to pull away from standstill in reverse on a steep hill. Where it says the P position it also applies to autohold.
From the manual....

If on a steep slope, switching from the P position will not
automatically release the EPB. In this case, manually release
the EPB as follows or apply the start assist function of the
EPB to release the EPB.
Ensure the vehicle power system is set to the
ON/READY position, press the brake pedal and the
EPB switch.
• If the indicator in the EPB switch and the indicator in
the instrument pack are extinguished, the EPB is
However there is a release process applicable under certain conditions which I'm sure don't apply here.
Thanks @Gomev and @Kithmo .
I do firmly believe we are looking at some type of mechanical failure here on my car though ?.
I will try and upload some on the warning ⚠️ messages displayed on the dash.
It detects a “Auto Hold” failure first, then the EPB failure.
Then the “N” light on the gear selector starts to flash.
I am posting in detail, just in case another owner experiences the same symptom’s and can then recognise the issue and subsequent fix hopefully folks !.


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Thanks @Gomev and @Kithmo .
I do firmly believe we are looking at some type of mechanical failure here on my car though ?.
I will try and upload some on the warning ⚠️ messages displayed on the dash.
It detects a “Auto Hold” failure first, then the EPB failure.
Then the “N” light on the gear selector starts to flash.
I am posting in detail, just in case another owner experiences the same symptom’s and can then recognise the issue and subsequent fix hopefully folks !.
I agree it was a fault, because in your case one side was releasing and not the other.
Thanks @Gomev and @Kithmo .
I do firmly believe we are looking at some type of mechanical failure here on my car though ?.
I will try and upload some on the warning ⚠️ messages displayed on the dash.
It detects a “Auto Hold” failure first, then the EPB failure.
Then the “N” light on the gear selector starts to flash.
I am posting in detail, just in case another owner experiences the same symptom’s and can then recognise the issue and subsequent fix hopefully folks !.
Yes definitely a fault as described in the Manual - Consult MG.
Having it happen at home takes some of the sting out although if it happened on my driveway it would block access to the other car inside the garage!
Bring back the good old fashioned mechanical handbrake. There's really nothing in it to go wrong.
Having it happen at home takes some of the sting out although if it happened on my driveway it would block access to the other car inside the garage!
Bring back the good old fashioned mechanical handbrake. There's really nothing in it to go wrong.
Yeah - Your right !.
Like the guy from the AA said :-
“Electric hand brakes are okay, when they are working correctly, when they fail they are a pain in the you know what”.
Keep it simple, stupid is the best policy !.
Pure guess work on my part, but I figure the motor will be the same unit on the ICE versions and therefore hopefully getting a replacement part should not taken TOO long, fingers crossed.
The ICE version has a standard manual hand brake.
Hi folks, I was asked to give an update on the progress on my car.
So, here we go !.
Car has been at the dealership since Saturday afternoon.
I rang the dealer on Monday, to make sure they had been told it was on - site.
Yes - They where aware.
They told me that THEY would call me back later in the day with an update on their findings.
I had already told them that both myself ( X -Tech ) and the A.A. guy thought that the hand brake motor was the issue here.
They said they totally disregard that opinion and needed to perform their OWN checks - Okay, you know best ( :ROFLMAO: ) - So jog on !.
So, on Monday afternoon I decided to make a few phone calls myself.
Within about one hour, I was able to find out the part number of the motor and there was NO stock in the country, later ( but not with the dealer where my car is located ) I had received an E.T.A. of the part required of:- "If ordered today, then the 4th or 5th of November". ( 2 week wait ! ).
Oh ........ Just to say I never received an update from the dealer dealing with my car later on the Monday as promised, of course.
This morning ( Tuesday ) I contacted the dealer where my car is now sitting and thanked them for the phone call that I never received, then requested an update on my car.
I was told that TWO handbrake motors had been ordered, but they could not tell me when they would arrive.
So, I requested a "Loan Car" to be made available ASAP as my car had become unusable for three days now due to hand brake failure.
They have a Demo ZS EV and a MG5 on site - just saying.
I requested access to my car later that day to retrieve personal belonging, so left them organising a car for me.
When I arrived ( about lunch time ) they said they had contacted MG and they where "Considering" if I required a loan car !!!!!!!.
But, that the hire company they use had already said it would NOT be an EV.
When I questioned a date for the parts to arrive, they had no idea and little interest at first.
I pushed the issue and was taken off to see the parts department, I explained my case and they told me they could NOT give me a ETA on the parts.
At this point I was becoming very frustrated by there total lack of urgency.
I then proceeded to tell them that I had done my own external checks and told THEM what the ETA date on the parts where.
They thought it was amusing somehow and told that, where ever I had the information from, it was incorrect, in a bit of a "Job's Worth" type manner.
One then started checking the part number that I produced and said :- "That is the correct part number alright".
At this point, the tone of the conversation changed a little, but kept asking me how I received the information ?.
The same guy ( In attempt to shoot me down in flames ) calls the major MG stores department in the U.K. - while the second guy is trying to keep me distracted by chatting.
The guy on the phone than comes back and states :- "ETA on the motor, first week in November".
After some more questions, I discover that they have not ordered TWO motors ( as I was told by service department ) but one motor and one complete brake calliper assembly, this has the same ETA time as the motor.
I am STILL waiting for the hire company to contact me about a loan car, after another three calls to the dealership.
I am told that MG have requested a loan car for THREE weeks - shit !.
In the mean time my car will be stuck on a very congested dealer car park for at LEAST two weeks.
Four times I have expressed my concern over the car receiving any damage while in there care, and asked for the car to be moved to a safer / better location.
They say they can not move it because the hand brake is stuck on are not interested to be honest.
How do they think I managed to drive it there ( 7 miles ) on Saturday I wonder ?.
Just drop the motor and wind back the callipers for god's sake.
Well ......... Here we go, yet more evidence of another bad experience at the dealership, where the customer knows more than the people we trust with our cars frankly.
MG could have granted permission for the dealer to offer me one of the EV's at the dealership and paid the bill, but clearly this was not going to happen.
Has nobody heard of the words "Expedite A Parcel" in these places ?.
How much would it cost to express ship a shoe box size package to the UK ?????.
I don't know myself, but I DO know that is very likely to be cheaper than three weeks car hire is that's for sure.
Oh ...... The hand brake electric hold motor is £79.00 but I don't have the price for the calliper sorry.
All this time and money wasted on about £300 worth of parts that will take about one hour to fit.
The sagger continues folks, it will be a LONG rough ride this one alright.
Hi folks, I was asked to give an update on the progress on my car.
So, here we go !.
Car has been at the dealership since Saturday afternoon.
I rang the dealer on Monday, to make sure they had been told it was on - site.
Yes - They where aware.
They told me that THEY would call me back later in the day with an update on their findings.
I had already told them that both myself ( X -Tech ) and the A.A. guy thought that the hand brake motor was the issue here.
They said they totally disregard that opinion and needed to perform their OWN checks - Okay, you know best ( :ROFLMAO: ) - So jog on !.
So, on Monday afternoon I decided to make a few phone calls myself.
Within about one hour, I was able to find out the part number of the motor and there was NO stock in the country, later ( but not with the dealer where my car is located ) I had received an E.T.A. of the part required of:- "If ordered today, then the 4th or 5th of November". ( 2 week wait ! ).
Oh ........ Just to say I never received an update from the dealer dealing with my car later on the Monday as promised, of course.
This morning ( Tuesday ) I contacted the dealer where my car is now sitting and thanked them for the phone call that I never received, then requested an update on my car.
I was told that TWO handbrake motors had been ordered, but they could not tell me when they would arrive.
So, I requested a "Loan Car" to be made available ASAP as my car had become unusable for three days now due to hand brake failure.
They have a Demo ZS EV and a MG5 on site - just saying.
I requested access to my car later that day to retrieve personal belonging, so left them organising a car for me.
When I arrived ( about lunch time ) they said they had contacted MG and they where "Considering" if I required a loan car !!!!!!!.
But, that the hire company they use had already said it would NOT be an EV.
When I questioned a date for the parts to arrive, they had no idea and little interest at first.
I pushed the issue and was taken off to see the parts department, I explained my case and they told me they could NOT give me a ETA on the parts.
At this point I was becoming very frustrated by there total lack of urgency.
I then proceeded to tell them that I had done my own external checks and told THEM what the ETA date on the parts where.
They thought it was amusing somehow and told that, where ever I had the information from, it was incorrect, in a bit of a "Job's Worth" type manner.
One then started checking the part number that I produced and said :- "That is the correct part number alright".
At this point, the tone of the conversation changed a little, but kept asking me how I received the information ?.
The same guy ( In attempt to shoot me down in flames ) calls the major MG stores department in the U.K. - while the second guy is trying to keep me distracted by chatting.
The guy on the phone than comes back and states :- "ETA on the motor, first week in November".
After some more questions, I discover that they have not ordered TWO motors ( as I was told by service department ) but one motor and one complete brake calliper assembly, this has the same ETA time as the motor.
I am STILL waiting for the hire company to contact me about a loan car, after another three calls to the dealership.
I am told that MG have requested a loan car for THREE weeks - sh*t !.
In the mean time my car will be stuck on a very congested dealer car park for at LEAST two weeks.
Four times I have expressed my concern over the car receiving any damage while in there care, and asked for the car to be moved to a safer / better location.
They say they can not move it because the hand brake is stuck on are not interested to be honest.
How do they think I managed to drive it there ( 7 miles ) on Saturday I wonder ?.
Just drop the motor and wind back the callipers for god's sake.
Well ......... Here we go, yet more evidence of another bad experience at the dealership, where the customer knows more than the people we trust with our cars frankly.
MG could have granted permission for the dealer to offer me one of the EV's at the dealership and paid the bill, but clearly this was not going to happen.
Has nobody heard of the words "Expedite A Parcel" in these places ?.
How much would it cost to express ship a shoe box size package to the UK ?????.
I don't know myself, but I DO know that is very likely to be cheaper than three weeks car hire is that's for sure.
Oh ...... The hand brake electric hold motor is £79.00 but I don't have the price for the calliper sorry.
All this time and money wasted on about £300 worth of parts that will take about one hour to fit.
The sagger continues folks, it will be a LONG rough ride this one alright.
Unbelievable, though actually is believable!
Another dealer to avoid - which one is it?
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