Been seeing an increasing and worryingly set of posts that certain members are starting to experience being told they are on the first tranche of the MG4 , and handovers will take place last/this week.
This Forum are close to having secured almost 10 percent of the initial batch of 1000, MG4’s on this forum, yet so far, only two have posted that they now have their car, (One of which, may not even be a forum member).
I am starting to worry, but I am a little paranoid, half full sort of guy. Added to that that not only am I a very unlucky person, i am also extremely impatient. Christ! I bet Frued would have a field day with me on his couch!!! I love my mam, but not in that way Freud, You Nutter!!!!
so the up-shot of this post?
Just wondering if anyone out there whom expects a delivery/ been told of a delivery of an MG4 this week…..
are you chomping at the bit?
relatively chilled and Que sera sera ?
what the hell is happening ?
will i have my new car This week ?
My impatience holds no bounds fellow members ?