Hey Forum.
I thought it would be a bit of fun for this forum’s members to take part in a poll and to post their pics of the time and place they pick-up / have delivered, the first MG4, on these boards. Extra kudos to dealership hand over photo
Thought it would be also interesting to ascertain the members colour choices, no need for trim, as an aside to ascertain which member gets their car first.
Also be interesting so see, out of the 1000 first batch of MG4’s, how many go to members of the MGEVs Community
As an incentive, I offer to purchase the winning member (going off the date and time posted), an MG T-shirt, purchased from the forums very own ’Merch” thread/shop. The winning members postal details, I will garner from contact via ‘PM’.
In the the extraordinary event, that I am first to post…… I expect the ‘Mods’ will send me a T-shirt out !!! ?.
SO, hopefully this becomes a daft laugh for S!!*ts and giggles, but will be of interest to hopefully some re: the MG4 uptake on here.
H 17.